Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1955, Page Eight, Image 8

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    'Kiss Me Kate' Opens
May 20; Teague Stars
By Dorothy West
Emerald Reporter
The University Theater curtain
will rise May 20 on the annual
spring musical comedy. Cole
Porter's Broadway musical “Kiss
Me Kate.” The performances
which wll start May 20 and 21,
wll contnue ther run from May
23 through 28.
The stormy romance of the
Spewack book is combined with
the spicy dialogue, gay music,
and colorful costumes of the
University Theater players under
the direction of Horace Robin
Mary Lou Teague, who had the
leading role in Brigadoon, will
play the role of Kate. Doubling
wtth Miss Teague in the part of
Kate (Lilli) is a newcomer to
the University Theater stage.
Claire Fry, who comes from
musical and stage background in
the Chicago area.
Howard Plays Petruchio
Petruchio (Fred Graham),
tamer of the incorrigible Kate,
•will be played by Gordon How
ard, who has played in musical
and non-musical productions.
The role of Bianca (Lois Lane)
is also double-cast for the per
formances. Dalece Peterson, who
was Jenny in “Contrast,” and
Gloria Lee, who is also one of
the choreographers for the show,
will play this role. Gloria will be
remembered for her last season’s
role as Patti in "The Moon is
Other UT musical veterans in
New Marine Corps
Officer Candidate
Program Planned
An entirely new Marine Corps
Officer candidate program has
recently been announced which
is directed particularly to sen
iors graduating in June.
Known as the Aviation Offi
cer Candidate Course, this pro
' gram was authorized on April 21.
College seniors may apply now
for this program to enter this
summer and fall after gradua
tion from college.
Upon completion of a 10-week
indoctrination course at the Ma
rine Corps schools, Quantieo, Va.,
the successful graduate will be
commissioned as Second Lieu
tenant in the United States Ma
rine Corps Reserve and desig
nated as a student aviator.
Attends Flight Training
The student then attends flight
training for a period from 15 to
18 months.- After flight train
ing the pilot serves a minimum
of two years in the air branch
of the Marine corps.
Initial salary of student avia
tors will be $4400 a year, not
counting an $800 allowance for
Applications for this new pro
gram are being accepted now by
the regular Marine Corps Offi
cers Procurement Officers. For
more specific details and further
information contact the office of
student affairs in Emerald hall.
Campus Calendar
9:00 NLRB 334 SU
Naval Air Cadets 315 SU
Noon School of Ed-PTA 110 SU
Fr Tbl Com Lnch SU
4:00 SU Bd 337 SU
6:00 ASUO Bnqt 110 SU
6:30 Eta Mu Pi 315 SU
Alpine Cl 334 SU
7:00 Yng Demos 333 SU
7:30 Canoe Fete Com 114 SU
Trueblood Lect
Brs Rm SU
Folk Dance Gerl Annex
8:15 U of O Singers Ballrm SU
the show are Mark Tapscott,
Dick Barbour, Bill Veatch, Scott
Lehner, Donna Barrtck, Tom
Gaines, Bob Chambers, Tom
Waldrop and Jan Powell.
Chorus pre-production train
ing is being handled by M. D.
Risinger, assistant professor of
music. Both the chorus and or
chestra will be conducted by R.
G. Cuhningham, instructor in
woodwinds, during the eight-day
run of the show.
John Jensen and Ciloria Lee,
choreographers, have directed
the dancing chorus in their rou
tines. Their costumes were de
signed by Wilma Sundahl, UT s
costume head.
The settings were designed by
Daniel Krempel, instructor in
speech, and constructed by UT's
technical director, Howard Ra
mey and his crew.
Campus Briefs
§ All song leaders who have
not yet scheduled practice time
in McArthur court' are to con
tact Marv Young at 5-8416.
Times available are 12 to 1 and 4
to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thurs
day. Each group is allowed 15
0 The Oregon Alpine club will
meet today at 6:30 p.m. in the
Student Union to discuss plans
for the weekend climb of Mt.
Hood, according to George Skin
ner, president.
0 University Young Demo
crats will meet tonight at 7
in the Student Union. Nomina
tions for permanent officers will
be held. All interested students
and professors are welcome.
0 Gloria Begenich, Robert
Kubes, Birger Brandt, Raymond
Drake, Jack Pocock, Calvin
Lovegren and James Shull were
in the infirmary Tuesday for
medical attention. No visitors
are permitted on the second
Big Three Discuss Far East
I'S SECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulles, left, shakes hand* with French Premier Edgar
Faure at latter’* residence in Pari** last week. Representatives of the Big Three were meetlnK to
discus* Far East problems. Others are British Foreign Secretary Harold MacMillan, second from
•*“ft; French Foreign Minister Antoine Plnay, center, and French State Secretary for Indochina
Henri LaForeat, right. Dulles and Faure met earlier on South Viet Nam problems. (AP Wlrephoto)
oCiitenina -3n
...On KWAX
6:00 Sign On
6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade
6:45 News Till Now
7:00 Campus Review
7:30 Turntable Jury
8:00 U.N. Story
8:15 Spirit of the Vikings
8:30 Letter From Italy
8:45 Navy Bandstand
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:55 Final Edition
11:00 Sign Off
Vaccine Under Study
LEONARD A. SCHEELE, right, US Surgeon General, talks with
Jonas Salk, developer of the anti-polio vaccine, outside the con
ference room at the National Institutes of Health in Washington
as they seek a moment of respite from a meeting with top spe
cialists. The Government called a halt to mass anti-polio inocu
lations until specialists issue a report on the safety of present
vaccine supplies. (AP Wirephoto)
2bon t Jet Walker Wi* tke
1955 Canoe Fete
General Admission — $1.25
Students — 50c
Dorothy tier Wins Award
For Silver Design Essay
Dorothy Her, Junior in Jour
nalism, was awarded a special
certificate of merit for her "Best
of-College" essay on sterling sil
ver design in the Heed and Bar
ton annual scholarship program.
The program was conducted
during March of this year, and
150 colleges and universities
throughout the United States
Miss Iler’s essay was selected
by the company's scholarship
advisory board from more than
five thousand entries as being
one of the outstanding essays in
the competition.
The scholarship advisory board
is composed of academic offi
cials from 20 colleges and uni
Schools represented include
the University of Chicago, Uni- i
versity of Colorado, University
of Georgia, University of Louis
ville, University of Maryland.
Michigan State College, Middle
bury college, New Jersey college
for women, University of New
Mexico, Oberlin college.
University of Oklahoma, Uni
versity of Oregon, Pembroke col
lege, Purdue university, Rollins
i college. St. Louis umvemty.
Skidmore college, Swectbriar col
lege, Vanderbilt university and
the University of Wisconsin.
Starts Today
Ends Tuo. May 17
Johnny Weissmuller
Jungle Man eaters
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