Federal Stall Reports RPTC Improvement Oregon s Army ROTC depart ment has shown ‘‘great improve ment over a year ago, reflecting credit on Lt. Col. Roblev Evens and his staff." This report was given by the federal inspection team which completed its inspection Friday. Colonel Martin Moshberger, deputy chief of the Oregon mili tary district, and his staff re viewed the Army cadet regi ment. attended a reception given by the advanced ROTC students and viewed the formal guard mount and retreat ceremony held iu front of the Student Union Thursday afternoon. Six awards for outstanding shooting in the Willamette Val ley League rifle match were awarded during the afternoon, to four Army ROTC cadets. Receiving awards were Da vid Goode, Carl Groth. Gordon Nobriga and Lee Tucker. Goode and Nobriga were high men in their respective classes. Mental Tests Set For Naval Flying Mental tests for men inter ested in naval flight • training will be given tonight and tomor row night at 6:30 p.m. in Com monwealth 172. The tests will last for approx imately three hours, and appli cants will know the results im mediately after taking them. The men administering the tests will be available in the; Student Union all day hath days, and may be contacted through the administration office. Men who pass the tests will be eligible to take the physical examination, to be given in Se attle, and to file an application for naval flight training. They will not be obligated until their orders come through, however. One category, that for single men between the ages of 18 and ; 25, requires a minimum of 90 University hours completed. These men will then take a 16-' week pre-flight training, and 14 months of flight training, fol lowing which they will be com missioned. University graduates may be married, and will be commis sioned following their pre-flight: training. They will receive the flight traniing as commissoned officers. CcWtfi/oQft SELL'ITTHRU THE WANTASS The Army ROTC rifle team will hold a match every Tuesday night for the rest of the term. Tuesday the Army ROTC played host to the Oregon State college group. The joint Air Force-Army ROTC team has joined a 190 Club, for which membership re quirements are to shoot a score of 190 or better of a possible 200. Present members of the team are Ben Kahalekulu. Mike Mc Kenzie. Lee Tucker, Carl Groth. Richard Buffington and Norman Silliman. V. H. Dykstra to Discuss Hume's Miracle Essay “Hume's Essay on Miracles" j will be the topic discussed by V'. H. Dykstra, instructor in philosophy, today at 12 in room 319 S.U. This is the second in a j series of YMCA-sponsored con troversial religious discussion groups, Dykstra will open the discus-! sion with a brief explanation of the title, and devote the re mainder of the meeting to an-, swering student questions. The meeting will end at 12:50. All interested students and pro fessors are welcome to attend. Moving Day ES TANKS AND ARMORED VEHICLES pause on the desert (April 18) for refueling while en route to the A EC’s proving grounds in Nevada for the next atomic test scheduled for April 2C. The tanks will provide protection for participating troops, who hither to have taken refuge in trenches during atomic explosions. Eight hundred men and 2'9 vehicles comprise the task force.