Statehood Hopes Jolted Again By House for Alaska and Hawaii Washington iapi The House Tuesday night again jolt ed the statehood hopes of Ha waii anil Alaska. A 2 IK-170 vote sent back to committee a bill to admit both territories as states. There wa* still a possibility that the Insular Affairs com mittee would act on separate measures for each territory, but Chairman Kngle (D-Callfi said the magnitude of the negative vote “raises a serious question’' whether such moves would be successful. Kngle told newsmen that sup porters of the combined meas ure received no help from the House I democratic leadership and met active hostility from Kepub llcan Leader Martin of Massa chusetts and Assistant Leader Hu Heck of Indiana. Little Hope Is Seen That active opposition plus “passive opposition" from Speak er Itayburn (D-Texi probably "will apply with equal force against aeparate bills,'’ Kngle said. On the rollcall, lOf! Democrats and 113 Republicans voted in ef fect to kill the combined bill while voting for it were 107 Democrats and 63 Republicans. Democrats had sponsored the measure linking the territories together after President Eisen hower urged statehood for Ha waii but said the time hadn't yet arrived to admit Alaska. As a rule, Alaska votes Dem ocratic and Hawaii goes Repub lican. Hut as it turned out in the House, the union of opponents to admission of one or the other proved too much for the joint effort. Kngle said the margin was greater than he had anticipated. In the face of that, he said he was uncertain what the next step would be. Neither would he predict what yrs ^EWS A few inquiries have been re ceived this last week which have asked the following question: "Will I receive my regular monthly allowance for the period and the start of the summer of time between the ending of the regular school term (June 11) end the Htart of the summer term (June 20i?" VA regulations state in part: "Where the educational insti tution certifies the veteran’s en rollment to be for an ordinary school year, the veteran and the institution may certify that the veteran was enrolled In and pur suing his course during the regu lar school vacation periods and recess periods between terms, quartets, or semesters (excluding summer sessions) and the educa tion and training allowance will be paid for such periods.” For further information contact Larry Whitson at the VA office, 208 Hampton building, 610 Wil lamette St., or phone 5-3444. class of nifty-five Frosh or senior— the fashion curriculum demands AFTER SIX formal wear! Suave styling! Casual comfort! "Stain-shy finish!” Social "majors,” require V *__ -action will 1m; taken on legisla tion pending in the Senate. Chairman Jackson (D-Wash i of the Senate territories subcom mittee said laat month a good deal depended upon House action. Last year the Senate passed a hill to make Hawaii and Alaska the 49lh and both states, hut the Joint measure died in the House Kules committee. The House had approved Ha Jackie Jolley Chosen Sigma Nu 'White Rose' Jackie Jolley, sophomore in libera! aits, was chosen White Rose of Sigma Nu by the local chapter of the fraternity, It was announced at the group's an nual White Rose spring formal house dance last weekend. Miss Jolley received a gold crest of the fraternity on a chain necklace. She was chosen by members of the senior class in the fraternity. _ Although Oregon has won the Northern Division dual meet track title two years in a row. both Washington Sta'e and Washington have the edge over the Ducks in competition over the years. wail alone, as It had on two prior j occasions. In 1»50 the House atso | approved a separate Alaska ! measure. The moat frequent objection posed in two days of debate on the current bill was that neither Hawaii nor Alaska ia contigu ous tc> the TJ.8. mainland. _ James Ziegler Wins Honorary Presidency Jamc.H Ziegler, graduate in edu cation, wa« elected president of Phi Delta Kappa, men’s educa tion honorary. Edwin Read wlil be vice-president, and Emory Bruns was re-elected as secre tary- trea surer. New' officers will be installed at the formal initiation banquet May 27, at the Osburn hotel. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN OPEN ALL NIGHT CRAB-BURGERS AND PRAWNBURGERS Car Service Every Night West 6th, Near BUir Phone 5-9001 New Polio Case Reported One new ease of polio was re ported in Oregon Tuesday, lift-' ing the total for the year to 33, compared to 29 at this time last year. The new case was that of a 6-year-old boy in Umatilla coun ty. Dr. E. E. Berg, county health officer, said it was the earliest case of polio there in his three years in office. He described it as a case of mild paralytic polio. The boy, who lived in Her miston, had not received any in oculation. Some children did receive in oculations through private phy sicians, and of these three Port landers contracted the disease. Each received vaccine from the Cutter Laboratory, whose out put was halted. CO-OP MEMBERS Friday, May 20th, is the DEADLINE For Turning In your Cash Register Receipts for Refund. L Please Leave Your Envelopes At the Office. — UNIVERSITY CO-OP V “THE STUDENTS OWN STOPE" ) ^-zr" r. — THE LAST WORD IN LUCKY DROODLES! — i WHAT’S THIS? For solution see paragraph bebw. OCTOPUS AFTM FIGHT WITH SWORDFISH John Si. Crowley University of Idaho STILL Lin OF AN APPLE (BY HUNGRY ART STUDENT) Freeman F. Desmond St. John’s U. SAMPLE CASE OE IOWUNG ALLEY SALESMAN James Parsons Hofstra nivAio* mot tot SHOtT MOtSI Leonard Braun U.C.L.A. SMOtR HOLDING ONTO MARNJ TOR OCAR LIT! Wayne Wilkins Southern State College TOP HONORS for enjoyment go to Lucky Strike. 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