Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1955, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Queen Voting Begins Wednesday
Voting on the five final can
didates for Junior Weekend
Queen will begin Wednesday
morning and continue all day at
the Student Union and Co-op.
Students must present their stu
dent body cards to vote.
The winner of the election will
become Junior Weekend Queen,
and will be presented and
crowned at the Junior Prom Fri
day night. The four finalists will
serve as the Junior Weekend
The five candidates are:
Barbara Bailey
Barbara Bailey, a member of
Alpha Phi, is a blue-eyed, brown
haired co-ed from Albany. Miss
Bailey came to Oregon to major
in general social sciences. She
is minoring in education and
, plans to teach high school social
living and history.
The attractive junior has been
extremely active on campus this
year. She is vice-president and
junior adviser of the YWCA,
vice-president of her sorority,
chairman of collections for the
Bunion Derby and chairman of
theme selection for Homecom
Miss Bailey keeps busy with
her various activities, and in her
spare time enjoys swimming. She
plans to return to Oregon to
work for a master’s degree in
her major.
The Canoe Fete is high on the
list of Miss Bailey's favorite
events of Junior Weekend. She
is looking forward to seeing how
it will turn out, as it is “some
thing new and a major interest
on campus right now.’’
Betti Fackler
Betti Fackler, a Chi Omega, j
is from Long Beach, Calif. Miss
Fackler is majoring in history
and hopes to teach junior high
social studies in California when j
she graduates from Oregon.
The green-eyed, light brown
haired junior is president of her i
sorority, was co-chairman of
Homecoming, and is on the Bon
Marche college board. Miss Fack
ler is also a member of Phi
Theta Upsilon and chairman of
the YWCA membership commit
Reading, cooking, and watch
ing sports are the main interests
of the pretty co-ed when she is
not busy with activities.
One of the events of Junior
Weekend especially enjoyed by
Miss Fackler is the All-Campus
luncheon. She likes it “because
everyone on campus is there and
it’s so much fun!’’
Phyllis Pearson
Phyllis Pearson, a member of
Alpha Chi Omega, claims Port
land as her home' town. Miss
Pearson is majoring in element
ary education and plans to teach
the first grade when she grad
Serving as president of her
sorority, secretary of the Stu
dent Union Board and co-chair
man of the Junior Weekend
luncheon, Miss Pearson is busy
on campus this year. She is also
a member of Phi Theta Upsi
lon, junior women’s honorary.
The brown-eyed, brown-haired
co-ed loves to sew, ski and par
ticipate in “almost any sport.”
Rally Queen, Duke
Petitions Due Soon
Rally girls anrl yell duke pe
titions are due May 16 at 5 p.m.,
according to Betty Anderson,
chairman of the Rally Board.
Tryouts will be held May 17
in Gerlinger annex. Those peti
tioning are urged to give good
suggestions to qualify.
All candidates for rally girl
will try out on the Oregon Fight
Her most time-consuming hobby
at the present is Andy Berwick,
to whom the pretty Miss Pear
son is pinned.
The All-Campus Sing is Miss
Pearson's favorite Junior Week
end event. She enjoys it because
“it's always so nice to hear both
the men's and women’s voices,
and the songs are so pretty and
Jackie Robertson
Jackie Robertson, a Pi Beta
Phi, is from Portland. Miss Rob
ertson, a hazel-eyed, brown
haired junior has been active at
Oreg’on this year.
Jackie was co-chairman of hos
pitality for Dad's Weekend, is
on the Bon Marche college
board and is pledge supervisor
for her sorority. She was also a
junior adviser for the YWCA this
j year and served on the cabinet.
The attractive junior is ma
j joring in elementary education
| and plans to teach the first
grade upon graduation from Ore
gon. She likes to draw and golf
| in her spare time.
The busy co-ed likes every
event of Junior Weekend, but is
i looking forward especially to
! this year's newly inaugurated
Canoe Fete.
Gail West
Gail West ,,a member of Al
pha Delta Pi, is also from Port
land. Miss West is majoring in
education and plans to teach the
second or primary grades when
she graduates from Oregon.
Miss West is the only blond
member of the 1955 Junior Week
General Admission — $1.25 Students — 50c
<>ml court nrul has been ex
tremely active this year. She Is
past treasurer of the YWCA,
vice-chairman of Religious Eval
uation Week, president of her
sorority, president of heads of
houses and on the student-facul
ty discipline committee, She is
also vice-president of Phi Theta
The blue-eyed junior hk<-s to
swim and ww In her spare time
and la looking forward to the
Canoe Fete this year. She is
especially Interested In the suc
cess of the new event.
Hurry, Hurry Before It's Too Late! Your
to get your
May 9 thru 13
Oregana Business Office Will Be Open
From 3 to 5 on These Days.
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UM's got everything!"
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