Jim Archer Veep of Young Demos; Convention Adopts Radical Moves Jim Archer, junior in political science, was elected thin! vice president of the state Young Democrats Saturday during the Young Democrats convention in Pendleton. Other delegates who attended were Bob Biggs, Elton Engstrom and Elliot Carlson. Of the IS resolutions adopted by the YD's. by far the most rad ical was the ‘‘opposition to any form of compulsory military training on college campuses." Elton Engstrom. sophomore in pre-law, was partly responsible for the introduction and accept Byron to Be Discussed In Wednesday Lecture “Lord Byron: Champion of Freedom” will be the topic of this week's browsing room lec ture held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the browsing room of the stu dent Union. P. G. Trueblood. visiting pro fessor of English, will deliver the lecture for this week. Discus sion leader for the event will be E. G. Moll, professor of English. unco of two other radical meas ures. which were: "the fostering of an eventual free world trade," ! and "a foreign policy based on i renunciation of colonialism and ' totalitarianism." I-ocal Issues Among the local issues rati fied at the convention were: the creation of a bi-partisan com mission to study the reorganiza tion of the structure and ad ministration of Oregon State government," and “condemning of the 1955 session of the Ore gon State legislature for its fail I ure to sub-district Lane and Marion counties for the election 1 of state representatives, while at j the same time it approved sub ! districting for Multnomah coun ty." 1 The young political group also endorsed the position of Wayne Morse on his foreign policy. Hell’s Canyon stand and educa tion proposal. To Meet Here A resolution was made that may affect the University of Oregon. It was the acceptance of a Young Democrat College Fed Registration for Mother's Weekend Starts 3 p.m. Friday Registration for Mother’s Weekend will begin at 3 p.m. Friday on the first floor of the Student Union. All mothers at-! tending the weekend are to reg ister, according to Evelyn Nelson Campus Calendar 9:00 10:00 Noon 4:00 4:30 6:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:00 NLRB Naval Air Cadet PE Grads Psi Chi Theater Exec Sinf Mothers Wknd Com Panhel Movie Jt Dir Canoe Fete Float Rep Panhel Movie PE Bnqt Druids Scab & B1 Phi Theta Ups Hse Chap Com IVCF Yeamen OSEA Christian Sci RE Wk Exec 334 SU, 315 SU 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 113 SU 2l3*SU Ballrm SU 337 SU 214 SU Ballrm SU 110 SU 114 SU, 215 SU 315 SU] Lnch SU; 334 SU 213 SU 214 SU Gerl 1st FI! YM SU and Arlene Clark, registration chairmen. Registration will continue on Saturday on the first floor of the Student Union from 8 a.m. to 11:30. After that registration will be held in Gerlinger hall on the second floor from 1:30 to 4:30. The registration fee for each mother will be $1. Saturday Breakfast A breakfast will be held for the mothers Saturday morning from 8:30 to 10:30 in the Stu dent Union ballroom. President O. Meredith Wilson will be the guest speaker at the breakfast. Audrey Mistretta will be guest soloist at the breakfast. John Richards, chancellor-elect, and his wife will attend, as will Gor don Wilson, president of the Dads' clubs. Margaret Tyler and Karen Kraft, general chairmen for the weekend, will be honored at the breakfast. Students are urged to make reservations for their mothers for the weekend as soon as pos sible. A housing list has been •ent around to each living or ganization for the students to consult. These reservations should be made immediately. IT'S TIME FOR A PICNIC . . . AND A QUICK STOP AT .. . BOB’S SUPERETTE Handy to the Campus — Corner of 13th and Patterson Picnic Supplies BEVERAGES OF ALL KINDS 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. eratlon. Because of the differ ent universities' location it was | moved that this convention be held here fall or winter term. This woidd be a supplementary convention to the state YD con vention and would consist of a possible 200 students from the 14 Oregon colleges. A1 Ullman, former Democratic candidate for national represen tative, delivered the keynote speech, while Terry Schnink, Multnomah county sheriff, was the banquet speaker. State At torney General Robert Thorn ton was master of ceremonies. This Wednesday the University ! Young Democrats will meet at 7 p.m. in the Student Union to nominate permanent officers. All ; interested students and profes sors are welcome to attend. School of Music To Give Recital The University school of mu sic will present 10 students in a student recital tonight at 8 in the school auditorium. Leon Erickson, pianist, will present "Sonata in E Flat” by Haydn. “Brahm's Sonata in A Major" for violin and piano will be the selection of Sharon Me- j Cabe. Her accompanist will be Margery Ziniker. Shirley Tobey. soprano, will sing Donizetti's “Ciascum lo dice” from "The Daughter of the Regiment." Patricia Taylor will accompany her on the piano. Next on the program, Mary Louise Hudson will present Cho pin's "Scherzo in B Minor," on the piano. s "Shy One," by Clarke, and "Mary of Allendale," an old Eng lish melody arranged by Lane Wilson will furnish the material used by Everett Winter, tenor. Walter Sowards will accompany him on the piano. Vondis Miller will perform "A Premier Solo" by Hue on the trumpet. Accompanist will be Anne Stearns. Miss Ziniker will conclude the program with a piano solo, “Cap riccio. Opus 116 No. 7,” by Brahms. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - (XT. 218 « EMERALD OFFICE-8nd FLOOR ALIEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Word Flrit Intertlon, 2 Cent* per Word Thereefter. ARK YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. & PD insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP. See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. /-944I. Res. 4-2957 or stop in at 902 Oak street. GET THK BEST FOR LESS, IT S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf General Motors Acceptance Corporation will interview applicants for permanent employment in field and credit work. Those Interest ed in applying contact Graduate Placement Office Tuesday. May 10th between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. 5-10 Room for rent. Single, male, $25. a month. 1458 Alder, Phone 4-9958. Typing . . . 3-3509. 5-26 MKN AND WOMEN YOU CAN MAKE |3.50 to $4.50 per hour - ft you have a car If you like meeting people If you are not afraid of hard work. This is prrt time Helling tor a huge national con cern. Cir. develop Into a aunimer job for Eugene or Portland r, aldents. Earn ings begir lmmedlatelv. Write to Oitk Itomaln, P.O. Box 3191 or call 3-7239 5-10 I need three persona of high caliber to work with com pany opening new office In this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 am. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf College men earn $1,000 be. tween May 29-August 31. Car necessary. Write John Arnold. PO Box 542. Eu gene for personal interview. 4-21tf Wanted: Someone to type term paper, approximately 30 pages. Contact Bill Swenson, 5-8416. Pays well. 5-11 Dykstra to Lead YMCA Discussion V. H. Dykstra. instructor in philosophy, will lead a YMCA controversial religious discussion group at 12 noon Wednesday in room 319 of th-- Student Union. Title of the discussion will be "Hume's Essay on Miracles." * Dykstra will open the discus sion with a brief explanation of the title and then devote the re mainder of the meeting to an swering questions of the stu dents. Students will eat their lunches during the discussion. The meeting will conclude at 12:50. This is the second in a series of Y sponsored controversial relig ious discussion groups. Cykler Awarded Vienna Fulbrfaht K. A. Cykler, professor of mu sic, has been awarded a Kul bright fellowship for study in Austria next year. He will spend the year at the University of Innsbruck in Vienna, where he will do research in the field of music education. In particular, he will study the economic sup port of music education in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. JUNIOR WEEKEND SPECIAL Corsage - 3 Orchids w (Cymbediums) .50 And Up The Smart Ducks Are Getting Their Flowers NOW! For the Prom For Your Mom \ from Flowers Unlimited 193 East Broadway Phone 4-6244 Or Our Representative in the Co-op