Jacobson to Observe Nepal Teacher Training Program By Evelyn Olsen Emerald Reporter Find Jacobson, dean of the school of education, left Monday for Nepal where he will survey the leaeherH training program underway there, This program reHUlted from a contract which the University signed last Octo ber with the United Htater For eign Operations Administration for the training of 1500 school teachers. The contract with the South Aslan country covers a three year training perils! and grants running expenses of $220,0(>0. Also a part of the agreement is th" establishment of a four-year degree granting teachers col lege. Jacobson will be in Washing ton. D.C., for four days discuss ing the contract and its possible expansion with FOA officials. While there he will also talk to Hugh Wood and Clarence Hen dershott. He will return to the campus on June 0. Wood, who is professor of edu cation on campus, has spent the past year tn Nepal where he was the university's field reprertfn tattve on the project. He helped the Nepaleae Ministry of Edu cation in setting up the teacher training courses. Henderahott waa chief of the Southeast Aaia branch of FOA. While Dean Jacobson ia away, Donald E. Tope, professor of education, will be acting dean of the school. Singers to Give Evening Concert Wednesday evening at 8:15 in the Student Union, the Univer sity Singers will present their annual home concert. Max Rislnger, assistant pro fessor of music, will direct the selected group of 44 voices in a program which includes many of j the songs they used during their spring tour, some newly learned pieces, a male quartet, selected soloists and four numbers by the Madrigal Singers. Sororities and You' Movie Shown Today in Ballroom A movie, "Sororities and You," will !*• shown this afternoon at 4 in the Student Union ballroom for anyone interested in soror ity life, according to Olivia Thar aldson, president of Panh-llenlc. rJuislenintj On ...On KWAX 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 New» Till Now 7:00 Spencer Snow 7:30 Sports Shots 7:45 Radio Nederland 8:00 Songs of France 8:15 Navy Bandstand 8:30 Guest Star 2:45 Table Hopping 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:55 Final Kdition 11:00 Sign Off The movie was produced at the University of Washington. The executive secretaries of'the Panheilenic at the University of Washington are actresses in the movie. The movie is being presented to give a clear picture of soror ity life and to clarify ideas perti nent to the system. The movie will be shown again at 6:30 tonight for high school seniors in the Eugene area. Only Panheilenic members are invited to attend the evening showing of the movie. Refreshments will be served after the meeting and a period will be reserved for discussion. The movie is being shown to replace the dinners formerly held by sororities in the spi-ing for the high school seniors in the area. The dinners have been per manently discontinued. KKAI> KM Kit Aid) WANT A1*S MINORS! Daily . . . From 11:00 A.M.— 9:30 PM., YOU TOO, can enjoy Seymour's Riviera Room . . . • Relaxing Atmosphere • Candlelight Dining • Delightful Meals • Reasonable Prices 10th and Willamette Campus Briefs • Canoe I*i*tv float chairmen will meet at. 4:30 today In the Student Union. Each competing j group must submit a lint of par ticipants and a brief written do- , scription of its float at this time, according to Sally Jo Oreig and Darrel Brittsan, co-chairmen. 0 There will be an important meeting for Letter-men at noon Wednesday in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. Bob Reid, presi dent. urged everyone to come as they will be discussing tradi tion enforcement. 0 Canoe Fete committee chair men will meet Wednesday at 7:30 in the Student Union in stead of the usual 6:30 time. Meeting room number will be posted on the SU bulletin board. 0 All chairmen for Mother’s Weekend will meet today in the Student Union. The room num ber will be listed on the bulletin board in the lobby. Everyone please be there. 0 The Student Union musie committee will meet at 1 today on the third floor of the Student Union. All members are urged to attend the important meeting. 0 There will Is- a service of Holy Communion for Episcopal students Wednesday at 7 a m. Breakfast will be served after the service. 0 The Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship will meet tonight at 7 in the Student Union. A pastor of a Eugene church will be a guest speaker. 0 YWCA executive commit tee will meet today at noon in Gerlinger hall. 0 Although there was a de crease in infirmary patients over the weekend, from 15 to four, no visitors are being allowed this week in a final attempt to put an <-rid to the remaining- traces of the flu. According to hospital records, Jack Pocock, Birger Brandt, Robert Knbes and Mur iel Horton were confined to the infirmary Monday for medical attention. 0 Rally hoard members will meet today at 12:30 in room 313 of the Student Union. All are requested to be present. • There will be a meeting of the general staff of KWAX to night at 7 in Studio A of Villard hall. • Druids will meet tonight at 6:30 in the Student Union. At tendance is imperative, according to Sam Vahey, president. • The Housing committee for Mother’s Weekend has announc ed four motels that are now reg istered full for this weekend. They are the Camelia, the El ! Dorado, the Motel Oregon and the West Sixth. • A compulsory meeting of Phi Theta Upsilon will be held today at 6:30 p.m. in the Stu dent Union. Members who can | not attend must be excused. 0 -Junior Weekend committee chafrmen will meet at 3 today i *n the Student Union, President Bud Hinkson has announced. • Kuama will meet at 6:30 tonight at Gerlinger hall, ac cording to Helen Ruth Johnson. All members must be present. READ EMERALD WANT ADS CANOE FETE SUPPLIES CREPE PAPER STREAMERS POSTER PAINTS POWDERED TEMPERA STAPLING MACHINES PAINT BRUSHES TACKS AND GLUE ^ UNIVERSITY CO-OP "THE STUDENTS OWN STORE ') Junior Weekend Gail West photo by Fehly Westgate Shoppe