Beginning of 12-Hour Battle Jl STK E OF THE PEACE Manuel Miller, holding rifle, right, orders \V. H. Baumann, Vermont commissioner of public safety, out of his Bethel, Vt.f home to prevent the removal of Mrs. Miller, second from right, to a mental institution. Mrs. Miller. 46. had been adjudged insane in Federal Court at Burlington in April as an outgrowth of an indictment charging her with influence young men to evade the draft. Thi- was the beginning of a 11-hour battle which ended when police used tear gas to force Miller to surrender. (AP Wlrephoto) Brussels Chemist To Lecture Here University of Brussels chem istry professor, I. Prigogine, will present a lecture here May 12 on “New Aspects of the Ther modynamics of Irreversible Pro cesses." Winner of the $5000 Francqui scientific prize which is given every three years for distinguish ed scientfic work in Belgium. Prigogine is sponsored by the Unversity lecture committee. A relatively new discipline which governs all natural phe nomena. particularly of living matter, will be his lecture topic. The scientist recently com pleted a one-semester course at Harvard university on statistical mechanics. Campus Calendar Noon Class 1930 Re union Com 110 SU Fest of Arts Com 111 SU Ital Tbl 112 SU German Tbl 113 SU 4:00 Fri at 4 Fishbowl SU Panhel Wrkshp Gerlinger 5:15 Panhel Dinner 8:00 EUCMA Concert Mac Ct 9:CG Fishbowl Mixer SU Democrat States Senators Unsung Wayne Morse and Richard Neuberger are Oregon's two most unsung heroes, stated Keith Skelton, former Democratic can didate for the state senate, at a meeting of Young Democrats , Wednesday in the Student Union. Skelton charged that the Ore gon press and public opinion have not done the two justice. In Washington they are regarded with the utmost esteem by both ; press and popular opinion, he said. The Washington Post in an editorial referred to Neuberger as “a fiesh breeze sweeping the capital’s jaded halls.-’ Concerning the 1956 elections. which Skelton said would make Oregon one of the most exciting places in the United States, he i stated the entire Oregon race | would revolve around the cam paign of Morse. Skelton warned i that in 1956 the Democrats will emphasize the Hell's Canyon ' controversy and the confused I actions of the administration.” | which he said are exemplified in \ the handling of the Yalta papers ; and the present MatSu-Quemoy ! crisis. OPEN 5:30 P.M DAILY CARDINAL HOUSE 315 EAST 13th AVENUE SUNDAY 12:30 P.M. ON Catering a Specialty! FOR WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS, DINNER PARTIES AND BANQUETS ANYWHERE IN OREGON! CARDINAL HOUSE 315 EAST 13th AVENUE ACROSS FROM SHISLER'S PHONE 3-5211 Private Dining Room Open For Your Convenience Groups Are Invited to Make Reservations for Dinners After 8 P.M. Skelton- charged further that never in recent years has a Pres ident so obviously paid less at tention to his responsibilities. This weekend a delegation of! four Young Democrats will at tend the Young Democrats' con vention in Pendleton. They are Bob Biggs. Jim Archer, Elton Engstrom and Elliot Carlson. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1 S11 - EXT. 218 « EMERALD OIFICE-Jnd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES 4 Cents par Word First Imartion, 2 Conti par Word Tharaaflar. ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL * PD insurance for $15.20 per G months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP.See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or stop in at 962 Oak street, i GET THE BEST FOR LESS, IT'S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf General Motors Acceptance Corporation will interview applicants for permanent employment in field and credit work. Those interest ed in applying contact Graduate Placement Office Tu aday, May 10th between ‘ 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. 3-10 FOR MEN ONLY. Summer employment opportunity. Be m Room 137. Common wealth Hall Friday. May G. at 3 p.m. 5-6 Typing ... 3-3509! 5 26 MEN AND WOMEN YOU CAN MAKE $3.50 to $4.00 per hour - If you have a car If you like meeting people If you are not afraid of hard work. This la p>11 time selling tor a large national con cern. Ctr. develop into a summer 70b for Eugene or Portland residents. Earn ing* beam immediatelv, Write to Oirk Romain, P.O. Box 6191 or call 3-7259 5-10 I need three persona of high caliber to work with com pany opening new office In this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.nt. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104. M85 Oak St. between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf College men earn $1,000 be tween May 29- August 31. Car neceanary. Write John Arnold P.O. Box 542. Eu gene for personal interview. 4-211 f ANN'S COSTUME SHOP. Costume and formal rent al*. all sizes. 239 East 14th, Phone 5-2662. 5-6 For Sale: Lightweight Ra leigh bicycle, $30. Phone 4-3682. 5-6 Patronize Emerald Advertisers Junior Weekend Jackie Robertson photo by J'chly