Baseball Nine On Road Trip Oregon utarta Ita annua) ‘>ul clde awing" of aix games In eight days this afternoon when they play Waahlngton State col lege at. Pullman. The Ducks will follow up with another game agalnat WSC on •Saturday, move to Moscow to play Idaho Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday will be spent in trav elling to Seattle where they will take on Washington Thursday and Friday. Coach Don Kirsch figures Ore gon will have to win five games IM< K Hi IILOKSTKIN Ituck First ItiHi-inaii to remain In competition, and that til*- VVHC series will be the toughest hurdle. The Cougars have a top pitching staff and it will be well rested for Oregon. Klrsch has nominated Terry Maddox to open against Wash ington State. Bill Blodgett is the likely starting hurler for Saturday's game. Bill Garner, John Lundell. Pete Williams, and Jim Leh! are also available tor mound duty. IM Schedule Friday Softball 3:50 Umbda Chi Alpha vs. Pi Kappa Alpha, north field. Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Sig ma Alpha Epsilon, south field. Phi Kappa Sigma vs Camp bell club, upper field. 4:55 Chi Psi vs. Kappa Sigma, north field. French hall vs Hunter hall, south field. Nestor hall vs. Straub Frosh, upper field. Tennis 4:00 Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Beta Theta Pi, courts 4. 5, 6. Goir llale Kane vs Alpha Tau Omega, Oakway. Monday Softball 3:50 Cherney hall vs. Hunter hall, north field. Sederstrom hall vs. Alpha hall, south field. Legal Eagles vs. Philadel phia house, upper field. 4:55 Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Camp bell club, north field. Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. The ta Chi, south field. Phi Gamma Delta vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, upper field. Tennis 4:00 Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Dorm counselors, courts 4, 5, 6. Golf Phi Delta Theta vs. Beta Theta Pi, Oakway. Track 4 :55 Sigma Nu vs. Gamma hall, intramural field. Hale Kane vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, intramural field. Frosh Baseball Team Edges Rook Nine, 7-6 By Jack Wilton Em*r*td Sportt Writer Dan Lane socked a three-run j homer in the second inning and I struck out eleven batters while allowing only eight scattered hits to lead the Oregon Frosh to a 7-6 win over OSC’s Hooka ’ Thursday. First game of the season for the Frosh dlamontlmen. It saw Duckling hitters collect 12 safe blows and hunch their runs In the second and fifth Innings. Second Hacker Twink Peder son of the Hooks had a home run and two doubles in hiH four attempts. The Little Beavers scored three in the third, and single runs in the fifth, sixth and ninth innings. i Ron Dodge started off the big second stanza with a dump single into left, his opposite field. Jer ry Unless sacrificed him to sec ond, and Left Fielder George Simpson clipped a hard single to left to bring him around, ad vancing to second on the peg. Dale Dickey kept the rally going with another single through shortstop. Then Lane stepped up and clouted his circuit blow over the bank in left field. The Rooks came right back in the third, however. Lane Issued walks to the first tv/o men to face him, then found the plate only too well an Pederson slammed his round-tripper. Oregon State picked up an other run in the fifth after two were out. Pederaon pounded out the first of his doubles, and Tommy Bowen brought him home with a single into center. Lane put out the fire by wriffing cleanup man Larry Brown for the second time. The Oregon fifth went thus ly: Une walked. Bob Oiler* was safe on an error. Terry Burke beat out an attempted sacrifice to load the bases. Jim Plfher (topped out. Jerry Waldrop walked, scoring Lane, and Dodge whacked his double into left scoring Oiler* and Burke as the ball went past the catcher. Dick Jarvis and Hlmpson flew out to end the inning. Gene Stott and Pederson scored the final runs for the Rooks. Pederson started off what might have been a game-winning rally in the ninth by doubling and scoring on a passed ball. But Lane took care of Brown on a dribbler to the mound, and LeRoy Hanley ended the game by grounding out to Shortstop Jim my White. The Ducklings take on Clark Sig Ep, Phi Psi Nines Get Softball Victories Extra-base hits were the or der of the day in Thursday in tramural softball action, and Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Pal. the Legal Eagles and Al 1 pha Tau Omega emerged victor ious. In addition. Phi Delta The ! ta was awarded a forfeit win over Delta Tau Delta. The Slg Eps massacred Ih-1 ta Epsilon pitching and ran tip a 24-1 winning margin. Five home runs were included in the carnage and Mike O’Hara stilled the III* bats with just one base hit. Theta Chi tallied six runs in their half of the first inning, but the Phi Psi nine came right back to get seven tallies in both the second and third innings, and took an eventual 15-6 decision. Larry Anderson outpitched Art Weatherford for the win and Kverett Stiles led the way for the winners at hat by pounding out three hits, includ ing a home run. Marc Anderson's 2-for-2 hit ting led the ATO's to a 4-1 win over Beta Theta Pi. Winning pitcher Jerry Hamilton spaced four Beta hits to overcome Dick Van Allen in a hurling duel. And in the final game Max Ingerson pitched his Legal Eagles to a one-sided 9-2 win over the Dorm Counselor nine. SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A M. DAILY & SUNDAYS 13th at High St. TILL 11:00 £ Dial 4-1342 JC today at 3 in the first of a two-garne series. Rooks ( rosth waite, If; I't'ltfKrti, 21> Howni, s* Brown, If Hanley, c Stott, cf Carrigan, rf Phillips, 3b Ackerman, p Pickens, lb * Beer Zaniker, p ABR H POA E 3 0 0 6 0 0 4 5 4 5 4 4 ... 2 1 2 .1 .1 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 o 0 112 1 10 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 TotAl* 36 6 8 24 9 2 •Singled for Ackerman in sixth. Prosh Tellers, 3b .. Burke, 2b Pifher, »* Waldrop, rf Dodge, c I'rness, cf Simpson, If Dickey, lb Lane, p Hastings, 2b White, s* Jarvis, cf . ( reps. If Wanaka, lb AB R H PO A E 4 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 2 4 1 3 3 3 .1 1 0; 1 0 i 0 0 | 3 13 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0! 4 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0 ! 1 0 0 0 ; 0 0 < 0 0 Totals 31 7 12 27 7 3 Rooks .003 011 001—6 Prosh .040 030 00* 7 RBI Pederson 3, Bowen, Phillips, Lane 3, Simpson, Dodge. 2B Pederson 2. Stott. Dodge. HR Pederson, Lane. Sac. Burke, l*mess. DP Bowen to Pederson. UropS— Schopf, Boqua. Time: 2:30. Top-Rated Golfers To Face ND Foes The conference-leading Oregon golf team will go into action at Moscow today in a Northern Di vision match with Idaho in the first of a weekend pair of meets. The Ducks are riding atop the standings after two fairly easy wins over up-and-coming Washington and tough Oregon State. Idaho, as well as Wash ington State- who the Webfoots play Saturday- is not expected to give Coach Sid Milligan's team any trouble. The Ducks took along a high ly-rated group of divoteers to match strokes with the Vandals and Cougars, Captain Nell Dwy er, first man and the only double letter winner in the squad, will lead the team composed of Bob Takano. Bob Norquist, Barry Ott, Justin Smith and Howard Zenger. The Idaho team, which lost to Washington 20-7 but beat WSC 1412-12,'S in their only two con ference starts, is short of ex perienced swingers. First man is Bob Adamson, the school intra mural champ of last year. The only two lettermen are Dave Powell and Bob Campbell. Other team members are Tom Lindsey, Bill Summers and John Benzin, The WSC team is also short on letterman golfers. The Cougars feature Larry Graft in the first slot who shot a low of 74 in the VVSC-Idaho match. WSC, Vandals On Net Schedule With a warm-up win over the Oregon Medical school Wednes day on their record, the Duck tennis team headed for the In land Empire to meet the Idaho Vandals in Moscow today. Sat urday, the Webfoots move over to Pullman to face Washington State. Coach Hilbert Lee’s netmen are strong contenders for the second spot in the division be hind champion Washington. The Ducks took a 4-3 decision from Oregon State last week end, but previously lost a 7-0 nod to the powerful Huskies. In the Med School match, three former Northern Division stars almost led the losers to an up set win. Ex-Oregon star Ron Lowell and former OSC stand out Pete Carter, along with an other ex-Duck player in Martin Magi, were instrumental in the Medics fine showing. It took a final doubles win by Dick Gray and Dick Ham ilton to turn the tide to an Oregon victory. Gray and Hamilton downed Magi and his partner in straight sets, 6-2, 6-1. All the points for the Medics were earned by Carter and Lo well. Carter beat Bob Baker in a singles match 1-6, 6-4 and Lowell polished off Ron Carl son, 6-3, 6-4. Gray, Hamilton and Don Bonime all won their singles contests, while Carter and Lowell teamed to defeat Ba ker and Carlson in the doubles. For the WSC and Idaho matches, the usual five of Carlson, Baker, Bonime, Ham ilton and Gray made the trip. The Idaho team has yet to score o mint. An all-junior team leads WSC. composed of A1 Ostness. Gary Clifford, Bill Meyers. Tom Trim ble and Jack Bannister. The Vondals claim four lettermen— Barry Rust, Sonny Long, Jim Richardson and Roy Clements— and Keith Spencer. Yea ‘ft Lik* Oim St**** WHENEVER tOUM * INEORAC OUR s«v'“ “hosI CHECK INE0 ’H°" HTTLE DETAILS THAI CALL FOR PERIODIC ATTENTION'. 'S^P hereba°cnWCoHen.' you'« come bacK WALDER’S ASSOCIATED STATION 694 East 11th Ave. WILL SOON BE HERE! Make your reservations early for Mom - at the El Prado Motel 1055 WEST 6th AVE. PHONE 4-0568