Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Prize-winning Photo
^ ,.^ -zsn
< AMKKAMAN JOHN' OAl'KT, JU., of the Lie* An|;elr<i Time*
••old* the dramatic picture which won him the 1«S5 Pulitzer Prize
fur new* photography. His picture, titled “Tragedy in the Surf,"
showed a young mother and father at they moment they realized
their small son had wandered into the m-ean and perished. Gaunt
snapped the picture at a distance of 500 feet as he raced toward
the scene. (AH Wirephoto)
‘Stock Market*
NEW YORK i APi The stock
market wavered Wednesday be
“tween a lower and a higher
trend, but at the clone It vu
alight ly higher. Moat price
change* were quite narrow, but
the range ran from around three
paint* lower to two point* high
The Associated Pres* average
of 60 stocks gained 20 cent*. It
wm down $1A0 Tuesday. All
three components of the average
were up 20 cents each.
Volume was moderate at 2.
200.000 share* That compares
with 2.630,000 shares traded
Campus Briefs
• rm iih'Ih i psiion will meet
at 6:30 p.m. today in the Stu
dent Union. Attendance is com
pulsory unless members are ex
cused, according to GcrmaJnc
LaMarclio, president.
• Druids will meet Tuesday
night at 6:30 in the Student
Union instead of tonight. Reason
for the change in the All-Campus
Sing eliminations.
• All ping-pong players In
terested in entering a tourna
ment in the third week of May
may sign up at the SU recrea
tion desk.
• ".Ia7r. Plano” is the topie
for discussion given by Charles
K. Ruff, instructor in English,
at the concert-lecture tonight
at 7:30 in the- SU music- room.
0 Kwama will meet tonight
at 6:30 at Gerlinger hall. All
members are urged to attend the
meeting at which some impor
tant business will be taken up.
0 A movie, "SialMi k Bec k
ons You.” will be showm at 6:15
tonight in Hendricks hall. The
film is sponsored by the YWCA.
• Junior Advisers of the YW
CA will meet today noon in Ger
Imger hall for the training pro
- gram.
• A joint meeting of the eam
ptim YMCA and YWCA will be
held at the home of Karl On
thank. associate director of stu
dent affairs, tonight at 7:30. On
thank will speak on vocations.
Anyone interested in attending
may get a ride by meeting at
Gerlinger hall at 7:15.
• "Snake Pit,” which -tars
Olivia fie Havllland, Mark Stev- j
ens and Celeste Holm, will be
shown Sunday, May ft. at 2:30
and 5 p.m. in the Student Union 1
ballroom. The film is adapted
from Mary Jane Ward's beat
seller on life in a mental insti
Mystie Sales Continue;
Proceeds Go to Grants
Sal" of Phi Theta Myrtles con
tinues today in the p;nk-a.nd
black booths used in Wednes
day’s sales.
Price is st‘H Id cents apiece
and booths are located at the li
brary, Commonwealth. Friendly,
the Student Union. Carson,
Straub hall, Hendricks and Su
san Campbell.
The rnystie sale is an annual
event. Proceeds will help provide
scholarships given by the junior
women’s honorary sponsoring it.
Always the place
to find your
Favorite Shoes
w cuifMRta
S. & H. Green Stamps with Purchases
calls them "Jewels of the Sea because of their
glowing colors . . . but they're precious jewels
in any pool for what they do for you!
jewels of the
"STACATTO" . . . lends its lightening shape
to you . . . see the new higher bra line.
Eiasticized faille.
Eugene's Fashion Center
SHALIMAR" . . . one of the new Cerate
prints on cotton. Shirred end with an inner bra
to coex you into beguiling form.