Job Interviews For IBM Positions Will Be Thursday Representatives ot' the Inter national Business Machines cor •poration will be on campus Thursday to interview students interested in working for the company. Appointments for interviews should be made through Karl On thank, director of graduate placement, in the student affairs office in Emerald hall. Positions for which the IBM company normally employs col lege graduates include the fol lowing: Sales- BS or MS degree in business administration, ac 'coimting. liberal arts, engineer ing and mathematics. Business administration—BS or MS de gree in auditing, business admin istration. or management. En gineers for research and devel opment—degrees in electrical .science, physics and engineering physics. Complete initial training is given in each of the employment classifications listed by IBM. •Continuous education to prepare for advancement and stimulate .professional development is a major part of the IBM Depart ment of Education program. Fraternity Theft Case Is Closed Eugene police have discontin ued the investigation of a series of petty thefts at Tau Kappa Epsilon after members of the fraternity said no criminal com plaint would be signed. Police closed the case after receiving a report that a mem ber of the fraternity had been apprehended and dismissed from the group. The thefts were reported last month by members who said that small amounts of money had been taken from rooms in the house. cjClsteninq . 'n ...On KWAX 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Campus Review 7:30 University of Oregon Radio Forum 8:00 U.N. Story 8:15 Spirit of the Vikings 8:30 Songs of France 8:45 Navy Bandstand 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:55 Fiaai Edition 11:00 Sign Off "Ike" and Governors PRESIDENT EISENHOWER LETS LOOSE with a hearty laugh as he poses with -state governors outside the White House (May 2). Left to right, front row: Gov. Mil ward Simpson of Wyoming, Gov. Arthur B. Langiie of Washington and Gov. Kohert E. Synilie of Idaho. The governors are here for a conference with federal officials. (AF Wirephoto) Opera Featured in Browsing Room Lecture Tonight “Mozart's and Da Ponte’s Op era—Don Giovanni'' will be the subject of the browsing room lecture held tonight in the browsing room of the Student Union at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Arnold Elston, associate professor of music, will speak on the romantic opera. Highlight ing the lecture will be recorded excerpts from the opera itself. Herman Gelhausen, associate professor of voice, will act as discussion leader on the-opera whose music is by Mozart and text by Da Ponte. Before coming to Oregon in 1941, Dr. Elston taught at City College in New York. Vassal' and Radcliffe. He has had several articles published in scholarly journals and has been active in several national music organiza tions. Dr. Elston, who has traveled extensively in Europe, received his doctorate from Harvard uni j vei sity and his master's degree I from Columbia. Federal Officers To Inspect Drill The annual federal inspection of the Army ROTC unit here is scheduled for Thursday and Fri day. Officers from the headquarters of the Oregon Military district at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., will arrive on campus Thursday morning. They will visit Dean P. B. Jacobson of the school of education and President O. Mere dith Wilson before inspecting the military department. Army ROTC cadets will pass in review for the inspecting team during drill period Thursday. The officers will also visit classes during the two day period. They are interested in department ad ministration and in seeing that it is complying with federal reg ulations. A reception for the inspection team will be held Thursday from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. in the Dad's lounge of the Student Union. HEAD EMERALD WANT ADS Want Ads TELEPHONE 3-1511 — IXT. 218 « EMERALD OFFICE-2nrf HOOR ALLEN MALL RATES: 4 Ceoti per Word Flrtt Intertion, 2 Cent* per Word There« Oak St. la-tween 9 a m. and 3 pan. 4-7-tf College men earn $1,000 nie twe«»n May 29-August 31. Car necessary. Write John Arnold, P.O. Box 542, Ku gene for personal interview 4-2ltf White White Stag jacket and grey flannel shirt misplaced in wrong car in front of Phi Sig house on Sunday evening or May 2. Call 5-2081. 5-4 For Sale: Lightweight Ra leigh bicycle, $30. Phone 4 -3082. 5-6 Siamese Kittens. Blue point and Seal point. Stud service. Phone 4-0659. 5-5 Inspecting Team By Buzz Nelson Emtrald Reporter The three-man Inspecting team from the Air Force headquarters, Montgomery, Ala., had nothing but the highest praise for AK ROTC activities at the Univer sity of Oregon. Here Monday and Tuesday for inspection of the local detach ment were Colonel Lewis H. Kensinger, Lt. Col. Leo G. Fra denburg and Lt. Col. Ross E. Bo denhamer. The inspecting officers spent the two days attending classes. May 6 Deadline for Peter Pauper Contest Deadline for students plan ning to enter the annual Peter Pauper Press essay contest on reading or the art of fine book making has been set as May 6, according' to Miss Bernice Rise, browsing room librarian. Essay# not more than 2000 words long are to be turned in to Miss Rise in the browsing j room. Any undergraduate in the j University is eligible for the con test. Praises AFROTC Interviewing cadets, and ob*<-i v tng the administration. On Tues day they reviewed the cadet wing at the annual spring in spection review. Col. Kcnsinger, in charge of the team, stated that class in struction was on a high level and that student participation was good He also expressed pleasure about the Oregon campus in gen eral and the hospitality that had been extended. Following the wing review he praised the AFROTC band and the drill team, which wrent through 15 minutes of special drill for the inspecting team. Oregon is the fifth Far West school the team has visited. Five more are on the schedule with the next being the University of Portland. Col Kensinger, a veteran of 30 years in the service and over six years in AFROTC, has command of 20 units in the Midwest and • is trading inspections with the Far West commander. He taught Air Science at Colgate and Cor nell in the East and Joined AF ROTC headquarters when it was taken over by the Air University in 1952. Selling... or... Buying? University 5-1511 Extension 218 Whether you are selling ... or buying, THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is the place to advertise! We are proud of EMERALD ad results and proud that we can offer you ad space for as little as 4c per word for WANT ADS . . . and 63c per column inch for DISPLAY ADS!