Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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Vahey Now Holds
Several Top Spots
K*-w University student* have
been Involved In aa many activi
ties a* UI8 presidential aaplrant
Sam Vahey,
Vahey, who la seeking the top
spot In campus student govern
ment. in the all-campus general
elections Wednesday, Jumped
Into the activity swirl shortly
after his entrance into the Uni
versity three years ago and he
has been busy ever since.
A Junior in business-architec
ture, Vahey has not let his nu
merous activities and govern
ment posts bring down his grade
point average. Through winter
term of this year, he was main
taining an average of 3.1.
High School Activities
The UTS candidate came to
Oregon after graduation from
Gresham high school where he
was editor of the school news
paper and vice-president of the
senior class.
Having an outside interest in
Journalism, Vahey went to work
on the Emerald sports staff im
mediately after his enrollment.
He did so well during his first
few months that when it came
time for a change in staffs, he
was chosen as sports editor of
the campus paper despite being
only a freshman. His outstanding
work gained him the outstanding
freshman male in Journalism
Vahey continued to work on
the Emerald during his sopho
more year, holding the position
of assistant managing editor and
this year is the chief make-up
Sophomore Officer
While a sophomore. VHhey
wits vice-president of his class
and was a member of Skull and
More honors were heaped on
the slender Vahey when he was
elected president of Druids, jun
ior men's honorary.
A iso during his Junior year,
he has been serving as a sena
tor-at-large on the ASUO Sen
ate and has been publicity chair
man of the rally board. He is
now serving as promotion chair
man for Junior Weekend.
Wants to Be Contractor
In addition to being an active
member of U1S. Vahey is also
vice-president of the regional
Independent Students association
of which many northwest col
leges are representatives.
Although he is not yet certain
just what kind of work he will
be doing after his graduation
from the University, Vahey be
lieves that he will probably seek
employment as a general con
tractor and builder.
Two hobbies occupy what little
time Vahey has left after his
studies and activities have taken
their share of the time. He en
joys woodworking and is a rabid
bridge player.
He is a member of Campbell
club where he has served as both
vice-president and president.
+ Campus Briefs +
0 Infirmary patients Monday
were: Kathleen Morrison. Flame
Biown. Donna Nichols, Carol Ar
neson, Doreen Adams, JoAnne
Rogers. Margaret Hoehn, Judity
Srhrock, Margie Harman, Sally
Cohn, Andy Berwick, Malcolm
Scott, Kandy Kalla and Vernon
0 Canoe Fete float chairmen
Will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in
the Student Union, according to
Sally Jo Greig and Darrel Britt
»an, co-chairmen. All chairmen
are asked to attend, as judges
and judging will be discussed.
0 Kwuma will meet tonight
at 6 in McArthur court, accord
ing to Helen Ruth Johnson, pres
ident. AH K warns* ushering for
the Kd Sullivan show should
wear short silks to the meeting.
0 Wednesday at 7 a.m. there
will be service of Holy Commu
nion for Episcopal students in
Gerlinger hall. Breakfast will be
served afterward.
0 The property set-up com
mittee of the Canoe Fete will
meet today at 3 p.m. at the
0 Itall.v Hoard will meet to
day at 12:30 in the Student
0 The YWCA executive com
mittee will meet today at noon
in Gerlinger hall.
0 The ASt’O exchange as
sembly will appear at Corvallis
at 11 a.m. today.
0 A movie “Seabeck Beckons
You" will be shown tonight at
i6:30 p.m. in Carson hall living
room by YWCA conference
chairman Miriam Vaaler. Any
one is welcome to attend.
0 The YHCA ride pool It ask
ing for riders and drivers to Se
attle Thursday and Sunday aft
ernoon and evening. For further
information call Dick Allen at
the YM office or at 5-7801.
0 The MVS cabinet will meet
today at 12:30 p.m. in the Stu
dent Union.
0 The YWCA international
affairs commission will meet
Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Gerlinger
The Looking Gloss
(Continued from fage hoo)
hoodlum and all sorts of compli
cations arise.
There is one beautiful scene in
which the boy breaks down com
pletely and tells the psychiatrist
why he has acted as he haa. He
hates his father and step-mother.
But it is the music that adds
so much to the picture. The
theme is that of jazz, which the
boy likes, and which is reminis
cent of another recent English
mystery. “The Black Glove."
All In all, the double hill Is
a satisfying evening, but the
management is to lx- severely
criticized for its length. The
total program lasts nearly four
hours, which rather limits the
female attendance with 10:30
closing hours.
At the request of the amphibi
ans, we re-reviewed their water
show again Saturday night to
find it much improved over what
we had seen Wednesday. How
ever, the findings were still pret
ty much the same.
The biggest improvement was
| in their precision swimming,
, which went well except in a cou
ple of numbers. As to the best
act in the program, we still stick
; up for "Slaughter on Tenth Ave
. nue."
All-Campus Sing
Changes Listed
Several changes have been
made in the list of organization*
and songs that will be heard at
the elimination* for the All Cam
pu* Sing to be held in McArthur
court Wednesday and Thursday
evening* beginning at 6:30.
The only men'* organization
reporting a change wa* Sigma
Chi which t* now singing "Broth
el* Sing On” directed by Rich
Butler. Delta Delta Delta haa
changed it* selection to "Ken
tuckiana,” and Susan Campbell
will not participate.
Tickets for the sing will go
on sale Monday at the main desk
of the Student union and at the
Co-op for 85 cents. They will be
sold all week.
It is important that students
realize that the sing will be held
Sunday afternoon this year so
they can encourage parents to
plan on staying for it.
White Caps to See
Movie Wednesday
A color and sound movie,
"Girl With a Lamb." will be
shown at the W'hite Caps meet
ing Wednesday noon in Studio
A of the audio-visual department
of the library.
Applications for the pre-nurs
ing preview will also be avail
able at the meeting. Any pre
nurses who are interested should
Margaret Poley Named
Chairman of PE Group
Mai garet S. Poley, associate
professor of physical education,
is the new chairman-elect of the
research division of the North -
west district of the American
Association of Health. Physical
Education and Recreation.
Di. Poley will take over her
new position at the next district
convention in Spokane. Wash.,
in 1956. She was elected to the
position at a recent district
meeting in Lewiston. Ida.
Student Government
Hinksoris Interest
A home town boy maker! good!
That just about tells the story
of AGS presidential candidate
Bud Htnkson. A junior in history
at the University, Hinkaon is a
giaduate of Eugene high school.
In rus prep school days he
picked (*.p milch valuable experi
ence in student government
which has given him the back
ground for the post he is .seeking.
ASUO president.
Hinkson was active in high
school, serving as both vice-pres
ident and president oi the stu
dent body, president of his soph
omoie class and vice-president of
the state student council.
During his senior year he was
selected as Eugene’s Future
First Citizen by the Eugene
Chamber of Commeice.
At the UniversitvOHinkson has
won the Jewett Speech award
Staff Meeting Changed
The Emerald staff meeting
originally scheduled for 9
o’eloek tonight, will be held
at 6 p.m.
All reporters, copy desk and
night staff workers, advertis
ing staff, sports staff and up
per staff are expected to at
Plans for the annual Emer
ald banquet and picnic will be
and only recently was eo-chafr
, man of* "Of* ration Easter Egg.”
He is now serving as junior class
president and is general chair
man of Junior Weekend.
Hinkson was a member of
1 Skull and Dagger as a sopho
i more and is now a member of
He plans to go into the law
profession after his graduation
■ from the University.
Hobbies of HinksonH which
take up his free moments are
golf, fishing, swimming and
horseback riding.
A member of Sigma Chi, he
had a grade point average of
2.<7 through winter term.
Art & Science in the
Atomic Age
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer
20 Cents
Contemporary Culture
And the
Mustical Experience
St. Joseph's Church. Sunnyside, Wash
15 Cents
Voting Record of Any
Senator or Congressman,
'53 and '54 available.
15 cents per year
Send to Wm. H. Davis,
5014 14 NE—Seattle 5, Washington
Make Reservations Now for Your Folks
For Junior Weekend!
They'll find the Capistrano Motel a
convenient, comfortable place to stay.
• Telephone service in rooms.
• Beautyrest Mattresses.
• 5 blocks from the business center.
Capistrano Motel
566 West 6th Ave. Phone 5-*589
Junior Weekend
Barbara Bailey
photo by Fehly