ASUO Election Ballot 1. All students may vote for ASUO president and senate membership-at-large. 2. Members of freshman, soph omore and junior classes may vote for class officers in the sec tion designated by an encircled number in the right margin. 3. Number the candidates (in each section of the ballot that you use i iu the order of vour preference—1. 2, 3, 4. 5, etc., for as many as you wish to vote for 4. A total of eleven (111 can didates are to be elected in the Co-op to Set Refund Rate The precent of this year's co op dividend has not yet been de termined according to G. L. Hen son, manager of the co-op. A meeting of the board of directors in June will decide the sum which has been 10 per cent since 1947. Co-op members are reminded to turn their envelopes in to the co-op before May 20. Students, should include name, home ad dress and membership number on the envelope. The refund is paid in cash during final exami nation week, this term. Requirements Told For Scholarships Need, scholarship, activities ar.d character will be the basis for awarding the Kwama schol arships. according to Helen Ruth Johnson, president. Applications may be obtained from Golda P. Wickham, associ ate director of student affairs. "They must be returned to Mrs. Wickham's office by 5 p.m. Wed nesday. The scholarships will be an nounced at the AWS-recognition tea later this term. The number of awards and amount of each award has not yet been set. ac cording to Miss Johnson. Last year Kwama gave 10 one hun dred dollar scholarships. Africa to Be Topic Of Student Forum A joint forum on “Colonialism: Does the United States Have a Stake in Africa?” will be held by members of NAACP, Anthro pology club and Cosmopolitan club Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Mervin Cadwallader, a recent graduate in sociology, will serve as moderator. Panel members include Bert Collins, graduate in political sci ence from British Guiana; Vish nu Wassiamal, junior in econom ics from Africa’s Gold Coast; and Steve Talbot, •- graduate student in anthropology. Wilkinsons Work Shown Nationally Jack Wilkinson, assistant pro fessor of drawing and painting, has had color engravings accept ed by the Library of Congress for the current exhibition of Am erican Graphic Arts. Wilkinson has also been in vited to participate in the the 1955 exhibition of abstract paint ing at the Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France. Cressman to Attend Archeologists Meei L. S. Cressman, head of the anthropology department, will be in Bloomington, Ind., May 4-7 where he will attend a meeting of the Society for American Archeology ASUO voting: a president, vice president. and nine (9) senators at-large. ASUO President ( ) AOS Bud Hinkson (Candidate for President) ( ) ms Sam Vahey (Candidate for President) ( ) AGS Darrel D. Brittsan ( ) L'IS Chuck Mitchelmore i ) AGS Brian Booth ( » UIS Mary Claire Allen ( t AGS Louie Blue ( > T_TIS Bob Biggs ( ) AGS Anne Ritchey ( > VIS David Lobb ( » Non-Partisan Fred Hogg ( ) AGS Rob Roy ( > CIS Richard McDaniel ( l AGS Ann Erickson ( 1 UIS Dorothy Her ( ) AGS Nan Hagedorn ( ) ms Roger Sommer ( ) AGS Walt Ching ( 1 UIS Kathy Morrison ( ) AGS Bill Moore ( i UIS Susan Lamb Senior Class ( ) AGS Martin Brandenfels i Candidate for President t 1 ( ) T'lS Kip Wharton < Candidate for President I 1 ( ) AGS Patty Fagan (Candidate for Representative) ( ) UIS Sam Frear (Candidate for Representative) Junior Class ( ) AGS Doug Basham < Candidate for President t ( ) UIS Carl Groth (Candidate for President > ( ) Sally Jo Greig (Candidate for Representative t ; ( ) UIS Charlsie Parker (Candidate for Representative) Sophomore Class { ) UIS Dale Bujema (Candidate for President) ( ) AGS Jim Lynch (Candidate for President; : ( ) Xon-partisan Betty Herr-! mann (Candidate for Representative i . ( ) AGS Jim Hilands (Candidatefor Representative> j ( ) UIS Samuel G. Whitney 1 (Candidate for Representative) ! Campus Calendar no su 111 su 112 SU 113 SU 334 SU 1:00 4:00 Noon Biol Dept Gam Alph Chi Sinf Quentin Lnch 12:15 Phi Beta 12:30 PE Lnch Com Lnch SU Phi Chi Th 333 SU Quentin Asbly Ballrm SU Rally Bd 302 SU ROTC Staff 315 SU Moms Wknd Com 110 SU Quentin Cof Hr Canoe Fete Float Ch IVCF PDK Concert Lect Christian Sci Sigma Xi Lect Mayr Spkr 123 Sci Ed Sullivan Show Mac Ct. Dadsrm SU 4:30 7:00 7:30 214 SU 334 SU 111 SU 202 SU Gerl 1st FI 8:00 today's Staff Makeup Editor: Dorothy Iler. News Desk: Rob Robinson and -Anne Hill. Copy Desk: Joan Kraus, Carole Beech and Bob Turley. Night Staff: Cay Mundorff. Make Reservations NOW For Mom and Dad for Junior Weekend. • 1 5 immaculate units • Electric kitchens • Automatic heat POPLARS MOTEL 595 Pm. Hwy. N. Ph.5-3125 Spring Term Pledges Listed By Fraternities Spring terra pledges of men's national social fraternities were announced Friday by the office of student affairs. The 37 pledges and their houses are as follows: Alpha Tau Omega, Kenneth LaMear; Beta Theta Pi. Konald Creps; Chi Psi. Harry Coleman. Stanley Kalupus and Phillip Chadsey; Della Tau Delta, John Hoekstra and Charles Osborne. Delta Upsilon, Jack Soderling; Kappa Sigma. Fred Griesson; Lambda Chi Alpha. Lawrence Fishback, Alvin Friesen and Hugh Boyer: Phi Delta Theta. William Ellis: Phi Gamma Del ta. William Stoner and William Goodwin: Phi Kappa Psi, Roger Hagglung. James McMahon and Mike Volonte. Phi Kappa Sigma, Elliot Carl son. Don Smith and William Hromyk: Pi Kappa Alpha. Nor man Ostling and Kenny Granat; Pi Kappa Phi, William Walters and Darrell Keeney: Sigma Chi, Dennis Lenhart: Sigina Nti, Rob ert Drynan. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Thomas Harney, Everett Winter, Lee Thornton. Ronald Loveness and Richard Carothers; Tau Kappa Epsilon. Billy Hardin; Theta Chi. John Radich. Curtis Holzgang. Fred Miklancic and Bill Tarrow. S U Currents Ping Pong Tournament Entries Now Available Students wishing to enter the ping-pong tournament, taking place in the thud week in May, can sign up at the desk in the basement of the SU. Jazz Piano Program Scheduled for Tuesday Charles F. Ruff, instructor in English, will present a program of “Jazz Piano" Thursday at 7:30 in the Student Union music room. The concert-lecture, which was scheduled for tonight, was postponed until Thursday be cause of the “Toast of the Town" show. unera Want Ads TELEPHONE 3-1511 — EXT. 2U • EMERALD OFPICI-lnd FLOOR AUEN HALL RATES: 4 C»nl» per Word Flr»f Imerlion, 2 Cunt* pur Word Thereafter ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 23 ? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than *30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals. you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. & PD Insurance for $13.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP.See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444. Res 4-2957 or stop in at 902 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, ITS GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf Attention Married Students: Excellent child care—low est rates. Kiddy Park Nurs ery Phone 3-1725. *25-130 per month. 3-3 '48 Plymouth club coupe. Good condition. Ph. 4-7747. 5-3 I iimkI three persons of high caliber to work with com pany opening new office In this ana Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 a m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf Room An* you looking for a quiet, private, retreat with "atmosphere' 7 Look at thla room. One block from library; $25.00. Ph 3-6809 5-2 College men earn $1,000 me tween May 29-August 31. Car neceaaary. Write John Arnold, P.O. Box 642, Eu gene for personal Interview. 4-21tf ANN'S COSTUME SHOP Costume and formal rent als. all sizes. 239 East 141 h. Phone 5-2662. 5-6 Siamese Kittens. Blue point and Seal point. Stud service. Phone 4-0669. 5-5 Mysties to Go On Sale In Booths Wednesday Mystics will go on sale Wed nesday in black and pink booths located at various points on cam pus. Sponsored by Phi Theta Upsi lon, junior women's honorary, and run by freshman women, the sale proceeds will go for schol arships for University students. Outside booths will be open at 9 a.m.‘Booths will be locat ed in front of Commonwealth, Friendly, the library and the Stu dent Union from 9 to 5, and will be open from 11:30 to 1;30 and 5:30 to 0:30 in front of Straub hall, Carson, Susan Campbell and Hendricks. All living organizations have been invited to order mystics to serve as Wednesday night des sert. The dessert mystle will be different from the booth-sales mystie. Deliveries of the myrtles will be made at dinner-time by fresh man women. Sales in women's living organizations will 1h‘ car ried on between 10 and 11 pm. Wednesday. Although the identification of the mystic is not made until the day of the sale, price has been announced as 10 cents. Sales will end Thursday. General chairmen of the event are Darlene LeLand and Helen Hughes. Chairmen include Ar lene Clark and Rev Chamberlain, promotion; Miry Jo Fourier, publicity; Evelyn Nelson, decora tions; Ann Petterson, booth sales: Jeri Muire and Anne Hen derson, house sales; Frances Heitkemper and Sue Ramsby, collections, and Sue Jewett and Anne Curry, distribution. Now On Sale AT STUDENT UNION MAIN DESK • . (9:00 to 5:00) TICKETS FOR THE 1955 CANOE FETE ‘Sd 3 Sit and 2), ream a l (L^venincj • Student Tickets — 50c with Student Body Card. • General Admission — $1.25. Limited Number of Tickets. Get Yours Early so You Won't Miss the Revival of This Great Old Oregon Tradition.