Tree Saves Two LOUIS LAXTHIER, right, clings to a tree limb, as his companion Curtis Miller grasps a rope from a fire department rescue boat after the motor of their small boat failed and they were swept toward the dam of the swollen St. Joseph river. Only the fallen tree kept them from being swept over the dam. (AP Wirephoto) Main Speaker at Montana Meeting Is UO Professor Herbert Biano, assistant pro fessor of sociology, was main speaker at a recent leadership institute sponsored by Montana State university. The institute, which Is an an nual event, was held at Flathead Luke Lodge, Mont, last Friday Browsing Room Features Elston Lecture topic for this week's Wednesday night browsing room lecture will be "Mozart's and DaPonte'e Opera Don Giovan ni." Arnold Klston, associate pro fessor of music, will speak on the romantic opera, starting at 7:30 p.m. atul Saturday. Btsno spoke on "Group Dy namics. " Thla week ho will *p<-ul< at tho annual state conference of the Oregon Conference of So I clal Work In Portland. He will be moderator, at the nmc conference, of a section on •The Accountability of Social j Agencies.” He was one of the speakers at the annual convention of Oregon 'Congress of Parents and Teach ers. also held in Portland. "New Approaches to Juvenile Delinquency," was topic of a speech given by Bertram Peck of the U.S. Department of Health (education and Welfare's Chil dren's Bureau. Btsno acted an an Interrogator following the speech. Accommodations for Your Folks! • BEAUTYREST BEDS! • ELECTRIC KITCHENS! • ELECTRIC AND OIL HEAT! Reserve NOW for Junior Weekend! CASCADE MOTEL 340 Highway 99 North Phone 4-3171 VS Mile North of Eugene Winning Essay (Continued from page two) of students do not see it as a result of student initiative or the manifestation of student voice in the University—but there is a Canoe Fete. And it is not dreamed up by the University president. Nor did the faculty decide at a weekly meeting that it would be nice. When a disinterested student mentions casually at dinner that he wishes someone would take action on something vaguely unpleasant to him, a Senate member from his house puts it on the next Senate agenda. The Senate quickly in vestigates the problem, and if possible does something about it. If action should have proved impossible, no one ever notices it was investigated. For such is the nature of stu dent apathy. Only the flashy projects are noticed; only the im aginative campaigns are sup ported. The work of the University quietly and efficiently gets done, both in the student and faculty areas. Student government’s role may be purely functionary and static —but it changes in the mind of Betty and Joe, busily attending picnic and desserts and building signs, only when THEY know about it. They need to know more. But they don’t seem to want to. . Dean Jones to Speak At Harvard University William C. Jones, dean of ad ministration, has received an in vitation to be a discussion leader in a three-week conference on educational reporting at Har vard university this summer. The conference, which is be ing conducted by the Neiman Foundation at Harvard on a grant from the Fund for the Ad vancement of Education, will in clude schools and newspapers of ten American cities and seven colleges and universities. The progress of education in each community will be given by educational administers and newspaper staff reporter. Dis cussions will be conducted in formally on the pattern of the Neiman seminars in journalism. Buy CHESTERFIELD today! You'll SMILE your approval of Chesterfield's smoothness —mildness—refreshing taste. You'll SMILE your approval of Chesterfield's quality— highest quality low nicotine. Largest selling cigarette in America's colleges C'bootn & Mrm To»aC(C Co