Vaccine Withdrawn f * * i mm* ■ —_„ I>K. h. J. DtNNKN'HOLTZ, second from left, polio advisory committor chairman for the Stanis laus county medical society, gi \ e*-member* of a special polio immunization squad the shocking news that the vaccine with which they hail just Inoculated 850 Modesto school children had been withdrawn from use by the federal government. Ten cases of paralytic polio among school children .inoculated with the Salk vaccine mad* in the fuller laboratories in Berkeley, Calf., ban been reported. Action by the government brought to an immediate halt ail inoculations with the vaccine. (AP \t In-photo) Applications Due For Scholarships Applications for K w a m a scholarship* are due Wednesday at 5 p.m. In the office of Golda Parker Wickham, associate di rector of Student Affairs. Application blanks may also be obtained in Mrs. Wickham's office. The scholarship awards will b<- bused upon need, scholar ship. activities and character. Presentation of the scholarships will be made at the AWS-spon sored honors assembly May 17. Ten $100 scholarships were awarded last year by the sopho more women’s service honorary. 8* ippc-Mment purwvou ol> Ip !h* l»c Kmf Gwift VI. r«idt»* l Co , lid., London varih i r Yardley brings you good grooming in a bottle— London style From London, the world's center of fashions for men, comes Yardley After Shaving Lotion. It softens and braces the shin in wondrous stvle. It helps to heal inadvertent nicks. If counteracts skin dryness caused by hard water shaving. It was created for those who value good grooming. At your campus store, $1.10 and $1.50 plus tax. Makers and dis tributors for L.S. A., \ardley of London, Inc., New ^ork. HEAD EMERALD WANT ADS + Campus Briefs + 0 Amphibian* will not meet tonight. a« formerly announced. All members are to tnrp in their ticket* and money to Leola Lor enzen at Carson 5 as soon as possible. • Helen .lean Talbot, Claire Brown, Donna Nichols, Carol A meson, Doreen A flams, JoAnne Rogers. Margaret Hoehn. Mar garet Dyer, Judith Schrock. Sally Cohn, Nancy Pierson, Ran dall Ralls and Malcolm Scott were confined to the infirmary Sunday for medical attention. No visitors are being admitted to 1 the infirmary. 0 Phi Theta I'psflnn will meet today at 4 p.m. in Gerling er hall to discuss membership land ushering at the Ed Sullivan i show Tuesday night. 0 The YWCA Sophomore Cabinet will meet today at noon in Gerlinger hall. Seniors It is time to place your orders for Caps and Gowns for Commencement. Commencement Announcements are in stock and may be purchased at any time. Orders may be placed at the stationery counter of the Co-op. Orders may also be placed here for calling cards. | fj i UNIVERSITY CO-OpT _"the students own sto-pe ■ , -• -;------ ' ^ ^... - —. .. V UNION 1 \ PACIFIC A I RAILROAD i FOR PLEASURE/ Go union PACIFIC DOmiNER "CITY OF PORTLAND" For vacation thrills . •. the most in travel pleas ure . ... the Domeliner "CITY OP PORTLAND" with its new Astra-Dome cars is tops! And tops too, for enjoying scenic western America! The new Astra-Dome Coach and Observation Lounge "upstairs” sections, with wide win dows and comfortable divan type seats, are perfect for viewing the magnificent scenery through the Columbia River Gorge, the Blue Mountains and the heart of the Rockies. FOR ECONOMY! UNION PACIFIC'S FAMILY TRAYFL PLAN For a lifetime of pleasant memories, have the whole family share the thrill of traveling by train. For vacation travel at its best begin your trip Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays on any Union Pacific train with Union Pacific's FAMILY TRAN Eh PLAN and enjoy extra travel advantages . . . extra savings . . . and no extra fare! Lv. Portland 5:30 p.m. Doily (AU Sthadvht Standard Tima) CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS EAST For tickets and reservations, information on I'nion Pacific's FAMILY TRAYFL PLAN, generous baggage allowance (150 pounds /rec on each adult ticket—or on a I AM1LY PLAN group ticket, 300 pounds—in addition to hand luggage required en route) and rent-a-car service, contact J. E. ATHERTON. Genercil Agent Suite 21, Cascade Bldg., 163 East 12th Avenue Phone 5-8461 Euaene. Oregon UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROAD OF THE DAILY ‘DotHcllKtTd AND St%e*m&He%4