ASUO Election Ballot 1. All students may vote for ASUQ ' president and senate niembership-at-large. 2. Members of freshman, soph omore and junior classes may vote for class officers in the sec tion designated by an encircled number in.the right margin. 3. Number the candidates (in each section of the ballot that you use) in the older of your freference—1. 2. 3. 4, 5. etc. for as many as you wish to vote (or. 4. A total of eleven (lit can didates are to be elected in the ASUO voting: i president, vice Swedish Blonde Found Dead in LA LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Swedish blonde bookeeper. daughter of a Stockholm build ing contractor, was found dead in her apartment Saturday. Po lice said after an autopsy Sun day that death was due to an air embolism apparently caused by an attempted abortion. The victim was Miss Birgit Johansson, 25. Last Dec. 12. the Stockholm newspaper Aftonblad et said Miss Johansson would marry Mai Whitfield. U.3. Negro track star. Whitfield denied it, and after that Miss Johansson said the report was due to a misunder standing. Whitfield's brother-in-law. Ho race P. Clark, said the runner left three days ago for a track meet in Trinidad. Clark said Miss Johansson and the two time Olympic 800-meter cham pion met during the 1952 Olym pics in Europe but that they never dated. Police said nothing has been found in the case to involve Whitfield. Detective Sgt. E. V. Jackson said a friend of Miss Johansson, identified as Sam Lanier. 25. found her dead when he visited her flat. Detective Sgt. Herman Zander said Lanier, who was questioned and released, told of ficers he had known her about two months. She was employed by a Holly wood bank and was a kinder garten teacher in Stockholm be fore coming to the United States. The county coroner's chief au topsy surgeon. Dr. Frederick D. Newbarr. performed the post mortem. He said she was “five to six months pregnant." There have been no arrests in the case. Noted Evolutionist Will Speak Here Ernst Mayiy noted evolution ist jand professor at Harvard university, will speak on “The Origin of the Species” Tuesday at 8 p.m. in 123 Science. Author of several books on evolution, Mayr was formerly assistant curator of the Berlin Zoology Museum before he came to America. He was made cura tor of the Whitney-Rothschild Collection in the American Mu seum of Natural History in 1944. Sigma Xi. national science honorary, is sponsoring the lec ture. Emerald Staff Meets The staff of the Oregon Daily Emerald will meet Tuesday night at 9 p.m. in the Emerald office. All r eporters, copy desk work ers, proof readers and ad side workers, as well as upper' staff members, are requested to be present, according to Jerry Har rell. editor. Plans for the Emerald picnic and banquet will be among' the points discussed. president, and nine (0) senators ut-larjp'. ASUO President ( ) AGS Bud Hinkson (Candidate for President) ( ) UIS Sam Vahoy (Candidate for President) ( ) AGS Darrel D. Brittsun ( ) UIS Chuck Mitchelmore ( ) AGS Brian Booth ( ) UIS Mary Claire Allen ( ) AGS Louie Blue ( ) UIS Bob Biggs ( ) AGS Anne Ritchey t ) UIS David Lobb ( ) Non-Partisan Fred Hogg ( ) AGS Rob Roy ( ) UIS Richard McDaniel ( » AGS Ann Erickson ( ) UIS Dorothy Her ( ) AGS Nan Hagedorn ( ) UIS Roger Sommer ( ) AGS Walt Ching ( ) LrIS Kathy Morrison ( ) AGS Bill Moore ( ) UIS Susan Lamb Senior Class ( > AGS Martin Brandenfels (Candidate for President i ( ) UIS Kip Wharton (Candidate for President) ( 1 AGS Patty Fagan (Candidate for Representative) ( ) UIS Sam Frear (Candidate for Representative) Junior Class ( ) AGS Doug Basham (Candidate for President) ( ) UIS Carl Groth (Candidate for President) ( > Sally Jo Greig (Candidate for Representative) ( ) UIS Charlsie Parker (Candidate for Representative) Sophomore Class ( ) UIS Dale Bajema (Candidate for President) ( ) AGS Jim Lynch t Candidate for President) ( > Non-partisan Betty Herr mann (Candidate for Representative) ( ) AGS Jim Hilands (Candidate for Representative > ( ) UIS Samuel G. Whitney (Candidate for Representative) Petitions Called For RE Week Petitions are being called for members of the executive com mittee for next year's Religious Evaluation week, according to Bill Swenson, general chuirman of the week. Positions to be filled at tins time include a vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer. They will be due next Monday in the ASUO petition box. Students who formerly peti tioned for general chairman will be automatically considered for the executive spots. Swenson said. Duties of the vice-chairman will include sharing the total re sponsibility of the planning. The secretary will take minutes of all executive and general meet ings. and the treasurer will handle an appropriate budget of $1000. Swenson said. Other sub-committee chair men will be chosen later through petitions. Reading Lists DueThursdav Thursday is the deadline for reading tlists from campus liv ing organizations which are in competition for the Josephine Evans Harpham library cup. The trophy is given annually by Mrs. Everett E. Harpham, Eugene, to promote living or ganizations to stimulate reading interest among members by means of a house library pro gram. Reading lists should be turned in to Miss Bernice Rise, brows ing room librarian. The cup will be awarded during Junior Week end. The last American League pit cher to win 30 games in a single season was Lefty Grove of Phil adelphia. in 1931. Better tennis for you starts right here . . . The confidence you need to keep up your game is built right into this line Spalding racket. The Spalding KRO-BAT' de livers all the “feel" for better con trol and accuracy. It's built to take power serves and smashes, and * give you top performance. Buy the KRO-BAT in your own weight and grip size. Just one set will tell you ... this is your rear for better tennis. SPALDING SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS £ mera il.. Want Ads TELEPHONE S-1SI1 - EXT. 31* % EMERALD OFEICI-Jnd ELOOR AUIN HALL RATES: 4 Centt per Word Pint ln»ertion, 2 Cent* per Word Thereafter. ARK YOU HAYING A PKN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $80. to a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals. you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PR. & PD insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Cheek your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP.See JERRY BROWN, your M A YFLO W E R AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or stop in at 062 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, IT S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf Attention Married Students: Excellent child care low est rates. Kiddy Hark Nurs ery. Phone 3-1725. $25-$30 per month. 5-3 '48 Plymouth club coupe. Good condition. Ph. 4-7747. 5-3 I uaed three persons of high caliber to work with com pany opening new office to this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 u.m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf Room Are you looking for t*. quiet, private, retreat with "atmosphere"? Look at this room. One block front library; $25.00. Ph. 3-6809 5-2 Wanted: Date for informal boost' dance, Saturday, May 7th. For full particu lars Phone 4-5633 or in quire at 729 K. 11th street, Ask for ‘Tank." 5-3 College men earn $1,000 m<* tween May 29-August 31. Car necessaty. Write John Arnold. P.O. Box 542, Eu gene for personal interview. 4-21tf Siamese Kittens Blue point and Seal point. Stud service. Phone 4-0659. 5-5 SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A M. Til I 11 ** DAILY & SUNDAYS .TILL li'.OO M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 5o million times a day at home, at work or while at play There’s nothing like a 1. BRIGHT, RIGHT TASTE... tangy, bracing, ever-fresh. 2. FAST REFRESHMENT... a bit of quick energy for a wholesome little lift. 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