INTERPRETING THE NEWS Sir Anthony Eden Is Entering The Biggest Months of Career Ily J. M. HOBKItTH Associated Press News Analyst Anthony Eden, shooting at four fur four, in mitering the big gest months of his career. The new British Prime Min ister has always given the Im pression of submerging poli ties to the nntlon’s business, es|M*eially with regard to for- j elgn affairs, but this time he lias ran Into a natural tleup. Not so much that he Is playing polities with foreign Issues, hut that hn Ih l«*t 11nh them play politic** for him. The word has come that Eden ia trying for big things before hlK party fa era the votera in the May 26 election*. He hopes to preaent them with Formo«a peace talk*, Austrian indepen dence and an approach to a Big Four conference, Ik getting ahead with what they want most, peace. Then he expects them to hand him political victory. At find, glance, thin may seem Secabeck Conference Reservations Are Due Reservation* for the annual YM-YW-gponwored Seabeck sum mer conference are now being taken at the respective offices of these organizations. This conference of the Pacific Non-Arrival of Movies Cancels SU Showings Hue to the non-arrival of the films for the Student I nloit movies for the last tverk, neither of the scheduled mov ies were shown. The Wednesday night educa tional movie was not shown and no notification of the can cellation was given. Sunday, SO |>e»iilc waited In vain for the regular showing of the movie In SI,’ ballroom. According to (ilenna Pearl, member of the sf movie com mittee, the film either never arrived or it was locked in the post office for the weekend. After waiting for 15 min utes for the show, some un identified person told t tie crowd the movie would not la shown and the hopeful movie goers left the ballroom. Northwest YMCA and YWCA, a rum-denominational Christian ! college conference. will be held on Hood's Canal, 15 miles north west of Bremerton, Wash., June 11-18. Any student or faculty per son, member, leader or staff per I .son In a campus or church group ik eligible to attend. Joseph Sittler, professor at Chicago Lutheran Theological seminary will present the main platform speeches at this year’s ; conference. Informal worship services will be held at the close of the morning sessions in the Cathedral of the Firs. Recreation plans for the con ference include swimming, boat ing. hiking, volleyball, tennis, softball, ping-pong, square danc ing. campfires, singing, golfing, and sunbathing. A film, "Seaberk Beckons You” describing the conference will be shown at a time to be announced later in the term. Reservations for the confer ence must be made by June 1. KKXI) K.MKKALO WANT A!>S like an extremely ambitious three-week program. Actually, Eden haa the times at work for him. Hopes are high now that four power ambassadors meeting with the Austrians next week will I come up with a treaty which will leave the foreign ministers little to do but sign after the NATO conference in Paris. In connection with the NATO conference, where Germany will be admitted to membership, as suming final agreement between France and Germany on the Saar by then, the Big Three foreign ministers will meet to lay plans for another conference with Rus sia on more general issues. Such a meeting can hardly be held for several months, but it will be the start which Eden seeks. On the Formosa question, how | ever, there is much farther to go. ! Eden has alerted his represen tative in Peiping to see what can be done to bring the Chinese Reds and the United States to j gether around the conference table. That an actual settlement on Formosa can be reached or even discussed Is in serious doubt. What docs seem possi ble is that talks can be held looking toward renunciation by the Iteds of the use of force. Pakistan now has the inside track as chief go-between, hav ing made contact with Chou En Lai at Bandung. But if Britain j can get some credit even for just getting talkB started it will give Eden just about all he needs light now. Three of his hits—Austria. Big Four and the election—seem pretty sure anyway. THE GREETING THAT CARRIES ITS OWN BOUQUET This new scented telegram is the perfect way to send your love on Mother’s Day. Lightly perfumed with the fragrance of carnations it will be a keepsake cherished for years to come. Call or visit your local Western Union office today and give them your message for Mother's Day. ^WESTERN UNION ( fo 870 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON V TEL. 4-3221 READ EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS When a roommate gets you a blind date with his younger sister ... and she turns out to be a real doll... M-m-mcm, that's PURE PLEASURE! For more pure pleasure... _ No other cigarette is so rich yet so mild! DC" SSf ^ Co™,, exclusive are, mMt pep„lor * U- J- Sftiuoidi Tobacco Co-. W'lniton-aalon. N q