Air Force Inspection Scheduled Next Week The annual inspecting team from Aiv Force ROTC headquar ters at Maxwell AFB. Montgom ery, Ala., will be on campus Monday and Tuesday to inspect activities of the local detach ment. The inspecting team will re view administrative and class Photo Deadline Is May 1§, Hot 6 Deadline for the “Campus Stand-outs" contest is May 16. not May 6. as previously an nounced. The contest, sponsored by the Campus Merchandising Bureau in New York, is for photographs and captions describing a typi cal collegian. Entrants may submit as many entries as they wish, and are eligible for more than one prize. Entries must be the original work of the contestant and should be submitted in his own name. Each picture must be clear, and suitable for reproduction. Captions must be appropriate and photographers should show originality in illustration tech nique. Entries should be mailed to Campus Merchandising Bureau. Inc.. 299 Madison Avenue, New York IT. New York. room procedure, inspect the qual ity of potential officers in group and personal interviews, and will attend the wing review at 2 p.m. Tuesday. The public is invited to the review. A meeting is scheduled be tween the team and Dean of Ad ministration W. C. Jones. Time is also provided for interviews between team members and any one in the department, including cadets, who may wish to discusa the program. The three-member team in cludes Colonel Lewis H. Kensin ger. Lt. Col. Leo G. Fradenburg, and Lt. Col. Ross E. Bodenhamer. Joshua Whatmough Speaks in Dad's Room Language, like life is a con tinually emerging, evolving pat tern. Joshua Whatmaugh told a Dads’ Room audience Thursday night. Language is the most orderly form of human behavior, he said. We have a definite obligation to use words in a certain way. not as characterized by ^propaganda or moronic broadcasting. "Good order in language may be a cure for the mass neuroses of our times.” he said. All language is symbolism, and has to be interpreted. What mough stressed. It is charac teristic of symbols that they are conventional rather than arbi trary, he said. Ceciie Ley Will Appear In National Advertising Cecile Ley. junior in speech, will have her picture used in na-' tional advertising: for Chester field cigarettes. Miss Ley, a member of Alpha j Petitions Due May 6 AWS Rummage Sale Petitions for committee mem-' bers for the annual AWS rum- ■ mage sale are being called for by Mary Jo Williams, general ■ chairman. Friday, May 6, at 5 p.m. is the deadline for turning in the petitions which should be ■ put in the petition box on the third floor of the Student Union. Members are needed for the publicity, collections, appraisals, and sales committees. Chi Omega and a 1952 Rose Fes tival Princess from Lincoln high school, has been active in Uni versity theater activities and has held several staff positions at KWAX. She has been a disc jockey, receptionist and music librarian for the campus radio station. She has also appeared in "The Happy Time,” and in several informal performances, some of which were for classroom credit. She has been a member of the University Theater beard, also. Miss Ley’s pictures were taken Wednesday evening by student photographer Lloyd Powell, sen ior in business administration. READ EMERALD WANT ADS Science Students Gather Saturday College students from all over the state of Oregon will gather on the campus Saturday for the Oregon Student Science confer ence. Registration is scheduled to begin Ht » a.m. with the divi sional meetings beginning at 10:30 a.m. The delegates have been asked to present the results of special study and research in which they have been engaged. Oiegon students taking part in the program are George Skin ner and Howard Sussman. jun iors in general science, and Rich ard Lyons, junior in pre-ined, on •'Hereditary Spherocytosis in Mice:" Barbara Thomson, senior in math. "A Statistical Analysis of Indian Skulls;" Bruno Moro sin, junior in chemistry. “The Ef fects of Salt Concentration Upon Reaction Time.” John Oliver, junior in chemis try. "The Determination of Or ganic Material in Sand;" Lois Krolen. senior in chemistry. “The Spectrophotometric Investiga tion of a Bismuth-Iodide Com plex," and Judith Harris, sen ior in chemistry, "Preparation and Hydrolysis of tert-Butyl Ester." High school science teachers have also been invited to the conference. Attendance is open to all interested persons. Phi Alpha Theta To Hear Paper Miss Virginia Orkney, gradu ate student in history, will read a paper which she and W. H. Stephenson, professor of history, wrote, at a luncheon today spon sored by Phi Alpha Theta, hon orary historical society for col lege students in history. This is part of the Mississippi Valley Historical association con ference which is being held April 28 to 30. in St. Louis. “William A. Dunning: Teacher and Hu morous'' is the title of the paper. oCistenincf ^9n ...On KWAX 6:00 Sign On 6:03 Dinner Hour Serenade 6:45 News Till Now 7:00 Chicago Roundtable — 7:30 U.N. Story 7:45 Gaite Paris 8:00 Radio Nederland 8:30 Guest Star 8:45 Senator Morse 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:55 Final Edition Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - EXT lit « EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cents per Word Flrit Iniertion, 2 Cent* per Word Thereefier. AKK YOU PAYING A PKN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. Sc PD insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP.See JERRY BROWN, ycur MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Rea. 4-2957 or stop in at 962 Oak street.. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, ITS GOOD BUSINESS. 3- 29tf College men earn $1,000 me tween May 29-Auguat 31. Car necessary. Write John Arnold. P.O. Box 542. Eu gene for personal interview. 4- 21 tf Room Are you looking for a quiet, private, retreat with "atmosphere’? Look at this room. One block from library; $25.00. Ph. 3-6809. 5-2 ’48 Plymouth club coupe. Good condition. Ph. 4-7747. 5-3 I WOULD LIKE TO HIRE THREE STUDENTS for part time sales work. High hourly commission earn tnga working the hours of your choice. A car in help ful. Can develop Into a very lucrative summer job. For interview write to Dick Ro main. 279ft H, Central Blvrt. Eugene, or call 3-7259 Wed. 4-7. 4-30 I need three person* of high caliber to work with com pany opening new office In this area. Work from 4 till 10 Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 u.m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf Attention Married Students: Excellent child care low est rates. Kiddy Park Nurs ery. Phone 3-1725. $25-230 per month. 5-3 Ann's Costume Shop: Costume and formal rentals, all sizes. 239 East 14th. Phone 5-2002. 4-29 '52M.G.—Like -new. Phone 3-4301. 4-29 Siamese Kittens. Blue point and Seal point. Stud service. Phone 4-0059. 5-5 Typing 77! 3-3509. 5-28 Tickets Available for Ballet Show Tickets are still available for both the matinee ami evening performances of the Ballet So ciety of Portland which will be held at the University Theater April 30. Two performances are planned at the Theater, one to given at 2:30 p,m. for grade and high school students and one at 8 p.rn. for adults. University students will be included in the students' matinee rate of 50 cents; adult tickets will be sold at $1. Uni versity Theater season ticket holders will be admitted to the evening performance for only SI. all other tickets will sell at $1.50. This will be the first perform ance of the Ballet Society out side of Portland. The group, which in made up of dance stu dent* from various studio* in Portland and the Northwest, is directed by Jacqueline Martin Schumacher, ballet mistress of Richard Rilling* School of Danc ing in Portland and former classi cal ballerina with the San Fran cisco Opera Ballet. N i c h o 1 as Vastlieff, guest choreographer for the Society, has hi* own dance school and was formerly with the San Fran cisco company. Vasilieff was a soloist with the Ballft Theater and Ballet Caravan. The American record for the 1 Off-yeard dash is held by Mel Patton of Southern California. He stepped the distance in 9.3 at Fresno on May 15, 19-18. Selling.. Buying? jffSfCMi University 5-1511 Extension 218 Whether you are selling ... or buying, THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is the place to advertise! We are proud of EMERALD ad results and proud that we can offer you ad space for as little as 4c per word for WANT ADS . . . and 63c per column inch for DISPLAY ADS! oir'&c^omm ■?4EROLD