56th Year of Publication i VOL. IM UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1959 NO. 120 'Fete' Bleachers Nearly Finished "Saturday night should sec- the end of building bleachers,” re ported Jerry Maxwell, chairman of the Canoe Fete property set up committee, after another day of work Thursday. It was the second day of bleacher building, and despite difficulties Involving wet weath et and low manpower the project was running ahead of schedule. Come what may, members of the committee were on the Job. Kach day members of designat ed fraternities meet by the mill race to continue the bleacher con struction. Thursday Theta Chi worked in the morning. Delta Upsilon in the afternoon. Satur day morning, under the super vision of Ward Patterson, Phi Psi will take over; Saturday aft ernoon Phi Kappa Sigma will start work supervised by De