+ Campus Briefs + £ Although the “No Visitor" sign is still on the infirmary doors, the number of patients is .steadily decreasing, according to hospital records. The patients are Dr. Marian Hays. Lynda -Lemmery. Jo Anne Rogers. Mar garet Hoehn. Sue Ramsby, Ver ron Ummel. Bill Hormvk. Allen Burns. Roger Long. Gerald Mc Cabe and Jacqueline Meadows. 9 Representatives of all wom en's living organizations will ■meet in the Student Union at 4 •p.m. today. The purpose of the meeting is to send out Duck Preview letters. • A meeting of all Phi Theta «nystie sale committee chairmen will .be held today at 3 p.m. on the third floor of the Student Union. £ Representatives of Lipman Wolfe Jfc Co. of Portland will be on campus Friday to interview women for the college board. Ap pointments for interviews should ' be made with Kai l Onthank in student affairs office in Emer j aid hall. 0 The Hillel society will meet ; tonight at 6:30 p.m. at Sigmu Alpha Mu. Rabbi Joshua Stain* : per will speak. 0 The ride pool of the VMt'A wants riders or drivers to Se i attle this afternoon or eve ning and Sunday afternoon or | evening. For further information call Dick Allen at the YMCA 0 Canoe Fete float chairmen j will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in 1 the Student Union, according to Darrel Brittsan and Sally Jo Greig, co-chairmen. 0 Ski Quacks will meet to night at 6:30 in the Student ! Union. 0 There wttl be an important 1 meeting of the Emerald adver 1 tising salesmen Friday at 3 p.m. S UCurrents <1 Hui-O-Kamaaina Sponsors Mixer Friday night's fishbowl mixer will be sponsored by the Hui O' Kamaaina. Hawaiian club on campus. This annual May Bay Luau will feature Hawaiian dec orations and special entertain ment. Vanda orchids will be dis tributed at the dance. Decorations will be Polynesian. Heading the entertainment will be Charles Oyama singing a few numbers. In addition hulas will be done by Joseph Ching and Madelene Lung. . 1 '"-1 1 1 T Students are urged to wear their brightest shirts and di^sses to compete in the clothes con test. "Tight Little Island" Shown Twice Sunday “Tight Little Island." a J. Ar thur Rank production, will be shown at 2:30 and 5 p.m. Sunday in the Student Union ballroom, according to JoAnne Rogers, chairman of the SU movie com mittee. The comic film satire set in a Scottish island stars Basil Rath bone and Joan Greenwood. Ad mission is 30 cents. to discuss the Junior Weekend i paper. All salesmen please at j tend. j 0 I’ld Theta f'psilon will meet j today at noon in the basement I of Susan Campbell. Members are | urged to be prompt. 4 There will be a meeting of j house chaplains at 0:40 tonight ; in the Student Union. Campus Calendar 4:30 t>:30 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 113 SU 114 SU Com Lnch Noon Soc Dept Phi Beta Speech StafT Shafer Lnch Phi Eps Kap Gam Alph Chi Whutmaugh Lnch 215 SU Sing Com 111 SU Phi Theta Ups 112 SU AWS Com 113 SU Whatmaugh Cof Hr Dadsrm SU Canoe Fete Float 214 SU 4:00 0:45 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 Ski Quacks Scab & B1 ASUO Senate Hse Chap Ye Tab Inn Whatmaugh Lect Druids Fac Bowl 110 SU 112 SU 334. SU 214 SU 113 SU Dadsrm SU 110 SU 112 SU Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Anne Ritchey. News Desk: Anne Hill, Bob Robinson. Copy Desk: Mama Gehrman. Dotty Griffith. Night Staff: JaiTet Knee land. The University of Oregon was founded in 1872. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - EXT. 21« « EMERALD OlflCE-Jnd ELOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Ward Fir** Interlion, 2 C*nlt per Word Thereefter. ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY KOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. & PD insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP. See JERRY BROWN, your MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Rea. 4-2957 or atop in at 962 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, IT'S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf College men earn $1,000 me tween May 29-August 31. Car necessary. Write John Arnold. P.O. Box 542, Eu gene for personal interview. 4-21tf | For Sale Army Officers tropical worsted uniforms, ami pinks and greens. Ph. 3-1430, call between 6 and 7. 4-28 '48 Plymouth club coupe. Good condition. Ph. 4-7747. 5-3 I WOULD LIKR TO HIKE THREE STUDENTS for purl time sales work. High hourly commission earn ings working the hours of your choice. A car is help ful. Can develop Into a very lucrative summer job. For interview write to Dick Ro raain, 2795>4 Central Blvcl. Eugene, or call 3-7259 Wed. 4-7. 4-30 I need three persona of high caliber to w'ork with com pany opening new office In this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 a.m. and 3 pm. 4-7-tf Underwood noiseless portable typewriter. Just recondi tioned. 535.00 Phone 3-0198, 200 Gilham Hoad. 4-28 Attention Married Students: Excellent child care low est rates. Kiddy Park Nurs ery. Phone 3-1725. $25-530 per month. 5-3 Ann's Costume Shop: Costume and formal rentals, all sizes. 239 East 14lh. Phone 5-2662. 4-29 ‘52M.G. Like new. Phone 3-4301. 4-29 Patronize Emerald Advertisers The News Today .will concern you Tomorrow! The EMERALD gives a complete coverage of the news. Be In The Know — with Your Campus Daily