Ducklings Open Against Rooks Without a single Inning of ac tual competition under their belts the Oregon Kroah baseballers will try to open their season today against Oregon Htate's Rooks. The game is billed for 3 p.m. on Howe field, but the weather out look Isn't good. TUnesa cut down Coach Bob Hastch's catching depth, aa Jerry McCabe was in the Infirmary this Week. Big John Ksklldsen has been moved from first base to back up front-line received Ron Dodge, while Dale Dickey is battling Dave Wanaka for the starting first-sack job. If weather permits, it will be Beavers Clobber Vandals, 16 to 3 CORVALLIS (AP) Oregon State finally got Its Northern Di vision baseball season opened Wednesday, and promptly clubbed 20 hita to smother Ida ho. 18-3. Two weeks of rain had washed out games scheduled earlier. Oregon State wasted no time once things started The Bea ver* jumped on Idaho pitcher Dick Dodel for four runa in the first inning and six more In the second. Before it ended all the Oregon State regulars had at least one hit. and four of them had col lected three hits. Idaho managed six hits off the State starter, Lowell Pearce, in five Innings, but got not another blow off sophomore Lynn Moh ler, who relieved Pearce with the buses loaded in the fifth. Mohler fanned » of the 15 batters to face him. The teams will play again Thursday. Idaho 0X0 010 100- 3 6 2 Oregon State 480 023 Olx-18 20 2 Dodel. Anderson 8 and How ard. Riggs 8; Pearce. Mohler 5 and Stephenson. White Sox Drop Yanks to Second »> THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Chicago White Sox pow ered out of their scoreless slump with a 14-hit attack to replace New York in the American league lead by pasting the Yan kees 13-4 Wednesday. 0 Kive runs in the first inning called a halt to 19 frames with out a run for the Sox and chased Whitey Ford, who had pitched 21 shutout Innings for the Yanks. Yanks Tied for Second The defeat dropped the Yan kees into a second place tie with Cleveland as the Indians went 17 innings before beating Wash ington 6-5 on Bobby Avila’s sac rifice fly. The Yanks and In dians are 21 percentage points behind Chicago, both having won and lost one more than the White Sox. Detroit took over fourth in the AL, beating Baltimore 11-3 while Kansas City dumped Boston into fifth 6-2. Braves Top Giants In the National league, Mil waukee smacked the New York Giants 9-6 and Pittsburgh won its second decision of the sea-* son 4-1 over the Chicago Cubs. The St. Louis at Philadelphia game was shelved by cold. Sherm Lollar's two-run homer capped the White Sox doings in the first, overtaking a 2-0 New York lead on Hank Bauer and Andy Carey home runs in the top of the first. •a busy weekend for the Duck ling diamondmen. Medford high In ala ted to travel to Eugene for another 3 p.m. tilt on Friday, and Haturday the Frosh will move to Corvallis for a return engagement with the Rooks. Fred Paine, Ken Ackerman and Bill Manning are top three on Coach Paul Valenti'a Baby Beaver mound staff. Don Lane will probably atart for the Froah, while Ron Whittaker and Don Deibon are the atrongeat re aervea. Coach Bob McCollum'a Duck ling track crew will meet the Portland Track and Field club at 3 p.m. Haturday on the Ore gon oval. Coach Hilbert Lee'a freshman fennie squad will travel to Springfield for a return match with the Millers on Friday. The Ducklings whipped Springfield first time around, 6-1, Singles Bowling Tournament Set The fourth all-campun singles bowling tournament for both men and women will begin Monday on the SU alleys with competition in three men's divisions and two for women, according to Louis BelMsim, SU recreation director. Everyone interested in partici pating in the tournament is urged by Bellisimo to sign up at the alleys. Deadline for signing up is Sunday, May 1, and compe tition will begin May 2. Hours for bowling and tournament rules can be obtained when the bowlers sign up. Divisions for men will include A, open to scratch bowlers; B, for handicap bowlers, and C, for beginners. Women's divisions will be A, handicap, and B. begin ners. Each bowler will roll nina games during the tourney, which will end May 15. Oregon Netters Meet Beavers In ND Match Oregon's varsity tennis team will be seeking its first North ern Division victory here Satur day morning when the Ducks clash with a young but potent Oregon State net team. The Webfoots got in their first conference play of the season last weekend when pow erful Washington dropped them 7-# here. Oregon State | played the Huskies the nest day at Corvallis and were also disposed of by a 7-0 count. Both the Ducks and Beavers are short on veterans, with Ore gon boasting four one-year let termen and Oregon State having two. The Ducks have a junior dominated lineup and OSC has two juniors plus two sophomores on their first five. Last season Oregon State defeated the Ducks twice in dual competition, but the loss of four seniors from the Bea ver team plus the return of four men from Oregon’s 1954 team make# the match shape up as a toss-up. Beaver Coach Irwin Harris will send two junior lettermen. Pete Overton and pint-sized Dick Ja cobson, as well as promising Sophomores Bob Jensen and Norm Merrill and Senior Emory Keolanui against the Ducks. Ore gon Coach Hilbert Lee will like ly use his usual quintet of Ron Carlson, Bob Baker, Dick Hamil ton, Dick Gray and Don Bonime in the ND dual. Swim Instruction Starts Monday An American Red Cross course In water safety instruc tion will begin Monday, May 2, with an opening session at 7 pan. at the men’s pool, ac cording to John Bnrrhardt of the physical education depart ment. Eagles Sign Wes Ediger PHILADELPHIA (AP)- The Philadelphia Eagles announced j Wednesday the signing of a pair of tall pass catching ends, one of them Wesley Ediger, of Ore gon State college. Ediger goesj 6 feet, 2 inches and weighs 225 pounds. — Ex-Champ Drops Comeback Fight MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — I John Holman, a 5-1 underdog, launched a vicious surprise at tack in the ninth round Wed- i nesday night to stop Ezzard Charles, former world heavy weight champion, on a technical knockout. Charles, who had gone down once for a nine count, was reel- 1 ing helplessly away from Hol man when referee Eddie Coach man stopped the fight at 2:48 of the ninth round. Until then, the 33-year-old ex-champion had been leading on points. Nalls Charles Holman, who seemed to run out of gas in the fourth round, offered little opposition to Charles until the start of the j ninth, when he nailed the Cin cinnati Negro with a left-right left combination. The unexpected barrage stag gered Charles and another left from Holman dropped him on his back. He got to his knees on the count of eight and was up at nine. Then Holman rushed into him with such enthusiasm that both fighters fell. Three Rights End Fight When they got up, Holman smashed three straight rights to I Charles' head and Coachman stopped the fight with Charles on the verge of going down again. Holman, a 27-year-old Chicago Negro with no ranking, weighed 202^t. Charles, the fourth rank ing heavy, came in at 193 (-2. Phillies, PiKA Grab IM Wins In Softball Play Intramural aoftball teams man aged to get in part of their schedule for the first time in two weeks Wednesday, and the day produced several freak ball games. Games on the upper IM field were postponed, as the ground was mostly mud. Of the four re maining games, one was can celled, two produced a total of 41 runs, and the other ended in a 3-all deadlock, to be played off later. Hale Kane hall and Phi Gam ma Delta were the victims in the scoring sprees. Philadelphia house squeaked past Hale Kane by a 12-10 count, and Pi Kappa Alpha slammed the Fiji’s, 14-5. At the end of five innings, Sig ma Chi and Phi Delta Theta were still knotted at three to three. Rich Butler was doing the twirling for the Sig’s, and Ted Larsen was on the mound for the Phi Delta, when the game was suspended at 6 p.m. Myron Finkbiener was the win ning pitcher for Philadelphia house, and Ken Bosanko ham mered out a home run for the winners. Idaho State, Seattle Named in Hoop Tourney OKLAHOMA CITY AP — Se attle University and Idaho State will compete in the 20th annual All-College Basketball tourna ment here Dec. 27-29. The two Western teams plus Pennsylvania and Loyola of New Orleans were added to the field Monday. Other teams in the tour ney will be Texas Tech, Okla homa A&M, Tulsa and Okla homa City University. San Francisco, the NCAA ti tlist, is defending champion but will not defend its title in the Madison Square Garden Holiday tournament in New York City. In a Turmoil?... Advertise in the Emerald Classified Are you "stumped" as to how you can sell that car? ... or have you a roonTto rent? ... Advertise in the EMERALD CLASSIFIED section . . . and get fast returns! (Only 4c per word for the first day. . . and 2c a word on repeated ads.!) ) '