Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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on the
Emerald Women's Page
am pud
Sally Jo Graig and Marcia Mauney,
l.KOM; M. JOHNSON, program consultant at th** Memorial i
t nlon at Oregon State college, will speak at the YWCA breakfast
Sunda> morning in the Student Colon.
Leone Johnson to Speak
At VW Womens Breakfast
"The Quality of Leadership is
the Answer" U the topic of an
Address to be given by Leone M.
Johnson, Memorial Union pro
gram consultant at Oregon State
She will speak at the YWCA
junior-senior women's breakfast
Sunday morning In the Student
Union ballroom. The breakfast
will be held from 9:15 to 10:30
Mrs. Johnson ha* a master of
science degree in personnel and
guidance at Oregon State col
lege, and also has a B.S. degree
from North DakotA State col
She started a leadership train
ing course at Oregon State in
1948, which has since gained na
tional recognition. The Intercol
legiate Press Bulletin published
an article about the course last
year. She hua had inquiries about
it from college presidents and
counselors from all over the
United States.
Sororities Pledge
26 in Spring Rush
A total of 26 women were
pledged by campus sororities
during spring term open rush
Gamma Phi Beta pledges were
Barbara Bryan, Polly Crooker
and Carolyn Hurd. Kappa Alpha
Theta pledged Germaine J,a
Marche, Carol Bradbury, Lisa
Cabiale *nd Louise McManigle.
Sally Barnard* and Barbara
Proebstul are new pledges of
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Other sororities and their new
pledges are as follows: Delta
/eta, Charlene Hudson; Zeta
Tau Alpha, Charlene Grinnell,
Dorothy Yergen and Jean Law
rence; Alpha Chi Omega, Nancy
Crandall; Chi Omega, Kay Em
ery and Joyce Humphries; Delta
Gamma, Sue Cosgrove and Mary
beth Larpenter; Alpha Delta PI,
Valerie Gilman, Laura Morris,
Doris Patton and Jackie John
son. Alpha Gamma Delta, Eve
lyn Olsen; Delta Delta Delta,
Barbara Shea; Sigma Kappa,
Agnes Utecht and Gaynelle Lope
son .
She has worked in a leadership
capacity in the National Asso
ciation of College Unions, Girl
Scouts, Campfire Girls, civic
groups and educational groups.
Tickets to the breakfast, to
which Junior women arc to escort
seniors, are for sale through liv
ing-organization representatives
for $1 each. They will be on sale
through Thursday.
Dress for the breakfast is short
silks or suits and heels, accord
ing to Barbara Johnson, general
Kwama Scholarship
Applications Due May 3
Applications for Kwama schol
arships are due May 3, accord
ing to Helen Ruth Johnson, presi- ,
Any freshman women may ap
ply. Awards will be made on the
basis of need, scholarship, ac
tivities and character. Applica
tions should be turned in to Mrs.
Golda Wickham at Emerald hall.
Neither the amount of each
award nor the number of awards
has been announced as yet, ac
cording to Miss Johnson. Last
year Kwama gave ten 100-dollar
Seniors Will Be
Honored at AAUW
Dessert Parties
Dessert parties honoring sen
ior women at. the University will
be given by the Eugene Branch
of the American Association of
Univeraity Women tonight anel
tomorrow night from 7:30 to 9.
All women graduates of the Uni
veraity are eligible for member
ship and these desserts will ac
quaint the girls with the organ
ization. *
One party tonight will be given
at the home of Mrs. A. A. Ess
linger with Mrs. D. W. Willing
and Mrs. William Cox assisting.
The other will be at the home,
of Mrs. C. K. Gregg, with Mrs.
W. It, Ellis and Mrs. Dorothy
Marshall assisting.
Entertaining tomorrow night
will be hostesses: Mrs. Ray Hawk
with Mrs. R. L. Brakel and Mrs.
W. S. McComack assisting; Mrs.
Carl Webb with Mrs. Donald
Stainsby and Mrs. Richard Mil- ,
ler assisting; and Mrs. William
C. Jones with Mrs. Winfield H.
Atkinson and Mrs. Peter Madi
son assisting.
.m Erry-Go-RounD
By Jan Bennett
Em«r«l<f Reporter
At Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi’s will be honoring
their housemother, Mrs. Ander
son, this Saturday morning at
10 o'clock with a coffee hour at
the chapter house. Mrs. Anderson
will be retired following this
spring term, after serving as
housemother for the sorority 17
years. Hostesses for the coffee
hour will include all Alpha Phi s
on the campus and Eugene:
Patty Teale, a former Alpha
Phi at Oregon now attending
school at Oregon State, has an
nounced her pinning to Pete !
Overton. Overton is a member
of Sigma Chi at OSC.
At Delta Delta Delta
Gretehen Klomhause has re
vealed her pinning to her Tri
Deit sorority sisters. She is
Four UO Women Chosen
For Honor Study in France
Pour University of Oregon
women have been honored by
having been selected from col
leges throughout the nation to
study in France during the school
year of 1955-59. The two senior
women, Elena D. Horn, Zeta
Tau Alpha, aJid Diane David.
Delta Gamma, have been award
ed fellowships whfch will allow
them to study at special schools
in Paris. Sally Allen. Pi Beta
Phi, and Sally Calkins, Eugene,
have been chosen from the hun
dred of applicants to Sweetbi-iar
college in Virginia to spend "The
Junior Year in France."
Miss Horn, who received a
Fullbright Fellowship, will study
French literature and language
ZTA Reunion Is
Set for Saturday
An annual reunion of all Zeta
Tau Alpha alumnae residing in
the state of Oregon will be held
in Eugene Saturday, April 30.
Alumnae from all parts of the
state will be guests at the social
gathering. Official hostess for
the State Day is Mrs. Mortimer
Turnbull, president of the Eu
gene Delta Zeta Alumnae asso
ciation. Province President Mrs.
Guilder Lydig will also be in at
First on the agenda for the day
is a luncheon at the Laurelwood
Country club, at which Eugene
alums will serve as hostesses.
Les Anderson will speak to the
gathering concerning alumni af
It is time to place your
orders for Caps and Gowns
for Commencement.
Commencement Announcements are in
stock and may be purchased at any time.
Orders may be placed at the stationery
counter of the Co-op. Orders may also be
placed here for calling cards.
at the Cler Mont-Ferrand. She
will «pend a whole year in rcsi
; dence and plans to travel over
Europe during her vacations.
Miss Horn will sail in Septem
j her.
Miss David will study at the
Eeloe dn Lovur. the leading art
school of France, under a French
Government Fellowship. This
will make Miss David's second
i year of study in France. She
| spent her junior year studying
with the Swretbriar group. Miss
David will also sail in Septem
Miss Allen and Miss Calkins
•will be part of an SO student
group from Sweetbriar college
! which annually sponsors a year
of study in France under the
name "The Junior Year in
France." They will make the
.sixth delegate from the Univer
sity since 1948 giving us the
largest representation from all
tile colleges in the west. Both
young women are French majors
and Miss Allen and Miss Calkins
will study French Literature.
pinned to AI Reynolds, Pi Kappa
At Delta Gamma
New freshman pledge Mary
Beth Larpenteur announced her
pinning to Greg Lininger, Phi
Delta Theta, at the house April
20. They became pinned April
At Kappa Alpha Theta
Two Thetas have revealed their
pinriings to members of SAE.
Marcia Tamasie is pinned to
Dave Chapman and freshman
Betty Lou Boehrn is pinned to
Bruce King.
At Pi Beta Phi
A pinning and an engagement
took the romantic spotlight at
the Pi Beta Phi house- during
the past weekend. Much to the
delight of visiting senior guests
and Pi Phi sisters. Nita Hamil
ton announced her pinning to
Art Greisser. Phi Delta Theta,
at a fireside after closing hours
Piiday evening. Sunday evening
Marcia Cook announced her en
gagement to Don Gartrell, Phi
Delt. A color scheme of mauves
and purples was carried through,
with a centerpiece of foil wed
ding bells and snapdragons of the
same shades. Wedding date for
the couple has been set for Sep
tember 11.
At Sigma Kappa
April 11 was the date of Anne
Boetticher'a engagement an
nouncement. With bunches of
violets and printed cards, Sigma
Kappa's learned the name of her
fiance, Donald Thurber. Lambda
Chi Alpha.
round the clock.
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Daily—Noon to 11 p.m.
■and Sunday all summer tong
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Co-op Members
For your own protection please observe the following:
1. Be sure you have a membership.
2. If, for any reason, you drop out of school during the
year please leave your cash register receipts in the
proper envelope at the office of the Co-op.
3. To be sure of your refund have your envelopes turned in
to the Co-op before May 20th.
.. 4. Checks will be mailed to students who have dropped
out of school.
5. Patronage Refunds will only be paid to students with
memberships on record at the Co-op.
6. The refund is paid in cash during final examination
week spring term.
7. Turn in only one envelope. If another is required please
staple together. Be sure your name, home address and
membership number is on the envelope.
8. May 1st is the last day for purchasing memberships.
9. Please place the total of your receipts on the envelope
University of Oregon