Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    AX AMPHIBIAN' SHOW of two )«rs ago i« pictured here, featuring acts centered around the
general theme “Blue Dolphin." This year s show, “Bon Voyage," begins tonight and includes
act- typical of foreign countries.
Delta Zeta State Day
Scheduled for Saturday
“Horizons Unlimited" will be
the theme of the Delta Zeta
State Day this Saturday in Eu
gene. City alumnae and actives
of the University Omega chapter
will serve as hostesses to the
150 or more guests expected to
attend the state-wide conference.
Registration for the event will
start at 10 o’clock a.m. at the
chapter house, with an informal
social hour to take place at the
same time. Delegates will re
ceive name tags in the shape of
miniature lamps, which is the
shape of the sorority's pin.
Decorations carrying out a rose
theme, the sorority's flower, will
be used throughout the house.
Refreshments will be served
while background music of
Delta Zeta medley plays from a
recording especially made for the
‘Philanthropic’ Panel
Following this coffee hour, a
panel discussion will be held con
cerning the sorority’s philthropic
projects. Mrs. Charles Derthick
of Salem will serve as moderator.
A noon luncheon is to take
place in the Student Union. Port- .
land alumna Mrs. Faith Burke
Fori will sei-ve as toastmistress
and Mrs. Fredrick Young, also
of Portland, will serve as the
main speaker. Mrs. Young is a
graduate of the University, and
has just returned from Wash
ington, D.C., where she attend
ed an invitational conference I
sponsored by the Department of
Labor on “The Effective Use of
Woman Power.” Her speech will I
concern a related topic.
Announcement of the most
’Stock Market*
NEW YORK (AP j—The stock
market scored a new record high
Tuesday in an advance based
on excellent earnings repor ts and
good business forecasts.
The Associated Press average;
of 60 stocks was up $1.50 at a i
new record high of $166.80. That
tops last week’s oid high by 40
The industrial component was
up $2.30 at a new high of $224.90,
rails were up $1.10 at $136.80,
and utilities were up 30 cents j
at a new high since 1931 of
There were 1217 individual is
sues traded of which 595 ad-:
vanned and 387 declined with 101,
new highs and 12 new lows for
the year touched.
Volume was 2,720,000, the
same as Monday.
outstanding Delta Zeta in the
state will be made. This award
is based upon the recipient's ac
tivity in public service.
Actives to Entertain
Entertainment at the luncheon
will be provided by actives of
both the Oregon State Chi chap
ter and the local chapter. The
Oregon members will sing a med
ley of sorority songs, a trio com
prised of June Fulco. Jacquie
Ferris and Helen Johnson will
sing “River of No Return.” and
a piano duet consisting of Pat
Hoy and Sue Carothers will also
Following the luncheon an
alumnae business meetnig will
be held at the chapter house.
State Day is an annual affair
with Delta Zeta, and includes
both actives and alumnae from
both chapters in the state. Last
year it was held at Oregon State.
Alums, Actives C hairmen
Eugene alums and Oregon ac
tives are serving as chairmen.
They include Mrs. Ted Mohr,
general chairman; Mrs. L. S.
Ar.gst and Tina Taggert, lunch
eon co-chairmen; Mrs. Collin Ni
set and Nancy Jones, registra
tion co-chairmen; Mrs. Dan
Young and Charoletee Martin,
coffee-hour co-chairmen, and
Joan Jacobe and Jan Luelling,
publicity co-chairmen. Marilyn
Vogt, assisted by the entire chap
ter, is hospitality chaixman. Mrs.
Paul B. Jacobson is in charge of
flowers for the banquet and the
Mauney Elected
Marcia Mauney was elected In
ternational Associated Women
Stucjents’ representative Tues
day at a joint meeting of the
campus AWS cabinet and execu
tive council.
As IAWS representative Miss
Mauney will correspond with
other representatives throughout
the United States and will serve;
on the local AWS cabinet for
the next year.
AWS will sponsor an Honors
Assembly, to replace the recog
nition dessert formerly held by
the group during spring term.
The assembly will be held May
17 at 1 p.m., and all women on
campus are invited to attend.
Jeanne Scales is chairman of the
In other business, the group
decided to again sponsor events
of Orientation week, as it has in
the past.
Tri Delfs Honor
Senior Women
AU senior girls on the campus
who will be hearing wedding
bells chime in the near future
are to be honored Sunday, May
8, by the members of Della Delta
Delta sorority at their annual
Pansy King Tea.
It is a tradition in Tri-Delta
to entertain engaged senior girls
in some way, and all chapters
in the nation will do so this
spring either by a tea. breakfast
or some other social event.
The Theta Delta chapter at
the University will hold its cele
bration at the chapter house
from 3 to 5 p.m. that afternoon.
If the weather is favorable, the
event will take place on the lawn
in front of the house.
Highlight of the afternoon’s
entertainment will be the parade
of the honored guests through a
specially-constructed giant pansy
ring. Built under the direction
of Carol Wilshire, this will con
sist of a six-foot tall ring one
foot thick, which will be covered
completely with hundreds of real
pansies. Sarah Smith is in charge
of gathering these pansies which
Delta Delta Delta alumnae will
send to Eugene from all over
the state.
Eugene alumnae members will
then assist in serving tea to the
Patty Smith is in charge of
taking pictures and Shirley Man
telli is serving as general chair
man for the entire Pansy Ping
Tea celebration.
Want Ads
RAIES 4 Centl per Word Firit Intertion, 2 Cent! por Word Ihereeflor.
If you are married or fe- j
male and now paying more
than $30.40 a year for pub
lic liability and property
damage auto insurance re
newals. you are throwing |
money down the drain. May
flower will give you PL. & '
PD Insurance for $15.20
per 6 months renewable.
Cheek your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty, j
AGENT before you renew. I
Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or
stop in at 962 Oak street. !
3- 29tf
College men earn $1,000 me
tween May 29-August 31.
Car necessary. Write John
Arnold. P.O. Box 542. F,u
gene for personal interview.
4- 21tf
. |
Ann's Costume Shop:
Costume and formal rentals,
all sizes. 239 East 14th.
Phone 5-2662. 4-29
Lost: Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
pin on campus. Ruby-tip
ped. Ann Summers engrav
ed on back. Call 5-1603. 4-27
Room for rent men only.
1458 Alder. Ph. 4-9958.
$25.00 for single. Gordon
Jackson. 5-2
'52M.G Like new. Phone
3-4301. 4-29
part ttnu* sales work, High
hourly commission earn
ings working the hours of
your choice. A car in help
ful. Can develop Into a very
lucrative summer job. For
interview write to Dick Ro
main, 2795’ii Central Blvd,
Eugene, or call 3-7259 Wed,
4-7, 4-30
I need three person* of high
caliber to work with com
pany opening new office in
this area. Work from 4 till
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room 104, 885
Oak 8t. between 9 u.m. and
3 p.m. 4-7-tf
College (Jirl Wanted. Must
be attractive ami experi
enced in domestic affairs.
Should be able to type and
manage small apartment.
Free room and board. Call
Mr. John Thodos at 4-8190
between the hours of 4-6
p.m. 4-27
Underwood noiseless portable
typewriter. Just recondi
tioned. $35.00 Phone 3-6198,
200 Oilham Road. 4-28
Attention Married Students:
Excellent child care low
est rates. Kiddy Park Nurs
ery. Phone 3-1725. $25-$30
per month. 5-3
For Sale Army Officers'
tropical worsted uniforms,
and pink* and greens. Ph.
3-1430, call between 6 and 7.
May Day Luau in Fishbowl Friday
All University students will
welcome at the annual May Day
Luau, sponsored by Hui O' Ka
maaina, Hawaiian club on cam
pus. at the fishbowl mixer Fri
day night in the Student Union.
Hawaiian decorations and en
tertainment will be the main at
traction. Prizes will be awarded
to the man wearing the brightest
sport or ‘‘aloha" shirt and the
woman in the most colorful dress.
Vanda orchids are being flown
from Hawaii to be distributed
at the dance, according to
Frances Aehee, publicity chair
man of Hui O' Kamaainu. Fresh
pineapples are expected to be re
ceived also and will be used as
door prizes.
'Pygmalion' To Be
Shown in SU Tonight
Wednesday Evening Education
Theater attraction tonight in
138 Commonwealth it* George
Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion"
starring Leslie Howard. Admis
sion is free and the movie will
be shown at 7 and 9 p.m.
Publicity Committee
Will Alee# Today at 4
All members of the Student
Union general publicity commu
te will meet today at 4 p.m. in
room 313 of the SU, according
to Dick Gray, publicity chair
CIVIL DEFENSE observers and newsmen watch last minute preparations for test of blast ami ra
diation effects from an atomic explosion on buildings and military equipment. An Army tank, one of
many to l»e stationed 8500 yards from the blast, rolls past a house 4700 feet from ground zero, locat
ed by the tower in right background. (AP Wirephoto)