Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1955, Page Four, Image 4

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    Oregon Trackmen
Slate WSC Trip
Looking for their third con
secutive Northern Division dual
meet victory. Bill Bowerman’s
Oregon cindermen travel to Pull
man Saturday to visit Washing
ton State's traditionally strong
Coach Jack Mooberry’s WSC
thinclads are paced by Bob
Gary.ND and PCC sprint champ;
Bill Link, coast 830 winner, and
Burt Grinds, who boasts the top
shot put effort of the season in
the Northwest.
Cougars I'nbeaten
The Cougars are also unde
feated in dual competition this
season, having trounced Oregon
Duck Bowlers
Second in US
Oregon’s strong varsity bowl
ing team took the highest na
tional rank of any Duck team in
two years as their score of 3766
pins was announced to be the
second highest in the nation
Coach Louis Bellisimo’s bowl
ers competed against more
than 50 teams from all over the
country in the National Col
legiate Telegraphic champion
ships. Their score was second
only to defending champion
Marquette’s total of 3824 pins.
The Webfoot team rolled their
meet score last weekend with
Oregon State on the SU alleys
and the results were compiled at
the University of Washington.
Oregon State, who upset Oregon
to win the Northwest title two
weeks ago, finished far down the
list with 3364 pins.
Individual scores for the Ore
gon team was led by Bob Boyle
who shot an 822 with one of
his five games a 219. Vern
Jackson followed with 778,
Brice Reimer had 760, Scott
Page rolled 731 and Ray Chris
tensen and Blake Boggess
split the fifth game and had
Teams from Ohio dominated
all of the top positions except
for Oregon as Case was third in
the championship followed by
Kent state and Ohio state. Last
year Oregon was fourth in the
field when Marquette won with
3850 pins but in 1953, the first
year of the telegraphic meet,
Oregon was first.
IM Schedule
3:50 Gamma hall vs. Alpha hall,
north field.
Hale Kane vs. Philadelphia
House, south field.
Sigma Nu vs. Theta Chi,
upper field.
4:55 Sigma Chi vs. Alpha Tau
Omega, north field.
Phi Gamma Delta vs. Pi
Kappa Alpha, south field.
Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Camp
bell club, upper field.
4:00 Phi Kappa Psi vs. Straub
Frosh, courts 4, 5, 6.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs.
Beta Theta Pi, Oakway.
State and Idaho in their two
Gary is yet unbeaten in the 100
and 220-yard dashes. Against
Idaho last Saturday the husky
speedster turned in a 9.7 century
and 21.5 furlong. The Ducks will
counter with Pan-American
! games performer Bruce Spring
! bett. who had a 21.4 time for the
i 220 earlier.
Link is expected to put on one
| of the day's duels when he
tangles with Jim Bailey in the
half mile. Link has a 1:59 best
effort, while Bailey has been
timed in 1:53 on the relay leg.
Burl Grinols, burly Cougar
weight mail, posted a 52’ % mar k
against Oregon State, but fell
down to 49’ 11” Saturday, one
half an inch better than Oregon's
Jack Moad.
Beaver Divoters
Slated to Meet
Ducks Saturday
Oregon's varsity golf team, |
boasting a conference win streak ,
more than four years old, will
play their second Northern Divi
sion match of the season Satur
day with Oregon State providing
country club.
The VVebfoot team is undefeat
ed in play so far this year, hav- .
ing beaten a good Washington
team, 17-10, here two weeks
ago. The Beavers lost to the
Huskies, 14*--12'L., in their only i
ND match this season.
Oregon's only other action of ■
the season came last weekend in j
the Northern California Inter
collegiate tournament at Santa
Cruz, where the Ducks finished
fifth out of 26 entrants. Oregon
State was also there, but the
rains and winds even hampered
the Beavers more.
Coach Jim Barrett’s OSC team
has also played a heavy non
conference slate this season, win
ning three out of four matches.
The Beavers beat both Willam
ette and Portland State easily
and then split with the Univer
sity of Nevada and Seattle uni
versity at Reno before the Cali
fornia tourney.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Chuck Mitchel
Staff: Jerry Claussen, Buzz
and beaus
BMOC and back
bench boys — go
formats. Styling
so trim, fit so
"natural" "stain
shy” finish so safe
from spots! For
more fun—go
Webfoots Top Vandals
On Makeshift Diamond
Trim W L Pet.
Washington State 2 0 1.000
Oregon 1 0 1.000
Washington 4 2 .l>"7
Oregon State . 0 0 .000
Llahu ...». 0 S .000
Tueaday't Results
Oregon 2. Idaho 0.
Washington State 8, Washington 4.
By Buzz Nelson
Emerald Aititlinl Sport* Editor
Sophomore righthander Terry
Maddox turned back Idaho with
four scattered singles as Oregon
posted a 2-0 Northern Division
baseball triumph Tuesday in the
snow and rain of Willamette
valley’s strange spring.
The game was played on an
improvised diamond in the south
east corner of Howe field. Both
Howe field and the Krosh dia
mond were unplayable from re
cent rains.
It was the first \D contest
the Ducks have managed to
play. Five previous games have
been mined out Including a sec
ond Idaho game which Coaches
Don Kirsch and Clent I’arlterry,
In consultation with the um
pires, decided not to attempt.
The University of Washington
is the next team that will brave
the stormy weather of Eugene.
WSC Beats
SEATTLE (AP)- Washington
State college defeated Washing
ton. 8-4. in a tedious, rain-soak
ed. 10-inning baseball game Tues
day and thereby further nailed
down its chances of backing into
the Northern Division title.
The game, which lasted three
hours 28 minutes and was de
layed by one 20-minute deluge,
was lost by the wildness of Wash
ington’s starter. Bill Reems, and
the men in the infield after
Reems left the game.
The score was tied at 4-all go
ing into the 10th. Reems, who
had been pitching a fairly steady
game, gave up a single to Ron
Foisie. He walked the next two
and then hit Ron Overby to
force in a run.
Reems was derricked and Ed
Lajala struck out the first man
to face him but the next two men
were safe on infielders’ errors
and three more runs poured in.
Jerry Bartow, Cougar reliefer,
was credited with the win.
WSC .301 000 000 4-8 7 2
Washington .110 000 200 0-4 8 5
Stock. Bartow 7 and Rich;
Reems, Lajala 10 and Brady.
W I ™
All work done here by a
real shaver expert. Parts
available for all leading
makes: Sunbeam, Schick
and Remington.
•ftoweiry 4B& Score
The Huskies will be here for
single games on Friday and Sat
It was the second successive
shutout for Maddox, the first be
ing an 11-0 whitewashing of
Willamette on April 8. The solid
ly built moundsman proved as
stingy with the hits as usual and
had near-perfect control, walk
ing only one and striking out
For Idaho lefthander Aubrey
Stephens was nearly as tough,
allowing but five hits, three of
them by Oregon srrondsucker
Jim Johnson.
The Ducks tallied both their
runs in the fourth inning. Fete
Williams led off with a bunt
single and moved to third as
Johnson sliced a hit to right
field. Neal Marlett followed by
flying out to center, Williams
scoring after the catch. Johnson
also scored ns the centerflelder's
throw to third was high and wide.
Only one other time did a run
ner get as far as third. That was
in the Duck eighth when Johnson
singled, stole second and con
tinued on to third as the catch
er's throw went into centerfield.
.Maddox had the Vandals on
his hip all the way, setting
them down one-two-three in six
of the nine innings. No Idaho
runner got past first, us the
Duck dffcnw’ bucked up |(H
pitcher ultli fine support.
Idaho waa a little erratic In
the field with five error*. The
Ducks did a lot of bunting, tak
ing advantage of the wet play
ing area which made it hard for
Infieldera to charge In swiftly,
Johnson wan the hitting atnr,
with three-for-flve, nil alngles.
He also stole three base* and
figured on the pivot
Idaho B
Braden. If
F«la»h. ci J
K teffnef, 3b 4
Monw>n. Hi ,1
O^llixi, 2b
Pollilo. rf
Howard, c
Sullivan, n
Stephen*. i> 3
Total* 29
in a double
2 0 o
I 5 o
0 3 4
0 6 |
0 I |
! 4 o
0 3 2
0 2 1
0 0 3
4 24 12
Oregon B
[ Kellet. *•» 2
i Ko.», If 4
i Shaw, cf J
Stlib»»l«rift, lb ..4
Pmgree. if 4
William*. 3 b 4
Johnson, 2b 4
Marlett. t 0
Maddon, j» *
Total* 27
0 3 4
0 2 0
0 0 0
1 7 0
0 3 0
1 0 3
3 4 2
0 H 2
0 0 0
5 27 11
Oregon 000 20n o* *
Pitcher IP AB K M ER BB SO
I Stephen* .ft 27 2 5 1 5 2
| Maddox 9 20 0 4 0 J H
E Fal**h. Ktrffner, Mnn«ofl. H ward.
I Stephen*. K William*. John**>i» RBI
: Mar left. SB Johna.n 3. SH Mat let i
i III’ Keller (Strplten*). lip William**
| Jdhn*on Schldwtriu, l^tt Idaho Ore*
K«»n M Tim • 1:55.
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