Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Schedule Announced
For Flying Speeches
Flying spec* ties for Mothers'
Weekend will be given Monday
and Tuesday evenings during the
dinner hour, Recording to Joan
Rainvllle and Sue Runisby, co
chairmen of flying speeches fot 1
th*- weekend.
Women participating in the
flying speeches will go to the
men’s living organizations, and!
the men will go to the women’s j
living organizations. The men1
will be under the direction of
Hoii Roy. Women participating |
in the speeches will he Hev O'
Conner. Louann Pearson, Joan i
Palmer, Mary Leash. Kay Camp- j
l>eii and Otruiy Randall.
All students ate urged to write
their mothers. Inviting them to
Mother's Weekend whlrh will be
May 1.1-IS. Letters should be
written immediately so that
mothers can make reservations
for their stay in Kugene. One
hotel has already been filled for
the weekend. A housing list will
t>e sent to the living organiza
Slug on Sunday
The all-campus sing will be
held Sunday afternoon this year
and students should lie suie to
invite thrdr mothers to attend
the sing.
A breakfast and general busi
ness meeting will be held In the
Student Union ballroom on Sat
urday morning from 8:30 to
10:80. A luncheon in scheduled
for Saturday noon on the old
During the luncheon the Jun
ior Weekend Court will be pre
sented and the Queen honored.
Tappings will he conducted for
several honoraries.
A tea, sponsored by the Kugene
Mothera’ club, will be held from
2 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday In Ger
Ilnger hall. Awards will be made
at the tea at 3 p.m
Dinner Saturday will be In the
living organization*, and the
canoe fete will be the Saturday
evening attraction.
Positions Available
For Civil Service
Kxaminations for the poaitiona
of accountant, auditor, account
ing and auditing clerk may now
be applied for, according to the
Federal Civil Service commis
Application forma and further
Information may be obtained
from any post office or from the
director, 11th United States Civil
Service region, 302 Federal Of
fice building, Seattle 4 Washing
Applications for these exam
inations must be on file with the
above director not later than
June IS.
AGS Advocates 2 a.m.
Closing Hour for Women
( continued jront pcuje one) |
witn Minkflon when he said, "We
shouldn't tif 'l to announce a
aland just because UIS did.1
Greek Week 18 none of their
The group was overwhelming
in its approval of the plank for
the discontinuance of the n II
carnpus primary. A majority of
th<- representatives expressed
hope that a system of popular
Voting could take its place. A
plan to do away with the pri
mary was also part of the AGS
platform last year.
Another item that had some
discussion time devoted to it was
one that favored the elimination
of “u n j u s t discrimination"
against Greek living organiza
tions by the office of student af
fairs. The plank referred specif
ically to the five dollar charge
to each Greek pledge.
"If they want money, they j
ought to charge everyone," Mc
Cracken .said. “As it stands now,
only Greeks have to pay and the
office is taking advantage of our
better nature."
The platform follows:
1. Elimination of the unjust
discrimination against Greek liv
ing organizations through stu
dent affairs’ use of the pledge
fees for its ow'n purposes.
2. A student hotly examina
tion of the University deferred
living program and its dorm
counseling program.
Campus Calendar
10:00 PAD
Noon Fr Tbl
Rummage Sale
ASUO Candidates
Chapins Exec
Canoe Fete
Eta Mu Pi
Alpine Cl
6:45 Rotary Dinner
7:00 Educ Movie
Yng Demos
Christ n Sci
Hatch Lcct
Stu Traf Ct
Folk Dance
Bon Voyage
113 SU
110 SU
112 SU
112 SU
334 SU
110 SU
111 SU
112 SU
Ballrm SU
138 tr.v
113 SU
114 SU
Brs Rm SU
315 SU
Gerl Annex
Men’s Pool
I 3. Two o'clock closing hours
on Saturday night.
4 Discontinuance of the all
1 campus primary.
5. Continuance of the Canoe
| Fete as an addition to the Uni
versity’s traditions and restora
: tion of the mill race to its former
6 Functional innovation in the
legislative and executive blanches
of our student government.
7. Popular election of the yell
king to be held at the time of
the regular student body election
on a non-partisan Irasts, in. an
effort to provide a means of Tm
plementing the wishes of the'
! student body.
INTKRPBETEK PU CHOUCHAND wear* exprminn of amazement a* Cejrlon’a Prime Minister Sir
John Kotrlawala points finger at Red China Premier Chou Kn-Lai, right, during heated exchange
at closed session of political committee of 2»-nation Asian-Afrloan conference at Bandung, Indone
sia. The conference ended with a series of unanimous resolutions designed to foster peace among
I world’s peoples.
Art Survey Is
Lecture Topic
A survey of "Art of Mexico"
| will be given to listeners at the
weekly browsing room lecture
in the Student Union tonight by
David Hatch, instructor in art.
Illustrated by colored slides
which he took in Mexico last
summer, the lecture will deal pri
marily with the art considered
to be "handicraft works” in the
7:30 p.m. talk. This includes
weaving, metal work and ceram
: ics. He will also discuss Mexi
' can architecture.
The objects to be pictured in
the slides will range from ar
1 tides of antiquity to the present
day. The slides were made by
Hatch either in the field with
i the artist or through special ar
rangements with museums in the
Central American country.
He also plans to show' a short
• film on the art of weaving, so
that the audience may see the
motions employed by the w'eaver.
Discussion leader for the eve
. ning will be W. S. Laughlin. as
sociate professor of anthropol
1 “Ky
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Preparations Underway For UO Canoe Fete
(Continued from page one)
Fete Fantastique,” being built
by Phi Gamma Delta. Tau Kap
pa Epsilon, Carson hall and Al
pha Xi Delta.
“Where Rolls the Oregon,” for
1834, is being built by Phi Kappa
Psi and Gamma Phi Beta. Sigma !
Nu, Phi Sigrna Kappa and Alpha
Delta Pi will build “Float of
Songs,” for 1935.
"Babes in Toyland,” for the
year 1937. will be built by Alpha
Tau Omega, University house
and Kappa Kappa Gamma. The
ta Chi, Delta Zeta and Orides
will build 1939's float, “Alice in
Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Phi’s
float, “Arabian Nights,” is next
followed by “Of Thee I Sing.”
Today's Staff
Makeup Editor: Valerie Hersh.
News Desk: Anne Hill, Carol
Craig, Anne Ritchey.
Copy Desk: Dotty Griffith, Joe
Night Staff: Claudia W'urtz,
Sanford Milkes.
from l»4z. “Float from the
Present,” will be the one built
by Philadelphia House, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Delta Gamma and
Rebec House.
A comic float, built by Alpha
hall and Delta Delta Delta will
follow those entered for com
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