Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Build Up, Then Blow Down
NKVADA DKSKKT—Thin picture shown test structure* spaced at different distances from ground
zero as they auaited the nuclear blast scheduled foi today. The first row. including houses and pow
ei plant (at right) Is 4700 feet from 500-foot towei In which nuclear device Is to be set off. Other
buildings are at various distances with the big group in background at 10,000 foot position. Pictures
"••re taken with long focal lenses. <AP Wire photo)
Bad Winds Force Postponement
Of A-Bomb Blast at Survival City
- This atomic test lawn received
at least 24 hours of grace Mon
day when whistling winds forced
jo stponement of Tuesday’s
scheduled nuclear blast.
Test officials were hopeful
that the weather picture might
change to allow the explosion to
be set off Wednesday from a fWK)
foot tower near this model city
on Yucca Flat in the largest civ
il defense test ever held.
Forecast wind speeds of 70
m.p.h. at the expected height of
the atomic cloud posed a poten
tiaJly serious radiation fallout
problem to a number of Nevada
Alvm C. Graves, chief tester
for the Atomic Energy commis
sion. said the tricky currents
might have deposited the radio
active particles on Alamo, Elgin,
Panaca and Pioche to the north
Or they could have reversed 90
degrees and dumped fallout on
’Stock Market*
NEW YORK (AP > - Buying en
thusiasm sent the stock market
up Monday and completely blank
eted early selling induced by high
er margin requirements.
Gains at the finish ran from one
to three points in many key areas
while losses were small.
The Associated Press average
of 60 stocks was up f»0 cents at
$169.00 with the industrial and
railroad components each up 90
cents and utilities up 40 cents.
Volume amounted to 2.720.000
shares as compared with 2,600.000
shares traded in Friday's sharply
lower market.
Las Vegas, Boulder City, Hen
derson and nearby Indian
The postponement left civil
defense officials with a housing
problem. Las Vegas is packed to
overflowing with incoming con
ventions. and sports fans flock
ing to a golf tournament and the
Archie Moore-Nino Valdes heavy
weight fight next week.
Some civil defense workers
may return home without seeing
the shot, but most indicated they
were staying. An emergency
housing bureau was set up to
make arrangements for hotel and
motel changes.
The official postponement an
nouncement was greeted with
groans from the several thousand
observers gathered for briefings
in the Las Vegas high school
Dulles to Meet
With Ministers
tary of State Dulles will me it
with British and French foreign
minister* in Pari» May 8 "to
discuss concrete plana” for a
later Big Four conference with
"The three governments ear
nestly hope that a four-power
Conference can meet aa soon as
possible,” the State Department
In announcing this Monday, the
department gave no official word
as to whether the Big Four meet
ing might be at the foreign min
isters level, or higher.
Ministers Meet First
However, a top official .said
what Dulles has in mind is a big
four meeting of foreign ministers
first, perhaps to be followed by
a heada-of-state conference.
Russia's Premier Bulganin
dropped a remark Saturday in
Moscow that he was interested
in such a high level meeting, tell
ing newsmen to "ask Eisenhower
and Eden about the date."
If the foreign ministers meet
ing made a promising start in
settling the East-West deadlock
over Germany's future, it was
said authoritatively. President
Eisenhower would be prepared
to meet with Bulganin, British
Prime Minister Eden and the
French Premier.
In advance of the American
British-French meeting in Paris,
the three allies agreed to send
teams of lower ranking diplo
matic experts to London Wed
nesday to chart the steps to be
followed in arranging a later
meeting with the Russians.
Two faetqrs influenced the
timing of the Paris meeting,
tom pie ted Steps
Four days previously, France
and the rest of the Atlantic pact
countries will have formally com
pleted all steps for welcoming a
rearmed West Germany into th«
15-natiori North Atlantic pact.
Thia act would make it clear
Russia could do nothing at any
later conference, official* said,
to disrupt tljese arrangements
for adding West Gc-i-many's mili
tary might to the West's Euro
pean defense- system.
The second factor was the con
vening in Palis from May 9 to
11 of a full meeting of the 15
nation NATO council, assembling
the leading European foreign
ministers conceniently to discuss
other problems as well.
Lieuollen Named
College President
Lieuallen. 38, will be named to
day a* president of Oregon Col
lege of Education at Monmouth.
He was chosen at an informal
luncheon of the state board ot
higher education Monday. The
appointment will be confirmed
at the board's monthly meeting
Lieualien will take the por -
tion left vacant by the death two
months ago of Dr. Roben J.
Maaske. He has been acting ad
ministrator since then.
The board's building commit
tee Monday approved prelimin
ary plans for an $850,000 class
room structure at Portland State
The building would be erected
as an addition to the old Lin
coln high school where existing
college facilities are housed.
The board s finance committee
recommended acquisition of two
apartment buildings behind the
new building £oi use as college
administrative offices.
The proposals will go before
the meeting of the full boaid
ColkcjS. /imkeu
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Try Winston, the filter cigarette that
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