Atom Peace Boat Proposed By Ike NEW YORK (APi —President Eisenhower Monday unveiled plans for a goodwill world cruise by an atomic powered peace ship. His plan was a takeoff in reverse on the "big stick" policy of near ly half a century ago. "Visiting the ports of the world." he said of his proposed atomic merchant ship, “it will demonstrate to people every where this peacetime use of atomic energy, harnessed for the improvement of human living." . The nation already has an atomic submarine afloat and a .second in the works. However. Red Army Ready, Military Men Say WASHINGTON (AP)—Mili tary leaders have told CongTess the mammoth Russian army is virtually on a war footing and that Red China's air force could be doubled or tripled “overnight" by the Soviets. The reports were made to a House -appropriations subcom mittee at secret sessions last February but were not made pub lic until Monday. Assessing the strength of the Russian army. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway said it has received new atomic warfare training and is "equipped and disposed to under take a major war with little ■warning.” The Army chief of staff de scribed it as the most powerful land force in the world, “in an excellent state of combat readi ness." Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Air Force chief of staff, reported on the air potential of the Red Chinese. Eisenhower chose to dramatize peace rather than might with an entirely new atomic merchant ship to carry America’s message to the world. Reverse Act Thus he acted in reverse of the i historic 1907 gesture by Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt, who dispatched a battleship fleet around the world to focup atten i tion on America’s fighting power. President Eisenhower disclosed his latest atoms-for-peace plan at the annual luncheon of The Associated Press at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Flown here from Washington for the occasion, the president's plane, the Columbine, had to land on instruments because of an unspringlike fog and cold drizzle that gripped the city. The takeoff for the return to Washington Monday afternoon also was on instruments as the fog persisted. Early in his 4000 word text, the President sprung his idea for an atomic peace ship in these words: Developing Specifications “We have added to the United States program for peaceful uses of atomic energy an atomic powered merchant ship. The. Atomic Energy commission and the Maritime administration are now developing specifications. “I shall shortly submit to the Congress a request for the neces- | sary funds, together with a de scription of the vessel. “The new ship, powered with an atomic reactor, will not re quire refueling for scores of thousands of miles of operation. Visiting the ports of the world, it would demonstrate to people everywhere this peace-time use of atomic energy, harnessed for improvement of human living." Grants Pass HighThreatened GRANTS PASS (API- A man called the high school here at noon Monday and said “two sticks of dynamite will go off in the gymnasium at 1:15" un less $25 in small change was brought to the boys’ locker room by 1 p.m. Principal Frank Thomas noti fied Police Chief Carl Dallas who ordered the gymnasium closed the rest of the day while a search for explosives was con ducted. The rest of the school remained open. Mrs. William E. Wright, the secretary who took the call in the school office, said the caller asked first, “have you heard about the bombing in Portland?" Then he made his demand. Bomb Threats Given To Jeff High School PORTLAND (API The latest of a aeries of bomb threats to schools in this area closed Jeffer son high school here Monday af ternoon. Its 2200 students were marched out of classrooms after a man telephoned the school office at 1:10 p.m. and said “a bomb will la placed in the school cafeteria" unless he received $75. The evacu ation was ordered by Vice Princi pal Ray Malo until police could in vestigate. Friday a similar bomb threat forced evacuation of Lincoln high school here. The day before, Van couver. Wash., high school was emptied as the result of a bomb threat. Henry Ford, pioneer of the automobile industxy, died in Dearborn. Michigan on April 7. 1947 at the age of S3. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - (XT. 21* • EMERALD OFFICE-Jnd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES 4 Cent* p#r Word First Inwrtion, 2 C*n*i p«r Word TH*r«aft«r. ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. A PD insurance for fl5.20 per 0 months renewable. 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