Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    World Attention Focused Here
THIS MAP shows geography involved on the edge of the Communist Chinese count of 50-mlle
square Quemoy Island, currently the scene of ulmost daily artillery exchanges with the Com
munists only a few miles away. Chinese Nationalist President Chiung Kai-Shek and Mine. Chiung
visited the Nationalist Army garrison on the island April 12. (AP Wirephoto)
Chou Claims Right to Isle
BANDUNG, Indonesia (AP) —
Red China's Chou En-Lai said
Sunday night Peiping will not
give up the “sovereign right to
liberate" Formosa, even though
it wants talks with the United
States to ease tension in the
Chou spoke at the closing plen
ary session of the 29-nation As
ian-African conference. Follow
ing up his statement of Saturday
that Red China does not want
war with the United States and
would like direct talks on the
Formosan crisis, he said:
“China and the United States
should sit down and ease ten
sion in the Taiwan Formosa
Liberation Right
“This should not in the slight
est degree, however, effect the
exercise by the Communist peo
ple's republic of China of its
sovereign right in the liberation
of Taiwan."
Chou made no reference in his
final speech to imprisoned U.S.
airmen, whose release some
thought he would announce to
help relax international tension.
Seven-Day Conference
The conference wound up seven
days of deliberations and debates.
marked frequently by clashes be
tween pro and anth-Communi>ts
among the delegates, and issued
a long communique on the dele
gates' recommendations.
The delegates demanded an
end to production, experimenta
tion. and use of nuclear and
i thermonuclear weapons and ef
: fective international control to
carry out the ban.
The conference resolutions
I ranged over such subjects as the
promotion of world peace and
i cooperation, economic and cul
tural cooperation among the
Asian and African countries, and
human rights and self-determina
tion for all peoples.
The communique said member
ship in the U.N. should be uni
versal in order'to promote world
peace. This wqs the closest it
cama to demanding membership
for Red China in U.N.
The communique also said As
; ian-African countries should be
1 eligible for election to the non
; permanent seats on the U.N. Se
j curity Council in order for them
I to make a more effective con
^ tribution to peace and security.
Other conference stands as
: outlined by the communique in
cluded :
Theophilus New
Idaho President
BOISE. Idaho (AP> — Donald
Rj. Theophilus was appointed
president of the University of
Idaho Sunday.
The Idaho board of regents
eljo.se Thepphilus from a field of
77 candidates. He has been acting
president of the university since
last July 1, when J. E. Buchanan
resigned to become president of
the Asphalt Institute.
“Theophilus has grown to meet
each new responsibility in his
many years at Idaho,” the board
said. “As acting president for
10 months he has demonstrated
that he has what it takes to be
Theophilus said he was “deep
ly appreciative of the confidence
reposed in me by the regents.”
Before stepping up into the
$15,000-a-year job at the Mos
cow school, Theophilus, 56, was
dean of the college of agriculture.
He was born in Pittsburgh and
was graduated from Iowa State
1 college in animal husbandry in
j 1920. He took a B.S. degree in
dairy manufacturing two years
! later.
After a year on the staff at
I Iowa State and four years at
Western Kentucky Teacher col
lege, he received an M.A. degree
from Iowa State in 1924.
He came to Idaho in 1927 and
has been there ever since except
| for one year when he returned
; to Iowa State for his doctorate.
He is married and has two chil
; dren.
1. Economic cooperation among
the Asian-African countries "on
the basts of mutual interest and
respect for national sovereign
2. Cultural understanding
among nations through coopera
tion. In this connection, the con
ference condemned the colonial
ism in Asia and Africa, “in what
ever form it may be,” as a bar
to such cultural exchange. It
also condemned racialism.
3. Full support for the prin
ciple of self-determination “of
peoples and nations, as set forth
in the Charter of the United Na
4. Support for the “courageous
stand taken by the victims of ra
cial discrimination, especially by
the peoples of African, Indian,
and Pakistani origin in South
5. Support for the rights of the
peoples of North Africa to self
determination. In particular, the
conference declared is support
for the “rights of the people of
Algeria and Tunisia to self-de
termination and independence"
and urged the French govern
ment to bring about peaceful set
tlement of the issue “without
6. Support for the “rights of
the Arab people of Palestine.”
The conference called for im
plementing U.N. resolutions on
Palestine and peaceful settlement
of the Palestine problem.
The plenary session was de
layed more than two hours while
a subcommittee worked out com
promise wording on a resolution
condemning colonialism.
Want Ads
RATES: 4 Cent» per Word Flr»t Injertion, 2 Cent* per Word IHereefter
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gene for personal Interview.
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Chiang Has Discussion
With High US Officials
TAIPEI, Formosa IAPi
Chiang Kai-Shek discussed the
"broad overall situation” in the
Formosa area with two high vis
iting U.S. officials Sunday, a
Chinese source reported.
A Nationalist Foreign Office
informant expressed doubt that
the offer of Premier Chou En
Lai of Red China to negotiate
with the United Slates on the
Formosa crisis even came up.
Chiang conferred in the after
noon with VV'alter Robertson, as
sistant U.S. secretary of state,
and Adm. Arthur W. Radford,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Exchanged Views
They exchanged views on the
U.S.-Nationalist treaty under
which the United States guaran
tees to defend Formosa and the
adjacent Pescadores from any
Tied attack.
The meeting was described as
This contrasted with gloomy
speculation among Nationalists'
that at the least Chiang would J
be asked to abandon the offshore
islands of Quemoy and the Mat-;
Some U.S. quarters expressed i
belief developments might not be !
that severe for the Nationalists,
who have vowed to defend both
Quemoy, across the strait, and
the Matsus. 120 miles northwest
of Formosa.
The Chinese source said
• Succulent Chinese Dishes made from age-old recipes
American Food that tastes like mother's own cooking.
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"The Home of Good Food on the
Chiang. Radford and Robertson
talked about subjects "much
broader" than the offshore is
This largely coincided with
Robertsop's own remarks to
newsmen when he arrived Sat
urday. He said he would not *
comment on a report "I came
here to talk ovei any evacua
tion." and declared: "I just came
to consider the problems of our
U.S. Ambassador Karl Run
kin and Nationalist Foreign Min
ister George Yeh were the only
others taking part in the con
ference, which lasted from 4
p.m. until dinner time. Guests
•said Chiang appeared in a cheer
ful. amiable mood at dinner.
< After dinner, the five went
back into a session that did not
break up until 10 p.m. Chang
Chun. Chiang'a secretary-gen
eral, attended this meeting. Talks
will resume Monday.
1/ / ^ • it * .
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