Rally Board Urges Yell King Petitions Petitions for Yell King arc now being called for by the Kally Board. Any freshmen, sophomore, or junior with a 2 point 1h eligible. Petition* ate line at 5 p.m Monday. AKPO petition forms are to be used, end are to be left in the ASUO box op the 1 hlrd floor of the Student Union, i Candidates for Yell King will be interviewed by ' the Hally 8nard at 1 p.m. Tuesday In room 313 in Lhe SU. The ASUO Sen ate will make the final selection. All Interested are urged to petition. RE Chairman Petitions To Be Filed by Friday Friday la the deadline for pe titionn for next year’s Religious fCmphaaia Week chairman. Petitions, should be turned in I to the YMCA office on the third floor of the Student Union by II p.m. Friday. Physicist to Hold Technical Seminar J. Robert Oppenheimer,' noted atomic physicist, will hold a seminar Friday at 3:30 in room 123 in the Science building. He will speak on the same general subject as his lectures, but on a more technical level. The seminar will be directed to those interested in chemistry and physics, but any interested person may attend. On April 28, 1942, 1549 work ers were killed in the worst mine disaster in the world. The explo sion occurred in the Honkeiko Colliery in Manchuria. Ruth Randall 1 lie school teacher who owns an oil company urn randall teaches Latin at San XV Bernardino High School, San Bernar dino, California. In 1939 she invested part of her savings in 50 shares of Union Oil Stock. This makes her—along with some forty thousand other people—an owner of the 45th largest indus trial company in the country. And entitles her to examine the report card on our sixty-fifth year of business. It was the largest in our history. Our cus tomers paid us $351,'731,078. VVc didn't keep all of this money, of course. 16.8% of it we paid to our 8700 employees as wages and benefits. 4.8% went for taxes. (This does not in clude S60,000,000 additional in fuel taxes which we collected for the government.) 68.2% — by far the lion’s share — we divided among more than fifteen thousand other companies and individuals with whom we do business. litis left us net earnings of 10.2%. From which we paid shareholders like Miss Randall 4.5% as dividends for the use of their money, and reinvested the remaining 5.7% in necessary' expansion and modernization of facilities. We hope Miss Randall is pleased with this report. We are certain she should be pleased with herself. For in wisely investing in Amer ican industry- for her own security, she has helped to create a higher standard of living for everyone. * * * * YOUR comments are invited. Write: The President, VnionOil Company, UnionOil Bid,LosAngeles J 7,Cal. L \ 1 lOH Oil Comp any OF CALIFORNIA. MANUFACTURERS OF ROYAL TRITON, THE AMAZING PURPLE MOTOR OIL