12 CANDIDATES Voting on Queens Benins Thursday Voting: on the twelve candi dates for Junior Weekend Queen will be done all day Thursday at the Student Union and Co-op. Five finalists will be elected from the 12 candidates. The winners will be announced during- the in termission at the All-Campus Vodvil Friday night. Pictures of the girls will be on display before Thursday. All students must present their stu dent body cards to vote. Six of the Junior girls to be voted on are: Barbara Bailey, sponsored by Alpha Phi, is from Albany. Miss Bailey is majoring in general so cial sciences, and has been ac tive in the YWCA, serving as second vice-president and Junior adviser. She is also vice-president of her sorority. Betti Fackler, put up by Chi Omega. Pi Kappa Psi and Sigma Campus Briefs 0 Mary Ann Crosbie, Phyllis Pearson, Judith Wells. Lorrie Whitten, Marjorie Strand, Ruth Martin, Helen Bersie, Jo Anne Rogers, Robert Buckendahl, John Wells, Arlen Swearinger, Mari- j anne Shephard and Dorothy Strahm were confined to the in firmary Monday for medical at tention. 0 The deadline for submitting entries in the ASUO-sponsored essay contest on student govern ment is 5 p.m. Wednesday. A total of $35 in prizes will be awarded to the winning entries. 0 “Faith” will be discussed tonight at the regular meeting of Inter-Varsity Christian fel lowship in Gerlinger 301. The program begins at 7 p.m. Rich Proctor, president, will lead the discussion. 0 Phi Theta mystie sale chair men will meet today at 1 p.m. in the Student Union. Room will be posted. All chairmen are urged to attend. 0 AU chairmen for Mother’s Day weekend will meet today at 4 p.m. in the Student Union. Room number will be posted. 0 Episcopal students will ob serve their holy communion Wed nesday at 7 a.m. at Gerlinger hall. Breakfast will be served. 0 All Kwamas are to meet tonight at 5:40 in front of the library for a special meeting. 0 Freshman class officers will meet today at 3 on the third floor of the Student Union. Air to Drill For Army Air force ROTC units will pass in review for the army cadet regimental staff at drill this aft-! ernoon. The air force cadets are pay-; ing off a bet made last term, when the army outsold them on tickets to the military ball. Ca det Col. Emerson Harvey will review the cadets at 2 p.m. at Hayward field, barring another rain such as the one which forced postponement last week. Little Colonels and Little Ma jors, coeds chosen by cadets be fore the Military Ball, will at tend, reports Lt. Col. C. J. Pur cell, assistant professor of air science. Phi Epsilon, is from Long Beach, Calif. A history major, and ex tremely active on campus, Miss Fackler served as co-chairman of Homecoming this year. She is a member of Phi Theta Upsilon, and president of her sorority. Patty • Fagan, sponsored by Sigma Chi, is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Miss Fagan is from Lake Grove and is majoring in elementary education. She has been active in the YWCA on the executive cabinet and serving as a sophomore adviser. She is also a member of the rally squad. Jody Klahre, sponsorc i by Al pha Tau Omega, is also a member of Pi Beta Phi. Miss Klahre is from Hood River and is majoring in sociology. She transferred from Stevens college in Missouri, and has been active on the Em erald staff this year. Colleen Moore, Carson 2, claims The Dalies as her home town. Miss Moore is majoring in elementary education, and has been active in the University of Oregon exchange assemblies. Op eration Easter Egg, and has served as social chairman of Car son 2. Students Get Special Price Students will have an oppor* I tunity to see the Ed Sullivan | show May 3 at a reduced ad mission price, according to Alt Litchman, athletic publicity di ! rector. Litchman said Monday that there will be 1000 student tick ; ets going on sale April 25 at $1 each. The seats will be located I in the regular $1.50 and $2.0C sections. The deadline for pur j chasing the special tickets is noon on April 30. All the student tickets will be , reserved. Married students may purchase two seats together but it will be necessary for the wife ; or husband who is not a college student to pay the regular price, Free Press Topic For SU Lecture "Free Trial versus The Free Press" will be the topic of the browsing room lecture held Wed nesday at 7:30 p.m. in the brows ing room of the Student Union Judge \Villiam G. East will be the lecturer for the program. East has been nominated for the United States District Court, The discussion leader will be Dr, Charles G. Howard, professor ol law. Sullivan Signs Star KD Hl‘IXIVANt Co-producer of the weekly Sunday night "Toast of the Town” variety allow, chats with *ingcr .Marian Marlowe after signing her recently for six appearance* on his show. Miss Marlowe was dismissed last week by Arthur (iodfrey’s radio and television show*. (AP Wire photo) piy-nii ... . m■wmt&aw^m HEY,THERE! MORE LUCKY DROODLES! COTTONTAIL IAMIT ON MOONUT NIGHT Arlen J. Kuklin University of Nebraska HOT DOO ON HAMMIROIR MIN Burt Griffin Wake Forest STUDENTS! EARN $25! Lucky Droodles* are pouring in! Where are yours? We pay $25 for all we use, and for many we don’t use. So, send every original Droodle in your noodle, with its descriptive title, to: Lucky Droodle, P. O. Box 67, New York 46, N. Y. *DROODLES*Copyright 1953 by Roger Price -t—Tezggzm&r.jzr'-— - WHAT’S THIS? For solution see paragraph below. ARE YOU LOOKING for a completely enjoy able cigarette? Then get a clue from the Droodle above, titled: Smoke rings blown by riveter enjoying Luckies. Fasten on to Luckies yourself. Luckies are such great shakes because they taste better. And they taste better for excellent reasons. First of all, Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better. “It's Toasted”—the famous \ Lucky Strike process—tones up Luckies’ y light, good-tasting tobacco to make it taste even better . . . cleaner, fresher, smoother. So, whenever it’s light-up time, enjoy yourself fully. Enjoy the better tasting cigarette . . . Lucky Strike. "Hettea taste Luckies... TWO MIM nOMTINO OVl» WOIM Jotrph Hex U. C. L. A. POORLY MADI SLICI OY •Witt CHUM David Hunted Walton Franklin & MarthaU ©A. LUCKIES TASTE BETTER cleaner, fresher, smoother! T.Co. phoduct of America’s leading manufacturer op coarett'es