Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Ike, Admiral Talk Formosa
i KISKNHOH KH, looking very wrloun, get* first
hnml Information on the rnmwwn situation from Adm. Felix
Stump, Pacific Fleet commander at Augusta, (in. K senhotver
Interrupted hi* \ Mention at the Augusta National Golf course to
see the admiral. (AP \\ irephoto.
Reds Say Island
Must Be Freed'
TAIPEI, Formosa <APi Red
('hum Dow says Formosa must
be "liberaled" btrauw an t-ffort
wan inadr to kill "our beloved
Premier Chou Fn-l-at," a phrase
that sounds both dangerous and
The phrase was uttered in Pei
ping by Li Te-Chuan, head of
UO Parents Slate
A pot luck dinner will be held
Wednesday night for all parents
Of Oregon students. The dinner
will begin at 6 p m. in Gei linger
Parents are to bring a hot
dish, salad or dessert and table
Parents of graduating high
school seniors will be special
guests at the dinner.
The Oregon exchange travel
ing show will be the entertain
Oppenheimer Will
Lunch With Frosh
Freshman Mbuliutic honnr
urles are meeting this noon
with J. Kobert Oppenheimer.
The private luncheon at the
Student I’nion has been plan
ned for several weeks by Phi
Eta Sigma, freshman men’s
scholastic honorary.
Members of Alpha Lambda
Delta, freshman women's
scholastic honorary, will be
special guests.
AWS Seeks Annual
Sale Petitioners
Today at 5 p.m. is the dead
line for petitions for the AWS
spon.sored rummage sale, accord
ing to Ann Pettf-rsen, adviser for
the sale.
Petitions may be turned in on
the third floor of the Student
Positions open are general
chairman, chairmen of collec
tions, sales, publicity, promotion
and an appraiser.
Geology Prof Lectures
Lloyd W. Staples, professor of
geology, will present a lecture at
the annual meeting of the Geo
logical Society of America at its
coming meeting at the University
of California, April 26-30.
Communist China's Red Cross.
The occasion was a “memoriaF’
for 11 Communists killed in an
Indian plane crash last week cn
route to Bandung, Indonesia.
How is that connected with
Formosa? The Reds say US-Na
tionalist "secret agents" sabo
taged the plane, a charge the
United States terms ridiculous.
Formosa is a Nationalist ‘'nest."
Therefore, it must be •liberat
The phrase is dangerous be
cause it could be used to rally
the Chinese people for an at
tack. It is dangerous because it
could be used to stir up Red par
tisans abroad, especially in Brit
ish Hong Kong.
Morris to Give
Numerous Talks
V. P Morris, (Iran of the school
of bueinfHH administration, will
speak at several meetings in Ore-1
Ron this week and will travel east
for meetings next week.
Morris will represent the Unb- -
versity and President O. Mere
dith Wilson at the Oregon Forum
on Inter-group Relations Wed-!
neaday at 7:45 p.m. at the Port-i
land Central library.
On T hursday he will he gtiest
speaker at the annual meeting
of the Pioneer Telephone Coop
erative at Philomath.
Morris will leave for Milwau
kee ami Chicago on April 25
where he will attend the annual
meeting of the American Asso
ciation of Collegiate. Schools of
Business ami the triennial meet
ing of Beta Gamma Sigma, na- j
tional business school honorary.!
Lieberman to Head
Alpha Delta Sigma
Cil Lieberman, junior in busi
ness. has been elected president
of Alpha Delta Sigma, national
advertising honorary.
He replaces John Cary who
graduated at the end of winter
A meeting of prospective
pledges will be held Wednesday
at 7 p.m. at the Student Union.
Lieberman announced. Anyone |
with training or experience in
advertising is urged to attend
Psych Prof Leaves
For Conference
J. W. Warren, assistant profes
sor of psychology, will leave
April 27 for the Midwestern Psy
chological association conference
at the Sherman hotel in Chicago.
Warren will stop off at the
Southwestern Medical School in
Dallas. Texas, to discuss some
neurological work. He will re
turn May 1.
Byler Selected Outstanding
Sigma Chi From Northwest
rtii-x D.virr, senior m political
science, is the winner of the Bal
four Award, given each year to
the outstanding Sigma Chi in the
Pacific Northwest.
Byler's selection was an
nounced Monday by Janies Over
lock and William Bringham, rep
resentatives of the national fra
ternity, who visited the local
chapter. His name and display
scrapbook, prepared by local
members, will lie entered in com
petition for the national Bal
four Award.
Byler was elected house presi
dent as a sophomore and has been ,
pledge trainer, song- leader and
rush chairman. He has been a
member of Skull and Dagger.
Druids, and at present is a Friar.
He was elected Joe College as a j
I lie perfect cotirultip •* atari in her frc» And
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A thrilling evlection of nquiiilt retting*
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Robinson Will Judge
National Plavwritina
Horace W. Robinson, a-hocSate
professor of speech. will act a
one of four judges for the annual
National Collegiate Playwriting,
contest for 1955.
Other Judge a for the contest
are Broadway producers Jean
Dalrymple ancl Vinton Freedley,
and Profeasor Joseph W, Bald
win. University of Mississippi.
Any student who is registered
in a college or university in the
United States during any part of
the school year 1954-55 is elig
ible for this contest. Only stage
plays are eligible and musical
books or librettoes, together with
lyrics, will be judged solely on
their dramatic composition and
not at all on musical composition.
All scripts must be delivered to
the Editorial Department of
Samuel French, 25 West 45th St..
Campus Calendar
Church Hist.
Conf Dadsrm SU
Drama Staff 110 SU
Traffic Ct Lnch 111 SU
Sinf 112 SU
Church Hist Lnch 113 SU
Phi Eta Sig Lnch 213 SU
Moms Wknd Com 315 SU
Traffic Ct Dinner 110 SU
ASUO Elect
Clerk Info
Girls WUS
T ryouts
Inty Conn
Excpt Child
C-hristn Sc:
214 SU
30 Sci
Gerl Annex
315 SU
Gerl 3rd El
334 SU
Gerl 1st FI
Ballim SU
Ww York 36, New York, before
noon. May 6. Students may sub
mit as many entries as they wish
but each w: ,pt must contain a
completed entry blank and a self
addressed and stamped envelope
for return of the script.
or REGULAR for
Do Have Them Made Early
While We Ail Have the Time.
Please Phone 4-3432
For an Appointment.
?214 Kincaid
ON the Campus
By appointment purveyors cl leap to the fate Hmf Get if* VI, Yarcley & C®,, ltd. lor ccm
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distributors for l. S. A.. Yardley of London, Inc.. New York.