Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1955, Page Six, Image 6

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    Jerk Gets Jolt
POLICE QUOTED Mrs. Cora W**41. 6'>, of Lincoln, Nebraska, driver of this car, as saying
that when she started to back from the curb she accidently put the cur into high gear. It leaped
the curb, plunged through the plate glass window of a drug store and halted lreside the soda
fountain. One customer suffered a minor cut on the anil. (AP Wirephoto)
Junior Women
To Tap Twenty
Twenty sophomore women will
be tapped for membership in Phi
Theta Upsilon. junior women's
honorary, this spring. Selection
will be based upon leadership,
character and scholarship.
Any woman completing 80
hours of work by the end of
spring term and who has either
2.4 accumulative grade point
average or a 2.4 grade point av
erage winter term is eligible to
petition for the honorary. Regu
lar ASUO petition forms are to
be used.
Petitions must be turned in to
Germaine LaMarche at Susan
Campbell hall or to Sally Ryan
at Carson hall by 5 p.m. Friday.
Activities on the petitions are to
be listed in the order of impor
tance. No pictures are necessary.
’Stock Market*
NEW YORK (APi — Defense
stocks were in the forefront of
the market's advance Monday.
Aircrafts were heavily pur
J chased at higher prices. That
buoyancy accompanied reports
that the Chinese Reds were build
■ ing up their air strength op
posite Formosa.
The defense issues, however,
weren't alone in their good show
! ing.
Gains ran to around 6 points at
the best in key sections. Losses
of 2 to 3 points were found at the
i The Associated Press average
I of 60 stocks was up S1.20 at
j $166.00.
Volume at 3.080.000 shares
compares with 3,180.000 shares
traded Friday.
Ballet Tickets
Go On Sale
Tickets went on sale today
for a concert to be presented
April 30 by the Ballet Society of
Portland at the University The
Two performances are planned.
One will be at 2 p.m.. primarily
for grade and high school stu
dents. Admission will be 50 cents
for the students and $1 for ad
ults at the matinee.
Adult tickets for the second
performance at 8 p.m. will cost
SI.50, except for University The
ater season ticket holders, who
will be admitted for $1.
The ballet program will include
“Vicissitude," “Cianina,” “Danse
Claasique.” by Tschaikovsky, and
“Folk Song.” Choreography will
be by the director, Jacqueline
Martin Schumacher, and by guest
choreographer Nicholas Vusasili
Want Ads
RATES- 4 CenU pnr Word Fir»t Iruertion, 2 Centi per Word Thereafter.
Earn $75 per week during
mimmer. Pari time work
also available during bal
ance of school year. Car
neceasarjr. Cash summer
scholarships. Write Mr. Ar
nold. P.O. Box 542. Eugene,
for personal Interview. 4-4tf
I need three persons of high
caliber to work with com
pany opening new offlcse in
this area. Work from 4 till
10 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Apply room 104, 885
Oak St. between 9 a.m. and
3 p.m. 4-7-tf
The cost of your furniture
and one year’s rent can buy
a completely furnished home
from Jim McKee Trailer
Sales. 4521 Franklin Blvd.
Phone 7-9357. 4-25
Silvertone Baritone Ukc. New,
still in box. will unload for
$9. Call Don, 3-5555 4-20
If you at** married or fe
male and now paylnR more
than 530.40 a year for pub
lic liability and property
damage auto tnmirance re
new a in. you are throwing
money down the drain. May
flower will give you PL. &
PD insurance for 515.20
per 8 months renewable.
Check your old policy today.
If you are paying a penalty,
AGENT before you renew.
Ph. 4-9444. Rea 4-2957 or
atop in at 9H2 Oak street,
3-29t f
Attention Married Students;
Excellent child care low
est rates. Kiddy Park Nurs
eiy. Phone 3-1725. $25-530
per month. 5-3
Lost Glasses; brown frames,
beige case. Finder please
call extension 224. 4-20
Applications Due
For Officer Exams
Applications to take the For
eign Service officer examinations
must be received by the Depart
ment of State by May 2. Any
student interested in applying
should get an application blank
immediately from M. D. Wattles,
assistant professor of economics,
or K. W. Onthank, associate di
rector of student affairs.
The examination for this area
will be held in Portland on June
24. 1955.
Research Grant Goes
To Physics Professor
Bernard Crasemann, assistant
professor of physics, has recently
received a National Science
Foundation research grant for
sp'-ctal work on mdioactlve iso
He exjiects to lake two years
to complete hts project, which is
••ntitled "Decay Schemes of
Long-lived Position Emitters'*
Donald Retifunx, K. N. Forrest
and James Pengra. all graduate
students, will assist Crasernann
with his research.
You finally meet the campus
queen—on graduation day!
And then you find her summering
next to your house on the bay...
For more pure pleasure... SMOKE CJ\!MELS M
No oilier cigarette is so rich-tasting
P.S. No other brand has ever been able to match the pure pleasure in Camel's exclusive
blend of costly-tobaccos — one of the reasons why Camels are America's most popular cigarette!
B. 1. Hejnoldi Tulm-cu Co.. Wlnilon-SaUm, N. C
yet so mild!
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