Diamond Team To Play WSC In ND Opener A weather-hampered Oregon baseball team will once again try to open its Northern Division season Wednesday when Wash ington State visits the Ducks for the first of a two-game series. Last weekend the Webfoot nine was rained out of a pair of games with Oregon State while the Cougars were getting snowed out in a pair of games with Washington at Pullman. The Oregon-OSC series was post poned while the Husky-WSC se ries was cancelled. Continued rains have put the opener in the doubtful class as the Northwest weather has given Coach Don Kirsch's team little mercy. If Howe field is too wet for the Wednesday game, a dou ble-header will be scheduled for Thursday. If it rains then, both will be cancelled. Coach Buck Bailey's Cougars will bring an impressive record to Eugene to open the conference season against the defending champion Ducks. WSC has won six of nine games this season with two of the three losses com ing at the hands of the Yakima Bears of the Class A Northwest league. The Cougars have several vet erans back from their fourth place team of 1954 with Short stop Ron Foisy and Second-base man Gordon Hersey both back from their record-breaking sea son when they set an all-time league record with 19 double plays. Foisy leads the hitting writh an even .500 average and the Cougar mound corps has plenty of depth. Weather Hampers IM Softball Play Six intramural softball games were postponed yester day as rain took its toll for the third straight time in league play. Twenty games have now felt the effects of wet weather and will be made up after the end of the regular schedule next week. Intramural softball director Virgil Erickson reported yes terday that the fields were very soft from the frequent rains but games will go on as scheduled today if possible. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jerry Claussen. Staff: AMen Johnson, Jack Wilson, Dick Fishback, Jack Marsh and Chuck Mitchelmore. mm right in our own plant! IN AT 10, OUT AT 4. Ask for "Special Service" Best Cleaners 821 East 13th Ph. 5-6321 Meeting Planned For Sport Staff All Emerald sports staff members are to meet ill the Kmerald office today at I p.m., according to Co-sports lalitor Chuck Mltchelmore. It is important that ull desk editors and writers bo there to discuss better coverage and more efficiency In staff asslgn | ments. Bowling Star In 50th Meet FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — American Bowling Congress sta tisticians got out their adding machine Sunday and figured 74 year-old Harry Steers of Elm hurst. 111., has knocked down 82. 672 pins in ABC tourney com petition. Obviously, that took some J time. Since 1901, as a matter of fact. When Steers makes his annual ; appearance Monday in the ABC's ■ 52nd annual show he will be com peting for the 50th time. The statisticians figured the , pins he has walloped in the na I tional meet would fill 11 rail road cars, stretch over 20 miles laid end to end. and weigh al | most 141 tons. When the ABC tournament was started in 1901. the 21-year old Steers couldn’t raise the 1 money to go to Chicago from j his Iowa home town as a com ! petitor. So he participated only ' as a paid scorekeeper. The next year Steers was one of 305 entrants in the Buffalo ABC meet. There are over 31.000 this year and he carried off a share of the doubles championship. He couldn't make the 1903 tourney but in 1904 Steers started a string that has made him the dean of American bowl ers—48 straight ABC perform ances. Sheer durability isn’t Steers’ only accomplishment. Besides ‘ that doubles crown in 1902, he won another while contributing j a 715 series in 1918. He took the all-events title that World War I year with a 1959 total. Seattle, Portland Slate Home Pair SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- The Pacific Coast league winds up its 19,r>5 "opening day" festivi ties Tuesday with Seattle and Portland finally getting around to wearing their white uniforms and performing before their home fans. Both clubs have been touring in the southern sections of the stretched out circuit for the first fortnight and have split even Seattle in 14 games, Portland in 12. The Beavers were rained out of Sunday’s doubleheader at San Francisco. Seattle fans will get a double look at the Rainiers Tuesday, with a day and night game scheduled, plus a chance to see Larry Jansen make his initial start in the PCL after a long tenure with the world champion New York Giants. Jansen to Start Jansen, relegated to a coach ing role by Leo Durocher a year ago. decided he wanted to see action rather than to give ad vice and was sent to Seattle at his own request. Billed opposite the Rainiers will be the surprising Sacra mento Solons. whom none of the experts thought ever would leave the league cellar but have been riding in first place since the campaign opened. A pair of unbeaten hurlers. Chet Johnson (l-Ol and Johnny Briggs (2-0). were named by Manager Tony Freitas to face the Rainiers. Freddie Hutchin son has said he'll counter with Jansen in the afternoon and Ri nold Duran (0-1) at night. Portland, too, will stage a double inaugural, taking on sec ond-place San Diego. The Bea vers will send Bob Hall (2-0) to 1 the mound in the afternoon and lefty Bill Werle (1-0) out at night. The Padres have Bob Kerri gan (0-2) pegged for daytime duty and either Cliff Fannin ! (0-0) or Lloyd Dickey (1-0) for ! nighttime chores. The Hollywood Stars arrived in San Francisco Monday for their i date Tuesday night with the • ■*n>vww-8 indicates, said Manager Bobby Bragan hail tabbed Lino Donoso (0-0) to face Tony Ponce (1-0), Manager Heath's “Merry Mexican," In the single game. Tailend Oakland, winner of only five games despite an abundance of hitting strength, faces Los Angeles in another night game, Karl Drews (0-3) was Manager Lefty O'Doul's mound choice against Lefty Jo Hatten (1-1) of the Angels. Frosh Game Cancelled The baseball game scheduled for 3 p.m. this afternoon be tween the Oregon Frosh and Eugene high school lias been cancelled, according to the athletic department. IAA Schedule Non (mil 3:50 Sederstrom hall vs. Barris ter Inn, north field. Legal Eagles vs. Dorm Counselors, south field. Phi Kapjia Psl vs. Theta Chi, upper field. 4:55 Deltn Upsllon vs. Higma jVlpha Epsilon, north field. Beta Theta PI vh. Alpha Tail Omega, south field. Delta Tau Delta vs. Phi Delta Theta, upper field. Tennis ■ 4:00 Theta Chi vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon, courts 4, 5, »}. Golf French hall vs. Hale Kane, Oakway. Look for the Spalding “Tennis Twins” Wherever Top Tennis Is Played There arc good reasons why Spalding's tennis twins arc used in more major tennis tournaments than all other tennis Ixills combined. Top players want a tennis ball that can take rough treatment . . . and give uniform performance set after set. They pick the Spalding and the Spalding-made Wright & Ditson over all others for uniform wear and better bounce qualities. Put the best ball in pla r for your best game. The pick of top tennis men . . . Spalding’s famous tennis twins. Your dealer has them now. Spalding SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS oend a contribution to U. S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND 640 North Michigan Avo.f Chicago 11( Illinois