Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1955, Image 1

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    56th Year oj Publication
NO. 112
Oppenheimer Speaks in SU Tonight
Making Preview Plans
ImM'i OK K I’ltKVIKn pistil* for thi* romll| HWkMd
*r» (left to right | Inula Korppor, Larry Hughes, Eugene high
‘.Indent body president, and Bob Porter. MM Knepper and Porter
are co-chairmen for the c\ent which honors high school aeniors.
♦ ♦ ♦ _'_
Time for Vodvil
Auditions Listed
Women's auditions for the
WUS-aponsored Vodvil show will
he held tonight in Gerhnger hali.
Men's auditions will be tomorrow
Five women's groups will be
selected to appear In the Vodvil
show Friday night.
Women’s houses and audition
times are:
Delta Zeta and Rebec house.
6:30; Kappa Kappa Gamma,
6:45; Pi Beta Phi. 7; Alpha Del
ta Pi, 7:15; Alpha Omicron Pi,
7:30: Alpha Phi, 7:45; Kappa Al
pha Theta, 8; Zeta Tail Alpha,
8:15; Susan Campbell, 8:30;
Orides, 8:45; Chi Omega, 9; Del
ta Delta Delta, 9:15; Delta Gam
ma, 9:30; Alpha Chi Omega, 9:45.
♦ ♦ ♦
Ruhlmon to Play
For Duck Preview
Doug Ruhlman's five-piece
combo will play for the Duck
Preview dance Saturday from 9
to 12 p.m. in the Student Union
ballroom, Barbara Berwick,
dance chairman, announced Mon
"Make Yourself Comfortable”
is the theme. All arrangements
for the dance have been made
by the SU dance committee under
the direction of Don Peck, chair
man. Committee chairmen as
sisting Peck and Miss Berkick
are Lou Ann Pearson, decora
tions; Mary Jane Alexander, en
tertainment, and Diane Raoul
Duval, publicity.
Dress for the dance will b«.
dressy cottons and heels for the
women, slacks and sports coats
for the men.
Carroll Selected
For Vodvil MC
Bali" Carroll, sophomore in
pre-laH’, has been chosen mas
ter of ceremonies for the Ail
campus Vodvil, according to
Helen Kuth Johnson and Chuck
Wlngard, \odvil co-chairmen.
Bob Sogge, senior in business,
and the Baker’s Half Dozen
will entertain.
Eight Nominated
For Co-op Jobs
Eight students have been nom
inated to fi)l the threp vacant
positions on the Co-op board. One
sophomore member and two jun
ior members will be elected May
4 at the regular ASUO elections.
Nominated for the one-year
sophomore positions are Joyce
Jacobson, freshman in business:
Chuck Cowen, freshman in lib
eral arts, and Lee Blaesing,
freshman in liberal arts.
Two junior members will be
elected for two-year terms from
the following candidates:
Shirley McLean, sophomore in
liberal arts; Lynn Adolsperger,
sophomore in English; Keith
Barker, sophomore in business:
Linda Lundy, sophomore in art.
and Nancy Adams, sophomore in
April 22 Deadline
For SU Petitions
The deadline for the SU Di
rectorate chairmen petitions is
April 22 instead of April 15 as
was previously announced in the
Petitions may be picked up on
the third floor of the Student
Union and should be returned to
the SU box on the third floor
of the building.
The following committer chair
men for each of the 10 standing
committees are needed:
Personnel, publicity, public re
lations, recorded music, movie,
music, dance, coffee hour forum,
browsing room and art gallery.
Structure of Matter
Topic of Lecture at 8
J Oppenheitncr will deliver his first Condon lecture
tonight at 8 p.m. in the Student Union ballroom.
I lie title of hi first addresw ill he “ I he Sub-nuclear Zoo;
I'he Composition of Matter." Topic of his second talk on
Speaks Tonight
I Imrsday is “Elements of Or
Considered the one man in the
United States who knows ail the
facts of the development of the
fir"t atomic bomb, Oppenheimer
ha-5 been a leading opponent of
government restrictions on scien
Completing hi- undergraduate
studies at Harvard university in
three year'. Oppenheimer con
tinued his studies at Cambridge
university in England. He re
ceived his doctor’s degree from
Gottingen university in Germany
in 1927.
From 1927 until 1929 he was a
National Research fellow and an
International Education Hoard
fellow. In 1929 he was appointed
assistant professor of physics at
v.niM.TMiy oi ^aniornia ana tite California Institute of
Developed Bomb
Itoid 1943 untii 1945, Oppenhcimer was director of the
government laboratory at Los Alamos, X. M., where the
| atomic bomb was developed. He was chairman of the <icncral
Advisory committee to the Atomic Energy Commission from
l‘M5 until 1953. Me also ha- been director of the Institute for
Advanced Study at Princeton, X. J.
| Oppenhcimer is a fellow of the American Academv of Arts
and Sciences, American Physics society, and a member of the
National Academy of Sciences, American Philosophical so
I cicty.
OSC, Portland Lectures Scheduled
lie will repeat his two lectures at Oregon State college on
April 26 and 28 and at Portland State college on May 3 and 4.
The Condon Lectures were established in 1944 by the ()re
,gon State Board of Higher Education. The Lectureship was
named in honor of Thomas Condon, the first professor of
j geology at the L'niversity.
1 he purpose of the lectures is to interpret the results of
significant scientific research to the nonspccialist.
Rules and Pairings Listed
By Canoe Fete Chairmen
Rules for construction of the
Canoe Fete floats were an
nounced today by Sally .lo Greig
and Darrel Brittsan, co-chairmen
of that committee.
A $50 cost limit has been
placed on each float. The 16x18
foot barges will be given to the
houses and are not to be con
sidered as part of the cost.
According to the rules estab
lished by the float committee,
decorations may overlap the
barge as much as is necessary,
and may be as high as the build
ers want. Floats are to have no
musical accompaniment of their
own and the method used for pro
pelling the barge must be noise
Barges will be distributed
April 30. Floats must be complet
ed by 10 a.m. May 14. Judging
will be based equally on design,
color, originality, and quality of
Queen’s Float
The Queen's float and the
comic float will not be in com
petition. This year’s winning
float will have the honor of
building the Queen's float next
year. Awards will be given to
each house in the first, second
and third place pairings.
Representatives have been se
lected from each of the 44 houses
working on the floats. The 15
pairings and representatives are
Delta Upsilon, Alpha Chi Omega
—Rob Wadman, Jim Erdman,
Valerie Hersh; Lambda Chi Al
pha, Chi Phi, Ann Judson—Jerry
Maxwell, Walt Lovell. Beaudette
Smith, Anne Bond; Phi Delta
Theta, Sigma Kappa, Zeta Tau
Alpha — Jim Larpenter, Jean
Merker, Celia Clogston.
Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Kappa
Psi, Jack Cady, Gail Harrison;
University house, Alpha Tau
Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma
Jerry Jones, Jean Miller, Linda
Lundy; Sigma Alpha Mu, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Kappa Sigma—Stan Blauer, Rog
er Miller, Pete Plumridge, Amos
Bowles, Abbie Andrews; Sigma
Chi, Chi Omega, Highland house
—Andy Nasburg, Crystal Hack
er, Barbara Harris; Theta Chi,
Delta Zeta, Orides—Bob Kam- j
merer, Clara Fry, Mary Lou
More 1‘airings
Phi Gamma Delta, Tan Kappa ;
Epsilon, Carson. Alpha Xi Delta
—Jack Lally. Joe Ross. Jane
Flippo, Carol Rosendall, Nancy
Mahan; Sigma Nil, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Alpha Delta Pi—Don Si
mon, Les Wolfe, Frank Beeman,
Jackie Pond; Alpha hall, Delta
Delta Delta—Dave Lobb, Carol
Gerlach; Beta Theta Pi, Alpha
Phi Don Peck, Shelly Doggett;
Campbell club, Kappa Alpha The
ta—Elmer Jones, Les Ramsey,
Mary Jane Rudd; Philadelphia
house, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Del
ta Gamma, Rebec house — Dick
Proctor, A1 Burns, A1 Racker,
Phyllis Stalsberg, Pat McCor
mick; Sigma Phi Epsilon. Pi Beta
Phi—Tom Moreland and Marlis
These representatives will
meet regularly with Miss Greig
and Brittsan to discuss progress
on the floats and any problems
that come lip during planning
and construction.
WUS Wash
Postponed last week, the WUS
car-wash has been re-scheduled
for Thursday afternoon from 1
to 4 p.m.
Members of many sororities
will wash cars for one dollar, do
nating all proceeds to the World
University Service. Pairings are
as follows:
Pi Beta Phi and Zeta Tau Al
pha at Sigma Kappa; Kappa Al
pha Theta and Alpha Xi Delta
at Chi Omega; Delta Zeta at
Delta Delta Delta; Alpha Delta
Pi and Delta Gamma at Alpha
Omieron Pi, and Alpha Phi at
Gamma Phi Beta.
Ugly Man Contest
Vote Starts Today
Voting for Ugliest Man on
Campus starts today in the
Student Union and the Co-op.
The amount of donations put
in glass jars for the candidates
will determine the winner of
the annual contest. All pro
ceeds will go to the World Uni
versity Service fund.
The winner will be announced
Criday night at the Vodvil