Ballots for Wednesday's Primaries ASUO PRIMARY ELECTIONS Party Ballot For UNITED INDEPENDENT STUDENTS 1. All students may vote for ASUO president and senate members Nip-at-large. 2. Members of freshman, sopho more. and junior classes may vote for class at'ficers in the section designated by an en circled number in the right margin. 3. Number the candidates (in each section of the ballot that you use i in the order of your preference—1. 2. 3. 4, 5, etc., for as many as you wish to vote for. Candidates for Presi dent and ASUO Senate Membership-at-Large ( ) SAM VAHEY I Candidate for President i ( > MARY CLAIRE ALLEN C > BOB BIGGS ( > DICK FREAR ( > DOROTHY ILER ( • SUSAN LAMB ( > DAVID LOBB ( j richard McDaniel ( ) CHUCK MITCHELMORE ( ) KATHY MORRISON ( I ROGER SOMMER ( i KIP WHARTON (Candidate for President) RansomExplains Election Plans With the ASUO primary" elec tions scheduled for Wednesday. ASUO Vice-President Hollis Ran som has issued a list of voting procedures to be followed by campus voters. The preferential system will again be in effect for the elec tions and the steps of specific importance that all voters should be sure to follow are: 1. You will be given one ballot for each party. 2. You can vote on. only one bal lot. 3. All voters: You will be able to vote for ASUO officers, using the preferential system (voting according to your preference, 1. 2 3, 4, etc.) 4. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors: You will be able to vote for class officers for next year in the section indicated by. a num ber circled with red pencil. You will also use the preferential sys tem. 5. You vote in the sections of the ballot which are indicated by an encircled number and in the ASUO section. 6. Ballots marked other than with numbers are invalid. 7. When you have voted—fold both ballots and give them to the booth attendant telling the at tendant which ballot you have marked. The attendant will then place the ballots in the appropri ate boxes. Ransom's release went on to explain the preferential system a little more fully. It said, “the pre ferential system is a system of v oting by which a voter expresses his choice with a number one (1) for his first choice, number two (2) for his second choice, number three (3) for his third choice and so on for as many candidates as he wishes. Senior Class Officers ! t > SAM FREAR (Candidate for Representative) — Junior Class Officers ( ) CARL GROTH (Candidate for President) ( ) BEVERLY JOY BELL ARTS (Candidate for Rep resentative) ( ) CHARLES PARKER (Can didate for Representative) ( ) JOANNE REED (Candi date for Representative) Sophomore Class Officers | ( ) DALE BAJEMA (Candidate for President) ( ) DORIS ALLEN (Candidate for Representative) t ) SAMUEL G. WHITNEY (Candidate for Represen , tative) ASUO PRIMARY ELECTIONS Party Ballot For ASSOCIATED GREEK STUDENTS 1. All students may vote for ASUO president and senate membersttip-at-large. 2. Members of freshman, sopho more. and junior classes may vote for class afficers in the section designated by an en circled number in the right margin. 13. Number the candidates (in each section of the ballot that you use) in the order of your preference—1. 2. 3. 4, 5, etc., for as many as- you wish to vote for. Candidates for Presi dent and ASUO Senate Membership-at-Large ( ) BCD HINKSON (Candidate for President* !( ) LOUIE BLUE ( ) BRIAN BOOTH „ ( ) DARREL D. BRITTSAN ( ) TRAVIS CAVENS ( ') WALT CHING Captains Named For Primary Polls Eight poll captains for the coming primary elections have been announced by ASUO Vice President RolUs Ransom. The eight are made up of four members of the Associated Greek Students and affiliates of the four United Independent Stu dents. They will be stationed with one at each, of election voting booths. . . The four AGS poll captains are Betti Faekler, Agnes Thompson, Marcia Webb and Leighton Wil bur. The four from UIS are Con stance Drury, Ray Westinghouse, Janet Ferris and Mary Alice Al len. Among the duties of the poll captains will be to make sure that two poll clerks are at each booth at all times, to instruct all poll clerks as to their specific duties and to turn in a list of theic. clerks to Ransom at the ASUO office not later than 6 p.m. today. The eight polling places for the election are at Fenton hall, Friendly hall, the Men's pool, Commonwealth hall, the Student Union, the library quad, the Co op and the area between Straub hall and Gerlinger hall. t, ) AiNIN KKH'KSU.N ( ) NAN HAGEDOKN I ( ) BILL HARDIN l ) BOB KUBES l ) LINDA LUNDY t ) MARCIA MAUNEY ( ) BILL MOORE ( ) JERRY POOL ( ) ANNE RITCHEY ( ) ROB ROY Senior Class Officers ( ) MARTIN BRANDENFELS (Candidate for President) ( > bob McCracken (Candidate for President) ( ) EV STILES (Candidate for President) ( ) PATTY FAGAN (Candi date for Representative) t ) BOB MAIER (Candidate for Representative) Junior Class Officers i l ) DOUG BASHAM (Candidate for President) ( ) BARKEY HERMAN (Candidate for President) ( I MOLLY CARR (Candidate for Representative) ( ) SALLY JO GRF.IG (Candi date for Representative) Sophomore Class Officers ( ) JIM LYNCH (Candidate for President) ( ) JIM PERRY (Candidate for President > ( )JOHN RAVENTOS (Candidate for President) t ) GORDON SUMMERS (Candidate for President) ( ) DICK ALLEN (Candidate for Representative I ) ELLIOT CARLSON (Can didate for Representative) ( ) BETTY HERRMAN (Can didate for Representative) ( ) JIM HILANDS (Candidate for Representative) , ( ) SHIRLEY PARMENTER (Candidate for Representa tive) ( ) RICHARD URIE (Candi date for Representative) Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 - IXT. 218 • EMERALD OIFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Centi per Word Fir«t Iniertlon, 2 Cent« per Word Thereefter. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Earn $75 per week during summer. Part time woik also available during bal ance of school year. Car necessary. Cash Hummer scholarships. Write Mr. Ar uold. P.O. Box 542. Eugene, for personal interview. 4-4tf I need three persons of high caliber to work with com pany opening new officse in this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 a m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf For Sale; Boy's bicycle at Thrift & Gift Shop. 13«3 Oak St. $25.00. Phone 3-3801 ARK YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than (30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto inaurance re newal*, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. * PD Insurance for (15.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP. See JERKY BROWN, your MAYFLO W E R AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or atop in at 902 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, IT S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf Government Essay Contest Disclosed A first prize of $20 will be awarded to the winning entry in the ASUO senate-sponsored essay contest, according to John Whlt ly. contest chairman. Second and third prizes of $10 and 55 will al so be given. Subject of the essays is to be "The Hole of Student Govern ment on the University of Ore gon Campus.’’ The essays are due Wednesday. AH students enrolled in the University are eligible to parti cipate in the contest. The essays may be from 1000 to 5000 words long. Entries should be typewrit ten. double spaced on one side of the paper. The first-place essay will be printed in the Emerald. The three faculty members of the Senate. Donald Du Shane, di rector of student affairs; R D. Horn, professor of English, and Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business administration, will serve as Judges for the essay contest. Today's Staff Makeup Editor Sally Ryan. News Office Anne Hill, Bob Robinson. Gordon Rice, Copy Desk Bill Muinwartng and Keith Barker. Night Staff Mollie Monroe and Bcv Chamberlain. (ant(/acft SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS The Whole Campus Knows Have a car or typewriter for sale? An apartment for rent? Need a job, or maybe a ride home? More and more students are finding EMERALD WANT-ADS the solution to all their problems. You can run your notice on the "Campus Bulletin Board" for just 4c a word the first day, and only 2c a word each additional day! EMERALD WANT-ADS get RESULTS . . . FOR YOU! PHONE 5-1511 Ext. 218 PHONE 5-1511 Ext. 218