Cinder Team Downs Idaho By Jerry Clautten im»r*ld Co-Spoilt Editor Oregon'* star-studded track team won every firat place and broke alx meet record* Satur day a* the powerful Duck* romped to a 103-27 win over out classed Idaho on Hayward field’* wet but firm track. Rain fell at timea during the meet but it wasn't enough to hamper the Oregon team which displayed power and depth in every event to win It* first 1955 conference meet handily. The vic tory left Coach BUI Bowerman * Webfoot team undefeated for the season. • Best performance of the day huh turned In by the Ducks' veteran distance-runner, Hi«i Reiser. The slim senior from Kugene was at his best Matur ilay as he ran the two-mile In 9:20.1 to break both the Idaho meet record and the school mark for the distance. Reiser breasted the tape about 200 ynrd* ahead of Ida ho's Lou Oourley a* he shattered hi* own Oregon mark aet last year by .6 of a second. The Idaho meet record was set by Bill Dell inger of Oregon last year at 9:34.5. Reiser’s time also was the third best two-mile time in the country this year with Fernando I>*de*ma of U8C turning in a 9 11.1 run against California Sat urday for the runner-up spot. Dellinger himself flashed some of the form that earned him the Northern Division, Pacific Coast and NCAA mile championships last season as the Springfield junior toured the four lap* in 4 22.5. Ills time hrokr the year old meet record by two seconds a* he easily defeated Gourley, who was in shape for Idaho's first meet. Oregon's top sprinter, Bruce Sprlngbett, was the only clear cut double winner of the day. The dark-haired senior flashed top form In breaking the meet record for the 220-yard dash as hr went the distance In 21.4 Prev lously Sprlngbett ran his fastest time of the year in the 100, 9.9, to win that event. Australian 880 champ Jim Bailey got his firat chance of the year to run in hta specialty and the long-legged sophomore es tablished a meet record with a time of 1:36.1. This broke Duck Doug Clement's 1954 mark by 2.2 seconds a* Bailey won by a wide margin. Clement took second place as he ran easily to test his carly-season leg injury. Two meet record* were set by the Ducks in the field events. Medford Sophomore Ed Bingham got off his best throw of the season in the javelin. 204 ’ 5", to break the eight-year-old meet record established by Oregon's Lou Robinson. Closest competition of the day came In the shot-put, where Oregon’s Ben LJoyd heuved the Iron hall 49’ 8'4” to break Chet Noe's 1952 mark by more than two feet. Jack Aloud was a very close second with a throw only a quarter of an Inch behind Lloyd’s toss. Both Ken Hickenbottom and Martin Pedigo of the Webfoot team won a first place and Sports Staff Desk Editor: Jerry Claussen. Staff: Chuck Mitchelmore and Jack Wilson. Out of 14 Walker Cup matches played between the United States and Great Britain to decide the amateur golf championship, the U.S. has lost only one—in 1947. shared in another. Hlckenbottom took down his first victory of the season in the pole vault with a mark of 13' and tied with the versatile Pedigo for first in the high Jump vCith a leap of 5' 10". Pedigo, sophomore from Hermis ton, took first for the fourth straight week in the broad Jump with a leap of more than 22 feet. Other winners for the Web foots included Gordon Dahlquist iu the 440-yard dash. Walt Ba dorek in the discus, Doug Bash am in the high hurdles and Bill Horsby in the lows. Oregon’s mile relay team won an easy victory as LeRoy Campbell re gained a first-lap deficit and Arden Christensen and Dahlquist opened up a big lead in the final half-mile. Nest competition for the Oregon team comes at Seattle this Saturday where the Ducks meet Washington in a confer ence dual meet. Washington Is generally deeper than last year when Oregon beat the Huskies, 74-37, and opened Its sea*' | Saturday with a 117-10 victory over Yancou\er, B.C. Olym pic cluh. Results: Mile run I If ill Dellinger (0), 2 \jju <#oi»tle> (I), J. Robert Thornton (1). Time: 4 :22.5. Mu* jntt I. Urn Lloyd (0), 2. Jack Moad ott Reid (O) and Dave New land tO). Height 13', High jurat* 1 Ol Martin Pedigo (O) and Km Hirkenhoftom (O), 3. Terry Sullttan llriKht: 5* 10". Jateltnl Ed limcham tO). 2. Paul Han* «*n » ^ing shorts, -* lron vou own the p icr has Arro V Vour campus {rom $5.00. $3.50. Arrow slack . ^ \ ABBOW CASUAL WEAR SHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS