brides New Fashion Boasts Three Names By Mollie Monroe Emsrald R«porf«r The "ensemble look" . . . the "three piece look" . . . the "cos tume look." Whichever of these designer's tags the trosseau consclous bride uses. she's refer* ting to the mime style. It’s the new dark horse In the fashion lace, h complete outfit in one purchase. For n bridal going-away ward lob**, there are ninny variations of this triple threat trend. Smooth sheaths, both single and two piece, come with matching short sleeved coats of the same material. Colored l.inen Popular Summer-colored linen, always a June bride’s favorite is popular again thta season. Many of the aheatha and matching coats ap p‘ ai in pale linen, but the coats flip open to reveal, surprisingly, bright linings that save the out fits from monotony. Pencil thin sun dresses in pas tels, silky shantungs, and tex tured cottons contrast with short boxy jackets. Three piece rayon suit feature fitted jackets and slightly Hared skirts. Hats to match the ensemble look tend to be wide-brimmed. Pastels, of course, dominate, but the color of the bride’s hat may be Independent of her costume color. V<-*y small feathers and small dusters of flowers ride on the crowns. To comp’ete her going away outfit, she will *v* ar either white or pastel shod*. Perhaps men an shrinking . . or women are sprouting, for trends indicate that heels are lower this year The illusion heel seems to be the first choice, for its combina tion of sophistication and com fort. The "costume look” bride, car S U Currents SU Coffee Hour Talk Postponed This Friday Tin* coffee hour scheduled for this Friday has been postponed until next Friday uim to a Eu gene Civic* Music Concert April 15. Leonora Salazar, graduate stu dent in architecture will speak on "Three Peruvian Poets" April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the browsing room. Three Acts to Appear AtTGIF ParfyToday Today's Friday at Four will consist of three acts. Put Viles, Junior in general science, will sing and play the guitar, and Tom Waldrop, fresh man in business, will do a pan tomime. Songs will also be sung by Arden Jaeger, freshman in liberal arts. Acting as master of ceremon ies will be Gary Alden, sopho more In education. Cindy Ran dall and George Simpson are in charge of this week's program. SU Directorate Posts Petitions Due Today Petitions for the new Student Union Directorate chairmen are due today and may be turned in at the Student Union box on the third floor of the SU. Positions are open for chair men of the personnel committee, publicity committee, public rela tions committee, recorded mu sic: committee, movie committee, music committee, dance commit tee, coffee hour forum commit tee, browsing room committee, and the art gallery committee. rylnK handbag and gloves to match h'T shoes, will look love ly In the rice-covered tin-can bedecked car marked "Juat mar ried.” Campus Calendar *'oon Curtl Lurch Italian Tbl German Tbl MENC Lunch no si; 112 su 113 SU Ballrm SU 3:00 Curti Forum 334 SU Htu Aff Bdgt Com 337 817 1:00 Sing Corn 112T7' Kri at 4 Fishbowl SU ■ The Priceless Story of your wedding is best told in professionally made photo graphs. Out of Town Weddings arranged conveniently. We will be pleased to explain our COMPLETE wedding service. She DeUif Studio 1214 Kincaid Eugene, Oregon Phone 4-3432 — on the campus 6:00 Si h of Music AlumH Bnqt 110 SU 8:00 KUCMA -Concert Mac: Ct 9:00 Fishbowl Mixer SU Danny Kaye Picture Scheduled for Sunday Danny Kaye cavorts through the movie ‘'On the Riviera” Sun day at 2:30 and 5 p.m. in the stj ballroom. Here is Joy for the Campus Bride Hadley's have dressed Brides fro”-' the Southern Oregon line to Portland . . . from the coast to East ern Oregon . . . Lay-A-Way plan available 'o you ... to carrying charge. Exquisite Bridal Gowns The newest Bridal FasH-ons in Be erma, Waltz Length, Floor Length or with Tre ns. Fine aces s<-d nylon nets, satin, silks ... a fine collec' cn fro~i which you can make your selection. Beautiful Bridal Veils Imported nets . . n beautifully designee tiaras or Juliete caps . . . Styles you'll ieve a* interesting prices. 11.95 to 27.50 Reception Table Candles 3.95 Bride and Groom Candles 1.50 pr. Protestant-Catholic Bibles 5.95 OFtN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9:00 THEN IT’S TIME TO CHOOSE THE RING The ring that will symbolize your future together - the most important ring you'll ever wear or get. Male the-great-decision from an enchanting collection of wedding bands - some of which have tradition for their keynote - others beauty and lavishness. A. Five full cuts $400 B. Platinum ring $300 C. M karat gold $?50 D. Platinum circle $420 Prices include Federal tax E. Platinum $250 F. 14k gold $40 G. 14k gold $20 H. 14k gold $^ Charge or budget WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF STERLING SILVER IN THE EMERALD EMPIRE The House of Diamonds Son s Formerly Larawoy's NEXT TO THE McDONALD THEATER