Vern Sterling Resigns As Duck Line Mentor By Jerry Clsuiten Emerald Co-Sporti Editor Oregon’it football coaching Htaff received a jolt yesterday when Line Coach Vern Sterling announced he waa resigning to take a Job at San Mateo junior college. The appointment waa made h,V Itr. Klon Hildreth, president of San Mateo JO. The V\ eb ftrot football and freshman wrestling coach said he would Im- at Oregon until July I be fore leaving for h's new joh and so will Ire around to assist In spring praetlee slated to l*egln Monday. Sterling said he was taking the new Job a« assistant coach at San Mateo In order to be near his parents, who have been 111 recently, living In nearby Menlo Park. He formerly coached at Menlo Park JC after graduating from Santa Clara, where he was an all-American guard under pi'* -nt Oregon Coach Len Cas anova. Following Ids two years at Menlo Park, Sterling came to Oregon In 1952 to coach under his (dd coach, Casanova. Dur ing his stay at Oregon, the Ducks have had several fine linemen with Jack Patera, Ron Pheister and* llal Reeve all gaining All-Coast mention in 1954. Casanova said he was very sorry to lose Sterling and praised him for hts work in developing good linemen for Duck teams. The Webfoot bead coach said he would start looking for a re placement for Sterling soon but reported that his presence during spring practice would not make the search a hurried one. Bruins Retain Top Position By THK ASSOCIATED I'KESS The Chicago Cuba continued to ride high in the National league Friday, calling on power at th>- plate to make up for weaH* ness in the field a« they beat the Cincinnati Redlega 6-4 in 10 in nings Thursday. Three home runs in the ninth and 10th inninga wrapped it up for the Bruins, who now have won all three of their 1955 games. Randy Jackson's two-run poke in the top of the 10th settled it. The victory kept the Cubs half a game ahead of Brooklyn and Philadelphia who made It two straight. The Brooks over powered the wlnless New York Giants 10-8 and the Phils scored three In the second to heat Pittsburgh 4-3. In the other National league game. St. Louis swatted five of the seven home runs in the con test to knock off Milwaukee 8-7 in 11 innings. Cleveland's defending Amer ican league champs stayed un beaten on the stick work of AI Smith by beating Detroit 5-3. Boston matched the In dians’ 2-0 record with an 8-4 success against the New York Yankees. And Handy Consue grn three-hit Kansas City as the Chicago White Sox won their first of the season 7-1, Rain washed out a scheduled night game at Washington be tween the Senators and Balti more. Brooklyn and Don Newcombe watched as the Giants hoisted the NL pennant and world cham pionship flag in pregame cere monies, then impressed upon the New Yorkers that was all last year’s stuff. Rain Casts Doubt On Duck Opener Burring a sudden blast of sunshine, Oregon will In- un abb- lik open the Northern Ill vision baseball season today as si hediiled. The Ilueks were set to invade Corvallis for a game against Oregon State at 3 p.m. A Saturday game between the same two teams at Ku gene, starting time I p.m., will probably lie postponed as well. , The games would have to la made up the next time the teams meet, May 21-22. Ilotihleheaders would Ik- sched uled with one nine and one seven-inning game each day. NEIL DWYER Duck golf captain Med School Sets UO Tennis Match Leri by ex-Oregon star Ron Lowell, the Oregon Medical school tennis team will trek to Eugene tomorrow in hopes of meeting the Duck varsity squad of Hilbert Lee. Webfoof Golfers Set for Match With Washington With qualifying rounds com pleted and seven men selected to form the team, Coach Sid Milli gan's Ducks will face the Wash ington Huskies tomorrow after noon at Eugene country club in the season’s first match. Captain Neil Dwyer, Barry Ott and Boh Takano cinched the first three places in early qualifying play this week. Dwyer shot 291 for 72 holes with Ott tallying 292 and Ta kino 29.5. I Latest men to qualify were Don Bick with 306, Bob Nord quist with 308, Howard Zenger with 311 and Justin Smith with , 314. Zenger w’ill play the indi vidual match and Smith will par ticipate in the best-ball action j tomorrow. ' The match will be played over the 36-hole route with both liest-ball and individual play. The Ducks are defending champs in the Northern Divi sion tournament as well as having won the dual match title for six straight years. Top shooters for the Huskies j are Bill Rowe and Sophomore Len Perry. Others making the trip will be Kent McLachlan, Er i nie Tullis, A1 Newman and John j Thompson. Detroit Red Wings Nab Stanley Cup Playoffs DETROIT (AP)—Center Alex i i Delvecchio, the “bad boy” who was demoted in midseason, scor-1 j ed a pair of spectacular goals ! Thursday night as the Detroit i Red Wings defeated the Montre- I 1 al Canadians, 3-1, and won the | Stanley Cup—symbol of world : professional hockey supremacy— I for the second straight year. Woody's round the clock DRIVE-IN THE BEST CHICKEN IN-A-BASKET IN TOWNI Car Service Weekends Only West 6th, Near Biair Phone 5-9001 SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM 9 A.M. yii ■ P. DAIRY & SUNDAYS. I ILL IIIUU M. 13th at High St. Dial 4-1342 Rain Cancels IM Softball; Six Games Set for Monday Rain continued to plague intra mural softball action agair Thursday afternoon, with all si> games being washed out. Mon day’s schedule finds Tau Kappa Epsilon playing Lambda Chi AI pha, Phi Gamma Delta tangling with Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Chi Psi meeting Phi Kappa Sig ma at 3:50. At 4:55 Sigma Alpha Mu plays Kappa Sigma, Nestor and French i halls clash, and Cherney hall will take on the Straub Frosh. turnerci Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1511 — EXT. 21S « EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cent* per Word Fir*t ln«ertion, 2 Cent* per Word Thereafter. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Earn $75 per week during summer. Part time work also available during bal ance of school year. Car necessary. Cash summer scholarships. Write Mr. Ar nold, P.O. Box 542, Eugene, for personal interview. 4-4tf Get 1955 high-compression performance from your old er Plymouth with this spe cial aluminum finned head. Adds gas mileage, power. Simple to install. Costs $55, will sell for $25. Phone Ve neta 2896. I need three persons of high caliber to work with com pany opening new officse in this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals, you are throwing money down the -drain. May flower will give you PL. & PD insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP. See JERRY BROWN, y ,ur MAYFLOWER AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or stop in at 962 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS. IT'S GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf ANN'S COSTUME SHOP costume and formal rent als, all sizes. 239 East 14th, 5-2662. 4-15 For Sale: Boy’s bicycle at Thrift & Gift Shop. 1363 Oak St. $25.00. Phone 3-3861 ! WILL YOUR DATE HAVE ! FLOWERS FOR THE HOUSE DANCE? Corsages for as little as $1.00 Flowerfone < < < < i < < 4-6244 : : FLOWERS UNLIMITED 193 E. Broadway < < < i < « i i i THE SIDE ALWAYS HAS YOUR FAVORITE HAMBURGER Only 40< A full quarter-pound of lean hamburger, fresh every day. Archie cooks it to your taste. Served on toasted sesame bun with tomato, lettuce, and pickle, relish, and potato chips. College Side Inn NEXT TO THE CAMPUS - 889 East 13th Ave.