Trackmen to Open Division Season Against Vandal Team Oregon’s strong 'track team will venture outside come rain or sun tomorrow when the Ducks begin their defense of their Northern Division title against the Idaho Vandals on Hayward field. Coach Bill Bowerman is hope ful that the usual Willamette valley spring weather will hold up for the meet to give his strong group of runners a chance to try for good times. The Webfoots have been hampered by bad weather all season and had to limit most workouts to the in door track this week. Eighth l O-Idaho Meet The meet, scheduled to begin about 3 p.m., after the finish of the Hayward relays, marks the BILL DELLINGER Entered in Mile eighth time an Oregon track team has met one from Idaho. The Ducks hold seven straight wins in the series dating back to 1947. all but one coming un der the guidance of Bowerman. Idaho Coach Joe dander will bring a 15-man squad to Eugene I to tangle with the heavily-fa- j vored Ducks. Bowerman will j have the services of more than 20 Oregon trackmen for thej Ducks' first 1955 conference; meet. Included on the Duck j squad will be two three-year let termen, several double and single letter-winners and a group of promising sophomores. Principal strength for Oregon will lie in the distance runs and Talks Slated For Loscutoff A trip to Boston is in the offing for big Jim Loscutoff, 1954 Oregon basketball standout and unanimous all-Northern Di vision choice, to discuss possible terms with the Boston Celtics professional five. Picked in the Wednesday draft meeting as the number one draft selection of the Celts. Loscutoff has also been approached by two top-flight AAUW teams, Ada Oilers "and the famed Phillips 66 team. Seen by Coach Bill Borcher as a potential National Basket ball association star, Loscutoff has been described by the Ore gon mentor as “one of the finest professional prospects I have ever seen.” The Celtics picked Chet Noe from the Oregon team two years ago, but the appeal of AAU ball kept Noe from signing. He eventually wound up with the Ada five of Houston, Tex. Last year, the Celtics also reached into the Northwest and drafted Dwight (Red! Morrison from Idaho. sprints where several veterans of last year's campaign rule as top-heavy favorites to nab their specialties. Feature races will in clude the mile and two-mile runs and the 100 and 220-yard dashes. NCAA mile champion Bill Dell inger will run in both the mile and two-mile events against Ida ho after nearly breaking the school record in the two-mile last week. He will be backed tip by the record-holder, veteran Ken Reiser, in both runs. In the sprints, Oregon's Bruce Springbelt will be hoping to keep his 1955 undefeated string going in the 100. Sophomore Hank Loumeua will also run for the Ducks in the 100 and 220. The two should get plenty of com petition from the Vandals' speedy Wilbur Gary and basketball star Bill Bauscher. Bailey in 880 Jim Bailey. Oregon's gift from Australia, will get a chance to show the form that gave him the 880 championship last year in his home country. The long striding sophomore will get plenty of help from Canadian veteran Doug Clement, now at top form after an early leg in jury. The Ducks will have a heavy entry in the field events where the Vandals are generally shal-1 low though tough. Ed Bingham's solo work in the javelin and the broad jump are the only spots where the Ducks will be out manned. OSC Meets WSC While the Ducks are enter taining Idaho, two other confer ence clubs will be opening their Northern Division seasons. Ore gon State, boasting little except j coast javelin champion Jerry Church. will host improved Washington State at Corvallis in ; the first league action for both teams. Entries in Saturday's meet: 10'*- yard dash—Oregon: Bruce Storing bett. I.eRoy Campliell and Hank I-oumena. Idaho: Wilbur Gary and Hill Bauscher. 200-yard dash- Oregun: Springbett, l.ou mena and Arden Christensen. Idaho: Gary and Bauscher. 44‘i-yard dash Oregon: Rill Sorsbv. Gor don Dablqtiist and Christensen. Idaho: Hen ning Olsen and Gary Dixon. 880-yard run -Oregon: Jim Bailey and Doug Clement. Idaho: Colin Catnpliell and Kobert Thornton. Mile run—Oregon: Hill Dellinger and Ken Reiser. Idaho: I.ou Gorley and Xeal Case bolt. Ttvo mile run—Oregon: Dellinger and Reiser. Idaho: Gorley ami I‘arebolt. Standings By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AMERICAN LEAGUE \V. L. Pot. OB Boston . Cleveland ..... New York ... Chicago . Washington . Kansas City Detroit . Baltimore . ...2 ...2 ...1 ...1 . .1 ...1 ...'.1 .0 0 1.000 0 1.000 .500 1 .500 1 .500 1 .333 ly .333 1»2 .000 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pot. GB .3 .2 .2 .1 .1 Chicago . Brooklyn Philadelphia Milwaukee St. Louis .... Pittsburgh New York Cincinnati 0 1.000 0 1.000 ,V2 0 1.000 1 o 1 .500 1 >... .500 iy2 .000 21/2 .000 2'ii .000 3 Thursday's Results Chicago 6, Cincinnati 4. Brooklyn 10, New York 8. St. Louis 8, Milwaukee 7. Philadelphia 4, Pittsburgh 3. Cleveland 5, Detroit 3. Boston 8. New York 4. Chicago 7, Kansas City 1. Washington-Baltimore, rain. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Allen Johnson. Staff: Jerry Claussen, Buzz Nelson. 1 » > ar*l high hurdles Oregon: Pong Basham ami Sorahy. Idaho: I .art y Church and Paul llauscn. JJO yard low hurdles Oregon: Basham and Soi shy. Idaho: (iar>. Church and llan Mile rela' Oregon and Idaho. Javelin Oregon: Pd Bingham. Idaho: Dwaue HihIksuii and Hausen. Discus Oregon: Bingham. \\ 'all Badorck and Ben l.loyd. Idaho: Nick S|»eropuln». Shot-put Oregon: Jack M<»ad. Jim Junes and l.loyd. Idaho: Ron Leppkc. Broad jump Oregon: Martin Pedigo and Donn Sullivan. Idaho: Paul Church. Ciary and Bau*chri%n High jump Oregon: Terry Sullivan. Pedigo anti Ken lliekenl>ottom. Idaho: Jerry Dtifjj and Church. Pole vault Oregon: Boh Reid. Dave \cwland ami Hickenhottom. Idaho: Duffy. YwfTUk*. 0,i" a » IH f°* * ® ..mis those 1 mnEDETA^ 1HAI •£££»**»" I MTENIION' WALDER’S ASSOCIATED STATION 694 East 11th Ave. Hayward Relay Action Begins Today Over 1000 high school track men will Invade Hayward fiekl today for the 18th running of the annual Hayward relays. With 79 schools represented in Met ropolitan, A. B and C