Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    + Religious Notes +
By Dorothy Her
Raligiout Nout Editor
Canterbury Club
Tht* Pacific Northwest region
al conference for Episcopal stu
dents will be h.lrj April 29 to
May I at the University of Wash
Ington, Seattle, Wn. Guest apeak
er will be the Rev. William Gor
(lon, bishop of Alaska. Theme
will be "The Story You Write
With Your Life."
The conference coat of will
include registration, housing,
mid meals Interested students
may obtain information fiom the
Rev. Robert Kllia, 8-7908, or Inga
Khipstead, 5-9523.
Christian Science
The Christian Science organ!- j
7-ation for students will meet at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday on the first
floor of Gerlinger hall.
A free Christian Science lec
ture on “Christian Science, the
Operation of Divine Principle in
Our Behalf will be presented at
X p.rn. Montlay on the second
floor of Gerlinger hall. Lecturer
will be Ralph E. Wagers, CS.U
of Chicago, III., and member of
the board of lectureship of the
Mother Church, Boston, Mass.
Christian House
Approximately 20 University >
students are scheduled to leave
this afternoon for the three-day
regional conference of the North
West Disciples Student Fellow
ship on the Columbia i ivei. Con
ference speaker will be Barton
Hunter, national director of the'
social action department of the
Disciples of Christ church.
Hunter will be in Eugene next
week to talk with interested
groups about social action proj
ects. Doris. Christian House so
cial action chairman, is In charge
Of arrangements for g r o u p s
meeting with Hunter.
The regular Sunday morning
“Donut Hour.” at Christian
House, 736 E. 16th, at 9:15 a m.
will be followed by Bible study
classes led by Victor P. Morris, .
dean of the school of business,
and by the Rev, John Boosinger.
The 5:30 Sunday evening meet
ing will be conducted by the dele
gates to the D8F regional con
ference. Discussion topic will he
“If Ye Be My Disciples." An in
formal fireside will be held at
9 p.m. Sunday.
The Older Students’ group will
hold a potluck dinner and dis
cussion period from 5:30 to 7
p.m. Tuesday. Students planning
to attend should call Norma Ter
ry, 5-8727, or Christian House,
Luther Hou&e
Cars will leave Luther House
at 3 p.m. today for the weekend
retreat at Camp Westwlnd on
the Oregon coast. Students from
campus Lutheran organizations
throughout Oregon will partici
pate in the annual retreat.
Students will return to Eugene
Sunday in time for a 6 p.m. meet
ing at Luther House, 1376 Alder.
A student panel discussion of the
book, “Campus Cods on Trial,"
has been scheduled.
A study group on “The Luther
an Reformation" will be led each
Thursday at 9 p.m. this term by
the Rev. Edvard Svenson of Cor
Wesley Foundation
The Oregon Methodist Student
Movement conference will begin
today at Camp Magrudei. Cars
will leave Wesley Foundation this
evening. Theme for the confer
ence, which is scheduled to last
through Sunday, is “The Chris
tian Ethic and Moral Dilemmas."
Speaker will be the Rev. John H.
Otwell, from the Pacific School
of Religion.
The movie, “City Story,” will
be shown 'Tuesday evening at
Wesley Foundation, 1236 Kincaid.
The movie will ha Hhown after
the pot lurk dinner at S:30 p.m.
Chapel services will be held at
9:30 p.m. Thursday. The chapel
i« open all day on Thursdays for
The Westminster Foundation
cabinet will meet at noon today.
Open house in scheduled to be
ffln at 8 tonight at Westminster
Foundation, 1414 Kincaid.
A work party will be held at
Weatminster Saturday.
Sunday morning activities will
begin with a light breakfast at
9 a.m. Convocation will be held at
9 30 and will be followed by two!
classes at 9:40. One class will dis-!
cuss "the Brief Statement of the 1
Reformed Faith’’ and the other j
will study “The Life of Jesus in |
the Gospel of Mark,” under the I
direction of the Rev. J. Stanley i
Mr. Barlow will be installed as j
Presbyterian University pastor!
at a nervine at fl p.m. at West- |
minster House. The Rev. John D.
Furnas, Oregon field director in
Christian education, will give the
main address. A reception for
Mr. Barlow will be fcfld at 7:15
p.m. after the Installation.
Betty Herrman will lead Jthe
student chapel service from 12:30
p.m. Wednesday.
Francis E. Dart, assistant pro
fessor of physics, will speak on
'Science and Religion” at a fel- i
lowship supper Wednesday.
A coffee-tea time is scheduled
from 2 to 5 p.m. Thursday at
Westminster House.
the Egyptologist at the Univer
sity of Minnesota who discovered
an Egyptian solar ship.
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend
A Free Lecture, Entitled
By Ralph E. Eagers, C.S.B.,
of Chicago, Illinois
Member of the'Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.
Monday, April 18, at 8 P.M.
2nd Floor, Gerlinger Hall
Under the Auspices of
University of Oregon
i inmy p —
Student Church Directory
* *n«M>nrrimmnnfri m .....r - , , . ,.■■i»■m.
—t/end (Church .^unduu!
First Congregational Church
490 East 13th Avenue
Phone — 5-8741
We invite University Students
University Class.9:30 a.m.
Church Service.11:00 a.m.
Sermon by Wesley Goodson Nicholson, Minister
Sunday Services: 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.
Bible Class: 10:00 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader
Grace Lutheran Church
East Eleventh and Ferry Streets
W. B. Maier, Pastor Kenneth Streufert, Assistant
First Christian Church
1166 Oak — Phone 4-1425
Dr. Carroll Roberts, Minister
8:30 and 10:50 Services
Visit Christian House—Our Student Center
736 E. 16th Avenue
9:30 a.m. Donut Hour & Sunday School
Dr. Victor Morris, Teacher
5:30 p.m. Study and Fellowship Hour
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
166 13th East Phone:5-7452
8:00 — 9:30 (Family Service) — 11:00
Canterbury Club—6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall
The Holy Communion, 7:00 a.m. Gerlinger Hall
Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith
Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Robert Ellis
Emerald Baptist Church
(American Baptist Affiliate)
Rev. Charles W. Moore
1992 Potter Street
Tel. 3-3198
Sunday School — 9:45 A.M.
(University Class for Students)
Morning Worship — 11:00 A.M.
Evening Worship — 7:30 P.M.
Services held in Roosevelt Jr. High School
24th and Hilyard Streets
Former Broadway Actor
This Sunday,
April 17 through
April 22.
Nightly at 7:30.
.. Apostle Johe Bro.dw.y „ High
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette — Phone 5-8764
Worship Services — 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
beginning series topic "I Love Thy Church, Oh God"
this Sunday "Loyalty and My Gifts"
Dr. Rector Johnson
Wesley Foundation - Student Center - 1236 Kincaid
Eugene’s First.Assembly of God
West 13th and Madison
9:45 — Sunday School
11:00 — Divine Worship Service
6:30 — C. A.'s (Youth Service)
7:45 P.M. — Evangelistic Service
5:30 P.M. - KASH, dial 1600
1 1:00 P.M. - KUGN, Dial 590
Central Presbyterian Church
10th and Pearl Streets Phone 5-8724
Minister: Paul S. Mellish
Church School — 9:30 and 11:00
Morning Worship — 9:30 and 11:00
Westminster Foundation Student Center
1414 Kincaid
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Brodaway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger