Jeanne Scales Asks . Second Note to Seniors Living organizations must write a second letter to all high 'school seniors staying with them during Duck Preview informing them of weekend details, Jeanne Scales, housing co-ordinator, has announced. Registration hours have been officially set from 7 to 10 p.m. April 22, and from 9 a.m. to 12 noon April 23, on the second floor lobby of the Student Union. All visitors should register im mediately after arrival on cam pus. After registering they will receive a program and tickets for all weekend events, find be taken to the living organization housing them for the weekend. Friday night’s schedule in cludes “what to take” sessions with various professors from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. followed by the All-campus Vodvil show in Mc Arthur court at 9 p.m. The orientation assembly for all high school visitors will be held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in the SU ballroom. Immediately fol lowing the assembly students will be divided into small groups for a tour of the campus led by mem bers of Kwama and Skull and Dagger. Afternoon entertainment will include the Amphibian water show at 2 p.m. in the men's pool, THE FOOD IS DELICIOUS —the lady said. Many of our customers agree with her, too. They are thinking of our crisp, fresh salads, succulent Chinese dishes, American cuisine at its best. It is a joy to eat lunch and dinner at LESLIE'S MANDARIN RESTAURANT 1249 Alder Phone 3-6234 f the WUS auction on the SU ter race and athletic events. Exchange dinners at living or ganizations will precede the semi formal dance in the SIT ballroom at 9 p.m. Saturday. Dressy cot tons and heels will be in order for the women at the dance, slacks and sport shirts for the men. Sunday activities may include church services and dinner at living organizations, although the Duck Preview dance is the final scheduled event of the weekend. ROTC, Local Pets Combine for Parade ROTC units will march in ob servance of Armed Forces Day accimpanied by pets, according to plans announced by Col. E. B. Daily. Arrangements have been made to combine the annual military parade with the Emerald Empire Pet Parade on Saturday, May 21. All ROTC units and Eugene re serve units will participate. School bands have been contact ed, and many pets will be dis played. Last year ROTC units marched in the Junior Weekend Parade. This year the Canoe Fete has replaced this parade, which made it necessary for the military de partment to make different ar rangements. Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Paul Keefe. Copy Desk: Jan Bennet, Dotty Griffith, Marna Gehrman and Kathy Morrison. Night Staff: Mary Helen Wil liams and Lorrie Whitten. 1 ANNUAL MEETING University of Oregon Co-operative Store 4:00 P.M. Thursday, April 14th Room 207, Chapman Hall Nominations will be held for new members on the Board of Directors. (p UNIVERSITY CO OPl "THE STUDENTS OWN STORE" ' S V Currents 'On the RivSera' To Come Sunday "On the Riviera” is the movie to he shown Sunday at 2:30 and 5 p.m. in the Student Union ball room. Danny Kaye, who plays a dual role as an American night club entertainer and a celebrated French aviator, is caught up in many complications in the film. Gene Tierney and Corinne Cal vet also star in the picture. Public Relations Group To Meet in SU Today The Public Relations commit tee will meet in Student Union 313 today at 4 p.m. for a short meeting and tour of the build ing, announced Laurie Quacken bush, chairman. Pat Viles, Arden Jaeger To Feat Talent Friday Friday at Four this week will feature Pat Viles, the singing guitar player, announced Cindy Randell and George Simpson, in charge of .this week's program. A musical number will be sung by Arden Jaeger, freshman in liberal arts, in addition to other acts. Martin Presented Grant for Research Walter T. Martin, associate professor of sociology, has been awarded a $1500 research grant by the Social Science Research council to continue his study of the recent growth of American cities. Martin has been doing research work on this topic for the last two years with the support of the graduate school here and the American Philosophical society. The grant will enable him to car ry on an analysis of the data. Panhellenic Counseling Service to Be Offered There will be a special Pan hellenic counseling service each Thursday until the end of spring term rush period. The decision was made by the Panhellenic council at a recent meeting. The counseling will be i in the Panhellenic office in the Student Union. Want Ads TIIIPHONE 5-1311 - EXT. 218 • EMERALD OFFICE-2nd FLOOR ALIEN HAIL RATES: 4 Conn per Word Firtt Iruerlion, 2 Cont« per Word Thereafter, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Earn $75 per week during summer. Fart time work also available during bal ance of school year. Car necessary. Cash summer scholarships. Write Mr. Ar nold. P.O. Box 542, Eugene, for personal interview, 4-4tf Get 1955 high-compression performance from your old er Plymouth with this spe cial aluminum finned head. Adds gas mileage, power. Simple to Install. Costs $55, will sell for $25. Phone Ve neta 2896. I need three persons of high caliber to work with com pany opening new offtcse in this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104 , 885 Oak St. between 9 a m. and 3 p.m. 4-7-tf ABE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30,40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto Inmirance re newals, you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. A PD Insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Cheek your old policy today. If you are paying a penalty, STOP. See JERRY BROWN, ycur MAYKLOWK R AGENT before you renew. Ph. 4-9444, Rea 4-2957 or atop In at 962 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, ITS GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf ANN'S COSTUME SHOP costume and formal rent als. all antes. 239 East 14th. 5-2662. 4-15 + Campus Briefs + 0 Any YWCA member Inter ested in petitioning for Centen nial chairman of the “Y" senior cabinet should contact Germaine La March at Susan Campbell hall or go to the organization's of fice in Gerlinger hall. 0 A coffee-hour forum will In held for William Faulkner today at 3 p.m. in the Dad's lounge of the Student Union. All interested student* may attend. 0 All members of I’hl Theta Upsilon should be at McArthur court at 6:50 p.m. Friday. If members can not attend they should sent a substitute, accord ing to Germaine LaMarche, president. • An Episcopal Inquirer’s class will be held tonight at (S p.m. In the YMCA counseling room on the third floor of the Student Union. 0 The YWCA is calling for petitions for a sub-chairman of the nursery school project. Pe titions can be picked up at the “Y” office in Gerlinger hall and Hhould be turned In at the Harm place. Moat of the work will be in planning the organization of a campus nursery for faculty members' and students' children. 0 There will la- a meeting for all Panhellenic members tonight at 6:30 at the Pi Beta Phi house. Campus Calendar 11:00 Faulkner Lit. Meet 334 SU Noon AAA Fac 110 SU Phi Beta 111 8U Gam Alph Chi 112 SU Soc Dept 113 SU Speech Staff 114 SU MEMO Lunch Ballroom 1 00 Moms Wknd Ch 315 SU 3:00 Faulkner Cof Hr Dadsrm SU 4 00 SU Adv Bd 337 SU WUS Exec YM SU 5:00 MENC Stu Kecpt Gerl 2nd FI 6:00 MENC Stu Bnqt 110 SU MENC Bnqt Ballrm SU 6:30 ASUO Senate 334 SU 7:30 Soc Cl 213 SU Seligman Lect Brs Rm SU 6:00 ASUO Stu Gov Pnl 334 SU 9:30 Fac Bowl 110 SU Selling. . or... Buying? University 5-1511 Extension 218 Whether you are selling ... or buying, THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is the place to advertise! We are proud of EMERALD ad results and proud that we can offer you ad space for as little as 4c per word for WANT ADS . . . and 63c per column inch for DISPLAY ADS! m