Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Change vs Continuity
Not Issue Says Oxnam
I he battle Issue facing the
United Staten today la no longer
change vet-suit continuity, Blah
op G. Bromley Oxnam told a
“University assembly audience
Change la inevitable, Oxnam
Maid. The Important question now
la the nature of change, wheth
er It will be change through con
sent or through coercion.
Change by conaent Implies the
existence of a democratic so
ciety, able to make Its own de
cisions, Oxnam said. If we want
a stable state, it must have the
ability to change within the
framework of the state.
Change by coercion can occur
when certain conditions in a state
mnk>- It possible for a minority
to gain power, Oxnam said.
Two Aspect»
There are two aspects of a
community, he said. The collec
tive aspect is called the state
and among free people there is
the distributive aspect, called so
ciety. Distributive groups, such
as churches, labor unions, or
businessmen's organizations, pro
duce not only an interchange of
ideas among themselves, but crit
icism directed toward the stale.
To gain power, a dictator must
destroy society, Oxnam said.
Some of the conditions for to
talitarianism are present in Am
et ica today, he warned. Too few
people are able to make up the
mind of too many.
Hash- Issues
We must face two basic Isaues
today, power and Justice, he said.
Power must be brought under
democratic control, Oxnam con
tinued. It can be corruptive. It
is always good for an individ
ual who has been given power
to remember that the people who
gave the power can take it back
again, he said.
We must lift the concept of
law and order to an international
Nobel Prize...
< Continued from f'oi/e one)
exposes the emotional tensions
and frustrations of white south
erners with special emphasis on
abnormal and subnormal human
Compose* Poetry
Born in New Albany, Miss.,
Faulkner became interested in
composing while In his early
twenties. Later he met and spent
considerable time in the company
of Sherwood Anderson w’ho in
fluenced him into trying his hand
at novels.
His first two attempts went
comparatively unrecognized but
with his thud, "Sartoris," critics
hailed him as one of America's
leading contemporary authors.
His home js now in Oxford, Miss.
In the past 25 years Faulkner
■ has been the recipient of the 1949
Nobel prize, first prize in the
O. Henry memorial short story
award contest in both 1930 and
1940, the 1951 National gold book
award and the 1951 Howells
medal of the American Academy
of Arts and Letters, of which he
is a member. He was also one
of 12 Americans to be admitted
to the Legion of Honor of France
in 1951 and last January his nov
el, "The Fable,” received the Na
tional Book prize.
Faulkner’s visit is made pos
sible by the Failing distinguished
Lecture fund, a fund set aside
by the Failing family of Portland
for use by the University in
bringing distinguished lecturers
to the campus.
The chances of making a hole
in-one in golf has been computed
to be 8600 to one. In the annual
tournament in New York, only 10
aces have been scored since it be
gan in 1932.
level, Oxnam said The power
to make war must be taken from
any one sovereign state.
Abstract to Concrete
We nmat change our idea of
justice from an abstract to a
concrete concept, he said.
Quoting the disparities in in
comes in the world today, he said
that these disparities indicate a
disparity In Justice that must be
The most important social fact
of our day is the feeling of the
under privileged people of the
world, Oxnam added. They have «
yearning for a share of the good
things of life and the knowledge
that these things can come.
Comparing the causes of so
cial upheaval to the fault lines
which cause earthquakes, Oxnam
said that there is no good rea
son for social earthquakes if the
fault lines are removed.
Intelligent men could have
solved the situation in Russia
before the revolution, he said.
We need intelligent, competent
action to eliminate the social
fault lines in the world, Oxnam
Social Calendar
I S'-.ser! s
Kappa Aljiha Theta-Dcita Tau
Alpha Delta Pi- Phi Kappa Sig
Lambda Chi Alpha
Delta Zeta
. Dance*
Pi Beta Phi
Alpha Omicron Pi
Carson Hail
Highland House
Alpha Delta Pi
Sigma Kappa
Alpha Chi Omega
Rebec House
University House
Susan Campbell Hall
Hendricks Hall
Housing Lists Due
Today at 2 p.m.
All women's 11 \ i u j; organiza
tion*! arc to turn In thick Prc
vlrw holloing 11*1* by 2 p.m.
today at Jlr*. \\ lekham's of
Unto arc to alphabetized and
typed in triplicate. They must
Include the following:
£ Nanii1* and addresses of
all girl* who hove accepted in
vitation** to stay at the sep
arate women's living organiza
0 Xarnes of those who ha* e
replied that they will not at
tend Duck Preview.
£ The number of girls who
have not yet replied to the in
vitations sent by each separate
bring organization.
Rain Delays Payment
K*m Tuesday prevented Air
Force cadets from paying off a
bet made with army cadets.
It was agreed last term that
the unit whieh sold the least
tickets for the Military Ball
would march in review for the
winners. little Colonels and Lit
tle Majors, chosen before the
dance, were on hand, as was Ca
det Col. Emerson Harvey and
the army regimental staff. How
ever. the affair was rained out,
and has been postponed until
drill period next Tuesday.
YMCA to Attend
State Legislature
All students interested in at
tending the state legislature
Saturday are asked to contact
the YMCA office before 5 p.m.
Friday. Dave Roberts, YM pi evi
dent, has announced.
The trip will begin 7:45 Sat
urday morning with the students
meeting at 317 Student Union.
Reservations must bo made as
; transportation will bo provided
with a small charge. The gToup
will return late Saturday after
Expert Packing, Crating and Shipping of large or small
items. Call us for advice on best method to ship.
260 Ferry Street Dial 5-0151
S DCurrents
The Movie Committee meeting
planned for today has been pr.-t
poned until Thursday at 6:15
The Friday night coffee hour
featuring Leonore Halazar who
waa to apeak on “Three Peru
vian Poets,” has been postponed
until April 22
8:03 Dinr.fr Hour Serenade
6:45 New; Till Now
7 :00 Campus Review
7:30 Cbigago Roundtable
8:00 KOMO Forum
8:30 Radio Workshop Players
0:00 K wax works
10:53 Final Edition
Sportswear Needs
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If the Cake's From The
Rose Bud Bakery
Stop in soon and pick up a free copy ct 'Why Throw Rice,"
a handy little bride's booklet that will give you many helpful
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