Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1955, Page Eight, Image 8

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    French Consul General
To Speak on Saturday
France’s highest-ranking rep-;
resentative in the western part
of the United States. Consul Gen
eral Louis de Guiringaud. will be
on campus this weekend. He will;
speak Saturday at 11 a.m. in 134
Commonwealth on political ques
tions affecting France and her
De Guiringaud. a career diplo
mat now residing at San Fran
cisco, has much direct informa
tion on political trends in France.
He speaks English fluently and
will answer all questions put to
him by the audience.
The Consul General’s speech
is part of an annual visit to lead
ing universities in the Pacific
Northwest. The purpose is to
maintain contact with institu
tions with fairly large enroll
ments in French subjects.
Monsieur Guiring&ud, a close
friend of Pierre Mendes-France,
outlined the facts he believed
should be known about the ex
premier’s program in a speech
delivered in 1954. The speech
clarified to a great degree the
situation as it was at that time
in France.
Pierre Dumont, vice-consul,
will accompany Monsieur Guir
ingaud. They will leave Eugene
Saturday evening.
Oregon State’s highest single
game score in 1954 basketball
was an 84-65 win over Portland
Air Force Cadets
Pay Off Bet Today
Air force ROTC cadets will dis- ;
play their talents for the army
today to pay off a bet.
Last winter term air force ca
dets entered competition with
army ROTC students to see
which group would sell the most
tickets to the Military Ball. To
day Cadet Colonel Emerson Har
vey will review air force units. \
The review, scheduled for 2 p.m. ;
at Hayward field, will be attend-1
ed by the Little Colonel and •
Little Majors, who were chosen
by the cadets last term.
In case of rain, according to
Lt. Col. C. J. Purcell, the re
view will be delayed until next
Read Emerald Classified Ads
Music Conference
Host-Night Slated
The University Ringers, band
and orchestra will perform in a
host-night program for the
Northwest Music Conference
Thursday at #:30 p.m. In Mac
Edmund Cykler, professor of
music, will conduct the orches
tra during the first part of the
program, which will include
movements from "Concerto
Grosso, Opus C, Number 2," by
Handel; "Concerto in G Minor.
Opus 26.” by Bruch, and “Bist du
bei mir,” by Bach.
Max Risinger, assistant pro
fessor of music, will lead the
University Singers In "Gloria in
Excelsis Deo,” by Bach, "The
Winging Souls," by Warreil, and
six selections from "Sea Charm,"
by Plket.
It. 8. Vagner, associate profes
sor of musk: and band director,
will lead the band in the final
part of the program In "Page
ant,” by Persichettl; "La Fiesta
Mexicans," by Heed; "Overture
for Band, Opus 30," by Fuerst
ner, and a series of three
Featured student soloists for
the program are John Moseley,
tenor; Evlne Anderson, soprano,
and Robert Oroth, Sharron Mc
Cabe and Gene Wlsler, violinists
and cellist, respectively.
Violinist George Boughton, as
sociate professor of violin, will
be featured faculty soloist.
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Original Maturity Valu*. ..
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4'/i te 5 yean.
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7»/a te • yean.
•Vj te 9 yean.
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