Presented by The Oregon Daily Emerald Featuring SUE RALSTON MET IN CLASS Sue Ralston, Future Bridegroom Have First Pinning Anniversary' By Marcia Mauney Emerald Reporter "w« had our first anniversary yesterday of our pinning, that Is. explained the Kappa Kappa Gamma junior in her well-known' slow drawl, Dark-haired Sue Ralston and blond Nick Collins met during winter lerm last year In psych class, "There are too many an niversaries to remember," she said, "so we just keep track of our pinning, April 10." Their engagement was an nounced Saturday night before winter term final week. Mihh Ralston's mother had just re turned from Hawaii and brought with her leis of tropical flowers inscribed with "Sue and Nick" for each guest at the party. Her unusual engagement ling is a star sapphire with diamonds on either side. Planning an August, wedding, the two will then drive east to Quantico. Va.. where Collins will enter the Marines as a second lieutenant. He is graduating this spring In psychology. She plans to complete her remaining year in elementary education later. The wedding will take place in Oswego, Miss Ralston’s home town. Her lake front home has given her much opportunity to swim and water ski, which are SI E RALSTON Is pictured above shopping for china in one of Eugene’* ilowntow n stores. (Photo by Kitty Fraser) her favorite sports. As an under classman Miss Ralston spent much time in Amphibians, wom en's swimming honorary, and working in the YWCA. Her china pattern is Wedge wood “Wild Oats" and her silver Kirk's “Repousse." "We picked them out together, of course," she beamed. Phi Theta Sets ■ Petition Deadline Deadline for submitting pe titions for membership in Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women's honorary, hflTi been set for April 20. The petitions may be turned in to Germaine LaMarche at .Susan Campbell or to Sally Kyan at Carson 3. Requirements for the sopho more women petitioners are the completions of a minimum of 80 hours at the end of winter term and a minimum grade point average winter term of 2.4 ac cumulative GPA. All activities are to be listed in the order of importance. No pictures are to be submitted with the petitions. Regular ASUO petition forms, available in the ASUO petition box in the SU, may be used. Kwama Issues Petition Call Petitions for Kwama, sopho more women's service honorary, will be accepted until April 22, according to Helen Ruth John son, president. They may be turned in to Miss Johnson or any other Kwama member. Only freshmen women with a 2.00 GPA or above are eligible to petition. A picture must ac company each petition, as well as a list of activities. The stand ard ASUO petition blank may be used, but suggestions may be disregarded. Women to Have WUS Car Wash All faculty members, men stu dents and townspeople are urged to participate in the annual World University Service-spon sored car wash, to be held Thurs day afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. Women's houses will be paired to wash the cars. Each wash job will cost SI, with the money to be contributed to the WUS fund. Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha are paired to Amphibians Select Theme for Show "Bon Voyage” will be theme for this year's water show given by members of Amphibians, women's swimming honorary. Performances will be given April 27, 28 and 29, and will be | at 8 p.m. in the men’s pool. Tickets will be fifty cents each and will be on sale at the box office at the show, and from members of the sponsoring group. wash the cars in front of Sigma Kappa. Kappa Alpha Theta. Alpha Xi Delta and Chi Omega will wash cars at Chi Omega. Delta Zeta and Delta Delta Delta will be at Delta Delta Del ,ta, Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta are paired, to wash ears at Gamma Phi Beta. Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi and Delta Gamma will be at Alpha Omi !cron Pi. Faith Johnston Judges Bon Marche Contest Faith Johnston, assistant pro i fessor of home economics, was a I judge Saturday, April 9, for the j Bon Marche sew-it-yourself con gest. Thirty-nine contestants ; modeled their outfits made with ! material purchased at the Bon Marche. First prize was a Pfaff I sewing machine. Head Fane raid Classified Ads Wedding Invitations And Announcements PRINTED, PROCESSED OR ENGRAVED VALLEY PRINTING CO. A Complete Printing Service Phone 5-6126—1049 Wiliamette St., Eugene Brides Still Stick To Old Traditions A modern miss may use the techniques of being chased until she catches her man. but oilce the alfai is in sight she gives way to tradition. Wedding customs historically date back to the caveman days and stem from common social practices as well' as superstition. Even if the prospective bride forsakes "something old. some thing new. something borrowed, and something blue," the brides maids and best man are standard ecruipment. Both of aids originated in the marriage-by capture days. Because the future in-laws were not always anxious to have their daughters dragged off by the hair, the groom was accom panied on his daring mission by several of his good-fighting bud dies. Coyness Not New If contemporary cuties think that coyness is a new invention, they might learn the story cf bridesmaids. In by-gone days, young maidens would band to gether. as soon as they were sure that one of them had success fully planted the marriage bug. > They would further hinder the anxious suitor and his cohorts by dressing alike. , Honeymoons also revert to the sneak attack days. The new groom simply wanted to keep his bride out of sight until her parents cooled down. Another Woman’s Trick The origin of the bridal shower comes for the story of a pobr miller's daughter, who wished to marry* the son of a wealthy land owner. Her dowry was insuffi cient. so her girl friends, want ing to see her make the good catch, contributed something to it. Certain sects have developed rituals unto themselves. For in stance. a Jewish couple drinks wir.e from the same glass indi cating their sharing of whatever life will bring. Afterwards the groom crushes the glass with his heel, as a reminder that the tr'agedv of the Jewish persecu tion must not be forgotten even in moments of joy. Still Superstitions Although social customs have contributed the most to the pres ent-day marriage ceremony, su perstitions are also still adhered to. Among the most common are “Happy is the bride the sun shines on ' and “Bad luck is in store for the bride-who sees the groom on her wedding day." A mote unusual one is that a bride will be lucky if she sees a toad, spider, dove, or lamb on the way to the church: but if she encounters a pig. she should go home and start out again. Whisper to Mule Finally, if a girl :s interested in catching a husband, she might try the gypsy girl’s tnck of whispering the question into the ear of the longest-eared mule she could find. Should the mule shake his head vigorously, the girl can count on marriage within one year: if he nods, she has reason to become a bit doubtful: but if he does not move, she had better take to rais ing cats. Theta Sig Elects New Officers Theta Sigma Phi. women's pro fessional journalism honorary, lecentlv elected Dorothy Iler, junior in journalism, to serve as president for the next year. Unfinished Furniture— So Economical and Smart to Start a New Home With UNFINISHED £wm cn CHESTS_W # «|» DESKS in a variety £tf QC of styles and sizes. |^' ^*p COFFEE TABiES_:__$4.95 up CORNER TABLES___ST7.50 up Brides-to-be, stop in soon and choose furniture for your new home from our wide selection of coffee tables, chests, and desks. Westwood Furnishings 72 East 11th Avenue Phone 3-6311