Church History Talk Scheduled "Hiwn niT or rniirrh history will be held here April 10-20, v. nh llnroll! j Grimm, chairman of Ur.- department of history at Indiana. university, u« the key noti- .speaker. All conference sessions will he held in the student Union. Orlmm Is also scheduled to speak in several Eugene churches. Del-, '•kales will he welcomed to the rneeiIn* by o. Meredith Wilson,; University president. Unrmn is author of three his tory books and has been Amer ican editor of German written Campus Calendar I* 30 Kellog PioJ Koon Theater Kxec Phi Chi PE Grads Hinf Kellog ProJ Lnch Th.-ta 81k Phi Com Lm-h SIJ Oxnam l,nch 215 KU Oxnam Ashly Ballrrn SU Jr Wknd Ch Panhcl Coun Vet Com Use ch A Vod Ch Moms Wknd Ch Led Com Canoe Fete Float Com Dadsrm SU Queen Walt 110 SU Queen JdK 111 SIT Ski Quacks 214 £U Use Chap 334 SU OSEA 112 SU IVCF Ceri 3rd FI PAD 113 SU Yeomen 114 SU Concert Lert 202 SU Christian Set C.erl 1st FI 3 00 4 :00 4 :30 C: 30 7:00 7.30 334 SU 110 SU 111 St! 112 SU 113 SU 114 81! j no su 111 su 112 SU 214 SU 215 SU 315 SU Gutfl^e, ft SELLITTHRO THE WANTADS International Journal «ince 1951. Hi- has also written numerous magazine articles. Hu became chairman of Indiana's history de partment In September of 1954. SU Directorate Positions Open Positions for chairmen to nerve on next year'n Student Union directorate are now open. The chairmen, in addition to serving on the directorate, will be the head* of 10 different committee*. Petition*, which Khould be turned in at the SU box on the third floor of the Student Union, are due by April 22. The following committee chair men are needed: personnel, pub licity, public relations, recorded music, movie, muHlc, dance, cof fee hour, browsing room and art gallery. YOUR CAMPUS BARBER! NEAT, TRIM HAIRCUTS! Quickly KAMPUS BARBER SHOP 13th, Across from Sigma Chi Leo Deffenbacher, Prop,, THOUGHTLESS DRIVING IS KID STUFFI Send a contribution to u. S. OLYMPIC TEAM FUND 640 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Illinois Washington Profs Disapprove of Ban The University of Washington Faculty 8>-nate voted 56-40 to disapprove the ban against J. Robert Oppenheimer, the atomic I scientist who will be on the Ore | gon campus sometime this | month. The Senate, an advisory group, 1 censured University President Henry Schmitz for not allowing the scientist to visit the Wash ington campus. The Senate members added, however, that they believed Schmitz was eager to “support the right of the faculty to think, to teach, to apeak and write as they see fit. In return, Schmitz said he would continue to work closely with the university administra - tion and faculty. S UCurrents 'Peruvian Poets' Are Speech Topic Leonore Salazar, graduate stu dent in architecture, will speak on “Three Peruvian Poets” Fri day at 7:30 in the browsing room. Coffee will be served during the program, which is sponsored by the browsing room committee. Lecture To Feature 'History of Jazz' "History of Jazz” will be the topic of tonight’s concert-lecture at 7:30 in the music listening room of the SU. George Etue, instructor in history, will be the speaker. Music Committee Schedules Meeting Shirley Hardy, chairman, an nounced that there will be a recorded music committee meet ing today at 1 p.m. in the SU record lending library. Skull and Dagger Calls for Petitions Petitions for membership in Skull and Dagger, sophomore men's service honorary, are due April 20, according to Doug Basham, president. Freshman men must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 2.0 for winter term, Basham said. They must also be carrying a minimum of 12 credit-hours this | term. (Kj/ WINSTON brings flavor back to filter smoking! y//&//////////////#//46////4. v//,y///,y///y/w/////s. 4 h :S WHAT DO YOU THINK? r TASTES GOOD! I "WTMSTOIV tastes good — like a cigarette should! ■ No wonder Winston’s winning so many friends so fast! College smokers found flavor in a filter cigarette when they found Winston. It’s got real tobacco flavor! Along with finer flavor, Winston also . brings you a finer filter. The exclusive Winston filter works so effectively, yet doesn’t “thin” the taste or flatten the flavor. Swfe WINSTON tie. eaui-dnoAfilug •fj&en. ciqanettd ft. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 1