56tlt Year of Publication HHEGGLD VOL. LVI I .MVKKHITV OK OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1955 NO. 107 FIRST WOMAN Miss Bellarts, Darrell Brittsan, Gordon Summers in ASUO Race The first woman student to re veal plans to run In the A8UO primary elections made her in tentions known to the Emerald Monday along with two men can didates. Joy Bellarts, sophomore in mu- j sic. announced that she will run for sophomore class representa tive on the United Independent Students’ ticket. Mias Bellarts' said that she planned to file her petition today. The other two hopefuls both are petitioning for the Associated Greek Students’ primary. They are Gordon Summers, freshman in pre-dentistry, who intends to run for sophomore class preHi dent, and Darrel Brittsan, sopho Fulbright Award Goes to Senior Robert Summers, senior in po litical science, has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study next year in England. Summers will attend the Uni versity of South Hampton, at South Hampton, and also will study at the London School of Economics and Oxford. He also plans to spend two months on the continent of Europe. The ASUO president will be studying the problem of account ability with regard to national ized industries. In addition to this, he plans to study the origin of common law. Summers said he definitely plRns to visit Parliament while in session. He leaves America in early September. Summers plans to get married this summer and both he and his wife will make the trip. A member of Friars, senior men’s honorary, Summers is one of the Phi Beta Kappa Senior Six. more in pre-law, who will run for senator-at-large. Active In .MuhIc Miss Bellarts has been active in mufiic activities in her two years at the University. At pres ent she is singing in a Eugene all-city choir and is serving an song leader for h