Ike, Dulles Ink Agreement WASHINGTON—President Eisenhower, left, and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles jointly sign the Paris agreements (April 7) in a simple ceremony at the White House. The two treaties, which call for the rearming of a sovereign West Germany, were ratified last week by the senate. Theater's 'Arthur' To Begin April 22 “Arthur," a continental com edy by Ferenc Molnar, has been chosen as the University Thea ter's arena-style production for this year. TJie play is scheduled to run April 22 through 30, ex cept from May 4 through 7. Daniel Krempel, instructor in speech, will direct the production. Deneice Kenyon will head the cast as Edith, the gay divorcee surrounded by suitors, in her first major UT role. An audacious, old swindler and father of Edith will be portrayed by Darrell Keeney. Donald Holt will play the chief suitor for Edith’s hand. Dull Says Asians Not Understood “Today we refuse to take Asia seriously, and we take for grant ed that the Asians can be con trolled by a few people,” said j Paul S. Dull in the browsing room lecture Thursday night in the Student Union. Dull, associate professor of po- : litical science and history, stated that “crisis has piled upon crisis in Asia. These crises have pro- j duced results that have put us | in Asia with people we barely un derstand or want to understand.” > He said that “we have a stere- j otyped reaction to the Asians. We group many different kinds of people together. Without an exception every country in Asia has been dominated by a Western country, or by an Asian country j which has taken over Western: methods.” He reported that “for a time Asian powers made European countries the wealthiest the world had ever known.” Dull received the Friar’s award for the most outstanding profes sor at Oregon the first time it was given. He has been in the chief Japanese intelligence sec tion for the state department. He was granted a sabbatical leave for a year’s research in Japan in 1952. While there he studied the political behavior of the Japa nese. Dull, who came to the Univer sity in 1946, has published nu merous articles in scholarly mag azines. The discussion leader "for the lecture was J. V. Berreman, pro fessor of sociology. Patronize Emerald Advertisers Camp Representative To Interview Women Virginia Denton, director of Portland Campfire Girls’ Camp Namanau,*will be on campus to day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Gerlinger 117. Students wishing to apply for a counseling position should make an appointment to see her some time during the day. Ap pointments may be made in ad vance with Marian Perry,- ext. 226, in Gerlinger hall. * Queen Candidates Are Nominated Twenty-nine junior girls have been nominated for Junior Wrek end Queen. The nominttea are: Mary Allen, Rebec house; Carol j Arneson, Campbell club; Bar bnra Bailey, Alpha Phi; Joyce j Bearden, Delta Upsllon nml Sig-1 nui Nu; Jane Bergstrom, Delta Tau Delta and Kappa Alpha The ta. Gwen Endicott, Orides; Betti Fackler, Phi Kappa Pal and Sig ma Phi Epailon; Patty Kagan, Signia Chi; Betty Frey, Alpha hall; Shirley Gerhart. Chi Psi: Janet Gustafson. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Pat Hoy, Delta Zeta, Tau Kap pa Epsilon; Jill Hutchings, Phi Delta Theta; Jody Klnhre, Alpha Tau Omega; La Rae Koon, Delta Delta Delta; Leila Lemmon, Pi Kappa Alpha. Jean Miller, University house; Bitsy Mills, Carson 4; Colleen Moore, Carson 2; Phyllis Pear son. Alpha Chi Omega, Beta The ta Pi, Carson 3 and Lambda Chi Alpha. Joan Price, Gamma Phi Beta and Phi Sigma Kappa; Jackie Robertson, Phi Kappa Sigma and Pi Beta Phi; Linda SchumaJtor,; Alpha Xi Delta; Sue Silverthorrje, Sigma Alpha Mu; Six' Smyth, Delta Gamma. Pat. Syk^s, Zeta Tau Alpha; Roberta Toner, Alpha Omleron Pi; Gail Went, Alpha Delta PI, and Barbara Wilcox, Swann Campbell, Theta Chi and Sigma Kappa. The first elimination of the nominees will be held Tuesday at 0:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Girl* will wear either cottons or campus clothes. The second eliminations will bo Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Girls will wear short silks and heels. Times for each girl's Interview will 1ms released by the Queen Selection committee Tuesday. Advertising Honorary Elects Miss Runberg Donna Runberg, Junior In Jour nalism and Emerald business manager, was elected president of Gamma Alpha Chi, national women's advertising honorary. Other officers elected at the Thursday night meeting were; Barbara Wilcox, vice-president; Jean Sandine, secretary, and Karolee Peters, treasurer. Buy 1Vi: 1 ■% CHESTERFIELD Largest selling cigarette in America's colleges You’ll SMILE your approval of Chesterfield's smoothness mildness—refreshing taste. You’ll SMILE your approval of Chesterfield’s quality— highest quality—low nicotine. IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD — /JA/ NO CIGARETTE SATISFIES LIKE CHESTERFIELD 7 & Lick,nr h Mrtu Toucco Co