Ducks Top Bearcats; Meet Liniield Today i.KOKGK SHAW, twice and three times all Northern IMilsion In Iwirliail, hit a home run Friday against Willamette »' he continued to pare the I>urk diamond team in hitting- Shaw 11 III l»e in renter field today when Coach I»on Klrseh'n Webfoot* tangle with IJnfield in a doulileheader on Howe field. By Buzz Nelson Emtiilii Attitunl Spout Editor Oregon's powerful b a a e b a 11 (earn measured Willamette U. 11-0 and 13-3 Friday afternoon Ik they ran their winning streak So five straight and their season's record to 7-3. Both games were cut to seven innings. A Saturday doubleheader with Ltnfield was rained out, but the games will be made up today and Tuesday. Today's schedule calls for two seven inning contests against the Wildcats, starting at 1:30 p.m. on Howe field. A single game will be played Tuesday, starting at 3 p.m. and also on Howe field. The twin bill versus Willamette was featured by some robust Oregon hitting and the one-hit shutout pitched by Terry Maddox in the first game. Moddox faced only 24 batters in his pitching gem. The lone hit was a bloop single by Wes Mal colm in the fifth inning. Maddox received good support afield with outfielders Jerry Ross and George Shaw coming up with sparkling catches. John Keller scored the first Oregon run as he walked, moved up on Ross's single and scored on Bob Wagner’s ground out. Ross tallied on an error. George Shaw led off the fourth with a home run to run the score to 7-0. Dick Schlosstein was hit by a pitch and scored on Wag ner's double. The final two runs came in the sixth as Shaw and Williams tal lied on three Willamette errors. Williams started the second game as pitcher and hurled cred itable ball for the six innings he was in the game. He allowed eight hits, walked two, and gave up three runs, none of which were earned. The Ducks were again aided by very poor infield play by Wil lamette. Coach John Lewis' club made six errors in each game. Willamette jumped to an early 2-0 lead, but Oregon put the game away in the third inning with seven big runs. Schlo&stein, Jim Pingree, Keller, and Johnson collected hits as the Ducks took advantage of four errors. Williams was the hitting star of the day with four hits in eight at-bats. Since returning from California he has hit 8-for-16 and raised his batting average to .333, second only to Shaw's .400 among the regulars. Summary: Fir*! game Willamette Zicgclmati. 21* Nelson, *» Shugarta, c( N'rffcndoH, 3b McCa Water. If .... Brown* lb Patton, c Malcolm. r< p Luca*, p Totals Oregon Keller, ** Ro*%. If Shaw, cf SchloMtein. lb Wagner, rf W IIHif, 3b Johnson, 2b M.-Irtf. c Bowen, c . Maddox, p . Totals Willamette Oirgon B J J S J 2 H u 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 21 B J H 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 3 8 1 1 27 21 A o 4 (I 3 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 13 11 A « o! o o: 11 3 I 3 0 ! 0 : ■> 000 000 0 0 222 30.’ * 11 Pitcher - IP All R Keller 4 20 9 l.tica* 2 7 2 Maddox 7 21 0 H ER BB SO 9 6 3 I 0 0 1 I I 1 0 2 4 K Zicgelman, \ekon 2, Netfcndorf 2. i Brown. R Keller 2, Ro*v, Shaw 2. Schlo. itein. Wagner 2, Williams 2. Maddox. RBI Ko** 2, Wagner 3, Johnson 2, Maddox 3B -Wagner. Ilk Shaw. SB kos* Khaw. Sac. Wagner. John-on. Mad do* Ilk Schlonatein f Feller) Patton 1 Mad lox). WP Luca*. Lett Oregon 5, Wil larnettr 3. T 1:30. Second game : Willamette B Burdg, 2b 3 /irgelman, »» 3 Lray. If 4 Brown, lb 2 kerd. lb 2 McCalluter, cl.4 Neffendorf, 3b 4 Backlund, c 3 Lip*comb. rf . 3 Butler, p 2 'Kanga- I Luca*. p 0 H O A 0 3 1 1 2 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 2 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total* 31 8 IS 7 Oregon B Keller, n* ... .. . 2 * * Forbe* 1 Nolo*, %% . .. ..I Johnnon, 2b 4 Ltrodefl, 2b Miaw. cl 2 '••Archer, cl * .1 >chlo««tein, lb 3 kmgree. If 4 William*. p 4 r)l*en, p ... . 0 AvertII. rl 3 VlarUrtt. c .. 3 Bowen, c 1 Bond, 3b 1 H O A 1 I 0 000 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 6 0 1 1 0 j 2 I I ; 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 • 0 1 0 1 0 1 i Total* 30 9 21 7 Willamette 200 001 0 3 Oregon 107 303 * 13 Pitcher Ik All Butler 5 23 Luca* 1 6 William* 6 28 1 3 k H Kk BB SO 10 7 9 7 2 3 2 0 0 1 I 3 8 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 1, *Kanga» safe on error for Butler in 6th. For lie* Hied out for Kelier in 5th. •••Archer grounded out for Shaw in 5th. K Ziegelman. Brown. Backlund 2, Lip -corah. Butler, Schlo*-tein 2, William*. K Burdg. Zirgelman. Ltpftcomb. Keller, John wni. Shaw, Schlo*«tein. kingree 2, Wil liam* 3. Averill. Marlett, Bond 2. KRI f'.ray. Brown. Keller 2. Schlo*»tetn. Wil liam* 3. Bond 3 HR William*. Bond. SB Keller. Bond. I>cft Willamette 9 Oregon 6. l*mps Scbopf and Cornacchia. T 1:55. Head Kmerald Classified Ads Frosh Track Squad Downs Eugene High Ham Whitney won three events and two other Frosh were double winners Friday as Oregon’s freshman track squad opened its IASS season with a 75 1/3-44 2/3 win over Eugene high school on Hayward field. The Ducklings won 11 first places out of the 14 events with Whitney, Bob Drynan and Jack Morris combining to capture seven. Only Eugene wins came in the 220-yard dash, where Pete King of the Eugene state bas ketball champions scooted home in 23.5, the shot put and discus. Whitney, ex-Benson high of Portland ace, displayed lots of versatility as he pole-vaulted 12' 6", broad-jumped more than 20 feet and won the 120-yard high hurdles in 16.8 to win all three ; events. Drynan, former Albany star, was the winner in both the 440 yard dash and 880-yard run. Mor ris. ex-Medford state champ in IM Schedule Monday Softball 3:50 Nestor hall vs. Hunter hall, north field. Sigma Nu vs. Phi Kappa Psi, south field. Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. The ta Chi, upper field. 4:55 Sigma Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi. north field. Phi Delta Theta vs. Alpha Tau Omega, south field. Phi Gamma Delta vs. Lambda Chi Alpha, upper field. Tennis 4:00 Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Nes tor hall, courts 4, 5, 6. Golf Cherney hall vs. Delta Up silon. Oakway. the hurdles, was first in both the 100-yard dash and the 180 yard low hurdles. 100*yard dash- 1. Jack Morris (O), 2. King (E), 3. Brown (£). Time . 10.6. 220-yard dash I. Pete King (E), 2. Brown (K), 3. Rogers (()). Time: 23.5. 440-yard dash 1. Boh Drynan (O), 2. Poindexter (E),3, Dennischard (E). Time; 53.6. 880-yard run 1. Boh Drynan (O), 2. Mrskimen (0)f 3. Shaddy (E). Time;: 2:03.3. Mile run 1. Don Meskimen ()), 2. VV'it bert (E), 3. Morse (E). Time: 4:42.5. 120-yard high hurdles—1. Sam Whitney (O), 2. Holloway (E), 3. Stewart (E). Time. 16:8. 180-yard low hurdles 1. Jack Morris (O), 2. Geiger (F.), 3. Heaves (O). Time: 21.2. Shot-put' 1. Have Lockard (E), 2. ft) Alvardo i.O) and Kerschner (O). Distance: 45’ 3 \ Discus \. John W'illemer (E), 2. Kerschner (G)t 3. Lockard (S). Distance: 131’. Javelin 1. Norm Chapman (O), 2. Steen (O), 3. Brabham (E). Distance: 148\ ! Broad jump 1. Sam Whitney (O), 2. * Tenney (O), 3. Gabriel (E). Distance: 20' 9". High jump 1. Ted Tenney (O), 2. (t) Livingston (O), King (Ej and Brumley (Ej. Height: 6’. Pole vault — I. Sam Whitney (O), 2. Blevins (O), 3. (t) Holstrom (E> and Margan (E). Height: 12' 6 *\ 440-yard relay—W*on by Oregon (Bob Rogers, Bob Midgley, Bert Wffisams, Jack Morris). Time: 45.5. the “pain" mutiny Overboard with tight collars and stiff shoulders! AFTER SIX brings a wave of new comfort, "natural styling stain-shy finish! 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