Letters to the Editor iiiimii The Charge ... \|| Open ls-ttcr to Holt Schooling, “Veterans’ Com inuuder” of “The Veterans’ Committee of More Than Ten:*’ Sir, you have chosen to con demn n faction (The Veteran*' Committee i before it ha* been given a chance to prove itscetf . . , nml by your action*, activities, and your very worda, you have stated that: I) You util “go on opposing the group,” without, in all fairness, giving It a chance to prove its worth; Z) You, personally, are “op posed to nil student veterans’ organizations;" 3) You feel that “there are no Issue* worthy of veterans’ study.” (or anyone else’s for that matter); and 1) You feel that our study ing of problems such as mar ried veterans’ re-imbiirsement for housing Improvements, tv it clien e e sectionalism at games, deferred living for women veterans, improvement of Informational service t„ vet erans and the prospective vet eran student, and many oth ers, would comprise “mud sllnglng’* at an Institution where you call yourself a "citi zen.” As "citizens of Oregon" I think your group should at least see what we ate trying to