Puzzled SOMEWHAT worried by it alt. Harold E. Stassen, rv-fun“ign oprrattniw administration di rector, hears that Senate prob ers plan full-scale investigation j of Pakistan grain storage con tract. reportedly awarded to I highest bidder. (International) Campus Briefs 0 Infirmary patients Thurs I day were: George Austin, Dag ; mara Hill. Suzan Wallcott. Jan Young. Matlene Sledge. Mary ; Pocock and Paula Smith. 0 The YWCA sophomore cab ! inet will meet a: noon Monday jin Gerhnger hall. Patronize Emerald Advertisers Campus Leaders Appear on Panel Bob Funk, last year's ASUO vice-president; Bob Schooling, co-chairman of the Canoe Fete; Andy Berwick. SU Board chair man. and one member of the ASUO senate will comprise the student portion of the ASUO sponso red student government panel April 14. it was announced Thursday. Faculty members will be Les Anderson, University alumni sec retary and ASUO president in 1942-43. and Bill JBowerman, as sistant athletic director. ASUO vice-president in 1934. The discussion is open to all students on campus and will be held in SU 334 at S p.m. Free coffee will be served. 'Blood Wedding' Tickets Available Tickets are still available for the Saturday night performance of "Blood Wedding.” the Univer sity Theater's production of this Spanish poetic drama by Feder ico Garcia Lorca. The production is being hand led entirely by Helen Watson Adams as work towards her mas ter's degree and is the first thesis production to be presented by the University Theater. Tickets may be obtained at the University Theater box office for SI after 1 p.m. Reservations can be obtained by calling 5-1511 or ext. 401. No tickets are available for tonight's performance. If you're partial to prints, choose this sweet cotton confection by Johnnye Jr. To sun in . .. dance in ., . the heart-shaped top outlined in delicate pleating twinkling with rhinestones. Wide shoulder straps end in back bows . . . skirt is fully gathered to fall in soft folds. This wrinkle-defying cotton in Blue, Green or Gold, sizes 7 to 15. $9.95 WILLIAMS 10 15 WILLAMETTE ST. Dorwin Elected President of IFC Kent Dorwin, junior in history and president of Sigma Chi, was elected president of the Inter fraternity council Thursday night in a meeting held at Gerlinger hall. Dorwin, who succeeds Peter Williams, defeated Darrell Britt san. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Jerry Farrow. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Jud Smith. Phi Kappa Psi, for the position. Other officers elected include Farrow, vice-president, and Ir win Caplan, Sigma Alpha Mu. secretary-treasurer. The council also discussed plans for Duck Preview and heard a progress report on Oper ] at ion Easter Egg. Ray Hawk, director of student affairs and adviser of the organ ization. issued an invitation to the group to hold its next meet ing at his home May 21 Inspectors Wanted By Civil Service The United States Civil Serv ice commission has announced an urgent need in the federal service for persons qualified for the position of Patrol Inspector (trainee). The positions pay $3795 a year and are in the Immigration and Naturalization service located principally in the Southwestern part of the US. To qualify, applicants must pass a written test and roust be in excellent physical condition. The maximum age limit (waived for veterans! is 35 years. Further information and ap plication forms may be obtained from the US Civil Service com mission, Washington 25. D.C. Ap plications should be mailed to the Board of US Civil Service exam iners. Immigration and Natural ization Service, Temporary Building X. 19th and E. Capitol St., Washington 25. D.C. Appli cations will be accepted until further notice. Dental Assistants Eligible for Jobs Dental assistant positions with the Bureau of Indian Avails, Department of Interior, and oth er federal agencies in the states of Idaho, Washington and Ore gon are now open, according to the United States Civil Service commission. Applicants for the position must take the Civil Service examination and have a mini mum of six months training or experience as a dental assistant. The dental assistant position pays $2750 to $2950 a year. Complete information and ap pdication forms may be obtained by contacting the Civil Service representative in this area. In formation may also be obtained from the Regional Director, 11th Civil Service region, 302 Federal Office building, Seattle, Wash ington or from the Northwest board of Civil Service examiners, Department of Interior, P.O. Box 3537, Portland, Oregon. Ice-O-Rama Appears At Piluso's Night Club Something new in entertain ment for Eugeneans is being of fered at Piluso’s in the form of an ice show, the Ice-O-Rama, starting Shirley Winter. The cast of twelve is composed of Canadian Figure Skating Champions. Included are Leon and Edi, comedians on ice; Jean LeMieux, adagio artist, and four lovely ladies, The Icebergettes. There are two shows each eve ning. Want Ads TELEPHONE 5-1 SI 1 - EXT 31S « EMERALD OEFICE-Ind FLOOR ALLEN HALL RATES: 4 Cents per Word First Insertion, 2 Cents per Word Tltoreefter. Do you want to sell? Selling enables you to make more money than uny other field. Whether you're male or fe male as long as you’re cap able and enjoy meeting peo ple I would like to give you a chance to earn all or part of your college expenses. A car is helpful. Send a card with your name, address and phone to postal box 5191. Eugene. 4-11 To any student Interested in making all college expenses by working only 25 hours a ' month. The Campus Spot light is for sale this term. Investment can be realized in two months. For com plete details call Garry Me Murray at 5-8416. 4-7 Get 1955 high-compression performance from your old er Plymouth with this spe cial aluminum finned head. Adds gus mileage, power. Simple to install. Costs $55, will sell for $25. Phone Ve neta 2896. I need three persons of high caliber to work with com pany opening new officse in this area. Work from 4 till 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply room 104, 885 Oak St. between 9 a.m. and 3 p.rn. 4-7-tf HI GANG When you're hungry, stop by the Hut at 14th and Willamette, or call 4-6319. 4-5 Sc 4-8 Lost Small black notebook with Shaffer pen and pen cil attached, near Library by Frank Walker. Phone 3-1014. 4-8 Furnished one-half duplex apartment. Hot water at all times. Close in at 124 East 13th Ave. 4-12 Unfurnished 2 bedroom house for adults. Children accept ed. Fireplace, storage space at 124 E. 13th. 4-12 Lost: Who has Herman the Elk head? 25c reward. Travis Cavens. Ph. 5-7801 4-8 COLLEGE MEN Earn $75 per week during fliimmfr. Part time work also available during bal ance of school year. Car necessary. Cash Hummer scholarships. Write Mr. Ar nold, P.O. Box M2, Eugene, for personal interview. 4-4tf ARE YOU PAYING A PEN ALTY FOR BEING UNDER 25? If you are married or fe male and now paying more than $30.40 a year for pub lic liability and property damage auto insurance re newals. you are throwing money down the drain. May flower will give you PL. & PD insurance for $15.20 per 6 months renewable. Check your old policy today. If you are paying a penally. STOP. See JERRY BROWN, y.ur * M A Y F L O W E R AGENT before you renew'. Ph. 4-9444, Res. 4-2957 or stop In at 962 Oak street. GET THE BEST FOR LESS, ITS GOOD BUSINESS. 3-29tf One girl student for part-time sales work over telephone. (Must have telephone avail able to use, i Hourly salary plus bonus Good speaking voice necessary. Send card with name, phone, and ad dress to P.O. Box 5191, Eu gene. Oregon. 4-8 Mis Kile, now at 1555 E. 13th, lias room for three boys for board alone. Phone 4-0122. 4-8 For Sale: 1951 MO-td. New battery ar.d motor overhaul. $825. Phone 0-5870 after 8 pm. 4-7 Royal de luxe portable type writer. $45. 4-0234, or ext. 418. Lee Rogers. 4-7 For Sale: ’54 Mercery Mon terey Coupe and M G. Sell or trade. Phone 3-4301. 4-8 Near campus, furnished apts. $75 & $50. 949 Alder, 5-4393. *4-13 For Sale: Boy's bicycle at Thrift and fRft Shop, 1363 Oak St. Phone 3-3861. 4-8 1 A«k for Stylo 84373 Sure thing for Spring... 3M We don't promise that gorgeous gals will go Into raptures over you just because you happen to be sporting an eye-catching pair of sharp new City Club Shoes—but it helps I $8*5 to *179* At odverti.ee/ in LIFE and ESQUIRE AUO oA to «. th. now WESBORO Shoo, for young mon. Own o complot. r ^J:pa,r WWIOt° 5HO« WAR OR OH for o, littio a. $23.85. J