Winnie and Guest' A_ >.sW OFKMNO ( \1£ IMMIK for ()uffn Elizabeth, I*rime Minister Winston Churchill, wearing: knee breeches, badges of honor, pays courtesy to monarch after resigning, age 80. Quern was his guest at formal dinner at Churchill's London residence. (International) S U Currents TGIF Party Plans Include 5 Numbers Five musical numbers are slat <•<1 for today's Friday at, Four program in the Student Union fishbowl, Mark Tapscott, Junior in speech, will sing, accompanied by Hob Hoy, freshman in music. The winners of the barbershop quartet, the Campbell club quar tet, will also sing and Ben Doris, freshman in liberal arts, will play the piano. Scheduled to provide solos for the performance are Claire Fry and Helen Johnson, sophomores in music. UO Delegation Attends Chemical Society Meet Pierre Van Rysselberghe, pro fessor of chemistry; William D. Clark, Curtis Borchers and Mark Bealor, all graduates in chem istry, and R. D. McCoy, resident fellow in chemistry, have been in Cincinnati the past week at tending meetings of the Amer ican Chemical society. Bealor has already arrived home, traveling by plane, and the others are expected to re turn the first of next week. Coffee Hour Series Features Students Jack Pierce, graduate in an thropology, will be the ft rut speaker in h newly-planned cof f'-e hour series starting tontght at 7:30 in t h*- Student Union browning room. The aeries is intended to fea ture the lectures of students. The subject of the first talk will be "Homeostasis and Hokum." Pierce plans to discuss conditions he observed as grader in under graduate anthropology. Under graduates accept nearly every th ng the ten hci tells them with out hesitation, he contends. Buddhist Honored (( iiHtimicd from pay? our) ulate a Buddhist temple interim. An image of the Buddhist mes stah, Maitrayn, whose coming to bring salvation to the faithful is scheduled for *5,670,000.000 years after Gautama's birthday, occupys a lower position in front of the imnge of Gautama. Two Flunking linages Flanking the image of Gau tama will he sculptured repre sentations of Analokitishvara, iKannani a reincarnation of the Buddhist who renounced his own expei lenced good deeds for the benefit of weaker souls anxious to get to Nirvana, the Buddhist Heaven. One of these images was cieat ed almost 1000 years ago, and She other about 500 years ago. These images will appear in much the same way as they would in h Japanese temple, lighted from below, as though from candles set on the altar table. The two latter images were purchased by Harada for Mrs. Gertrude Bess Warner, the donor-director of the museum during her lifetime. rJLiAlenituj -3n ...On KWAX 0:00 6:03 6:45 7:00 8:00 8:15 8:30 0:00 10:55 11:00 Sign On Dinner Hour Serenade News Till Now Philosophy Sen. Morae Letters from Italy U. of O. Radio Forum Kwaxworks Final Edition Sign Off SHISLER'S FOOD MARKET Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meats Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream OPEN FROM » A M. DAILY A SUNDAYS 13th at High St. TILL 11:00 £ Dial 4-1342 Michigan Professor To Speak at Assembly Konert Hal), professor of geog \ rapby anrJ director of the Uni versity of Michigan center for ; Japanese studies, will be the Uni versity Assembly speaker April 26. Hall is author of 42 books and articles, of which 22 pertain to the Far East area. His chief in i terests are in foreign area re search and cultural geography of the Far East, particularly Japan. He received his A.B., M.A. and Ph D. degrees at the University | of Michigan, the latter being re ! ceived in 1927. He has made field trips as di rector of geographic expeditions ! to the Republic of Haiti and in j 1924 and 1925, and has been di i rector of field expeditions to Japan in 1928, 1931, 1933 and | 1935-56. He has also made five l trips to Japan since World War jn. During World War I he was a combat intelligence officer, and : in World War II he was director ! f>1 the Pacific Coast office of the Office of Strategic Services. He r served in China and India in 1943 arid 1944. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, he has belonged to many research and geographical societies. He i is currently a member of the board of directors of the Human Relations Area Files, Inc. Law School Plans Traffic Conference The fourth traffic court con ference, sponsored by the law school and the general extension division of the state system of higher education, will be held at Fenton hall April 18, 19 and 20. The conference will be attend ed by municipal judges, justices ; of the peace and police officers from all over the state of Ore gon. The conference will center around the enforcement of traf fic laws. Addresses and dem onstrations concerning the sub ject will be presented. ANNUAL MEETING University of Oregon Co-operative Store 4:00 P.M. Thursday, April 14th Room 207, Chapman Hall Nominations will be held for new members on the Board of Directors. Pemey’s ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY! colorful casuals in Wellington Sears Sanforized topsail .... Sailcloth Separates T98 ¥ ^^0 Short Slacks wonderful casual separates you can mix and match with Penney's wide range of brilliant shades .... fashion first for comfort, style and good looks . . . plus easy care and long wear, yours in sizes 10-20. JACKETS SHORTS • TOGGLE PANTS • BRA_ -4.98 _2.79 3.98 _1.98 second floor • quality sportswear . ■■*<.■■ ■■ ^—»w.^uWm.^.w.Wh—....^^-^ ■ . , — . . _ L 1 JPlNNlV QUALITY IS YOUR GREATEST SAVING! |